#1 Thing Killing Your Spiritual Superpowers and Success

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

1 Thing Killing Your Spiritual Superpowers and Success Welcome to The Dr. Erin Show. This is a Top Spiritual Awakening & New Thought Ancient Wisdom Podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams!  Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and I’m committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you reprogram your subconscious, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. www.drerin.tv www.drerin.tv The Power Within✨👇 There is a great power within. It is faster than the speed of light.  The secret to turning on your God Force within is discipline to Source ONLY. You can’t be motivated by anything of the external world; not status, not awards, not any amount of money. If your reverence has those contingencies, your God Force will fade away.  Surrender Thy will be done.  The master must renounce needing to get anything from this world, seeking God Source within. Your supernatural powers will ignite. Then, you will be tests again. Will your ego attach to the supernatural powers? If so, your powers will diminish again. When your only Source is within and you only seek Source within, you will have the Queendom/ Kingdom and all things will be added; abundance, vitality, and love. What’s possible when you fully surrender and turn your life over to God Within? Infinite potential and all Divine Power! 💥    Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Trauma Coaching Series 52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series 12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series 40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series 12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series   www.DrErin.tv   TRANSCRIPTS: (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts, and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together we're awakening the world.  (00:37): Hello, future spiritual leader. I just want to start by saying that I see you. I know you, and if you're here in consciousness listening in to this podcast, I want you to know that I absolutely know that this is a divine destiny for you today. So today I want to talk to you about the number one thing killing your superpowers, how your consciousness is creating your suffering, disempowerment and your human vicious cycles. That's right. I'm going to break on down how to tap into your divine powers within and what's actually really stopping you from your supernatural abilities and creating abundance and vitality and love. So let's do this thing. So I'm having a lot of people write in, of course or in class and all around on social media, people talking about how do I turn on my spiritual gifts? How do I turn on my spiritual superpowers, my supernatural powers?  (01:31): How do I make millions of dollars bringing my gifts to the world? So not to unac acknowledge those desires, okay, I really get that you have a deep desire to fully live in your divine presence. But I'm here to say that what you are seeking is actually what's taking away the exact thing if you're seeking to turn on your superpowers is exactly what's holding you back. So to get vulnerable here, about a year and a half ago, I hit a low. It had been decades of doing deep, deep, profound spiritual work. And as they say, when your cup is full and it runs over, you will be able to really serve the world. So here I was after many, many years of seeking my spiritual awakening, and I had to learn the dance in that spiritual awakening of being able to go into the processes, into meditation, into prayer, and knowing that the only way I was going to be able to really tap in and got to the next level within those processes was to not desire anything from the actual meditation. So when I went down and I'd sit down for meditation, I couldn't think, well, I'm going to meditate in order to manifest something. Because when I did that, I realized it was actually worse. It would make the whole process not work. The only way I was able to really tap in  (02:58): And become an oracle and channel was really to renounce needing anything and really becoming the miracle of listening and being able to be with the beloved divine within and doing that deep, deep soul clearing work so I could tap into zero field and begin to get those beautiful, the beautiful wisdom, the infinite intelligence be able to have downloads from the universe. And in that, I began to become more powerful. I began to turn on more and more of my spiritual superpowers. I began to be powerful. People began to look to me for wisdom. It's the only reason why I was able to create what I was able to create in my business and be able to train people around the world. So what happened is over the years, my spiritual practice began to go down, down, down. I mean, I went from doing five hours a day to being lucky enough to get my 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the afternoon.  (03:56): And what I began to find is that my powers, I began to feel less powerful. We know we're always a divine source, but our experience of our divinity is one thing. We're always divine. We're always God's source, but we can experience being divided. We can experience being fully not empowered. So over the course of the year, over the years, a year and a half was my real low. A few things happened in our community and a woman that worked for me that was amazing, she's in my prayers to this day. We had a little bit of a falling out just the way that she left the company and the whole situation, I take full responsibility, but it was heartbreaking for me and I'm sure it was for her as well. And it disrupted some things in our community. And then there was another breakdown with another client.  (04:42): And as you'll hear me say, breaking down the humanness and the leadership that there is about one out of a hundred clients will be really a problem. 80% of your clients will be probably amazing, 20% will be somewhat antisocial and find problems that you'll have to deal with. And 1% will be one to 2% will be a sociopath level of consciousness. And this is just stats. Okay? So a year and a half ago, I had a breakdown in my company and the community and it really took a toll on me and I really had to take a step back. And it really had me realize that I had to take full responsibility and I had to look at my life and realize that one thing that I had been doing was I hadn't been rev reviewing God's source within a divine source within as my number one priority. I began to hand my power over to the external world through just the status that starts to happen when you have more and more success. And I realized that I had done it, that that breakdown was my higher self demanding me to come back home. And so as you guys probably know over watching my journey, I chose to become a nomad for the last year to pattern interrupt and to  (05:57): Really get myself uncomfortable, if you will. But I needed to take that time to do a lot of my inner work and stuff. And I would just say that today's podcast is really the biggest teachings out of that beautiful chapter. So the truth is the power within the divine power within, I just posted on social media on Instagram, a picture of this woman that is the fastest runner in the world, and there's a scene where she wins a race and you can't help it but have chills going down. And it says me the moment that I tapped into my God source within the power within, right? And the point is, is that there is a power, a great power within. It's faster than the speed of light. It's literally consciousness. It's God's source. It is that which creates all but the secret to turning on your God force, your supernatural powers having all the money, dah, dah, dah, all that stuff.  (06:58): The secret to turning on your God force within is discipline to source only. What does that mean? That means we can't hand our power over to the external world. This is the trick, okay? This is a very counterintuitive thing. I work with people that are trying to develop their soul-based companies. They're discovering their soul's purpose through doing the deep, deep work of the trauma work and quantum healing and quantum manifesting, and they are motivated to bring truth and love and light and all the principles to the world. But for most of them, and for myself, the biggest thing that's holding us back is that we begin to get too much into the external world and we take away our own powers. Okay? This is a deal. You can't be motivated by anything of the external world, not status, not awards, not any amount of money.  (07:52): If your reverence is to those things of the external world, the dynamics of universal law will actually take away your supernatural and successful powers. Okay? It's a really crazy thing, but this is how the world works. This is the dynamics of how universal law works. As the saying is, thy will be done if we truly want to have power, if we truly want to have the world we have to have, thy will be done. And we have to renounce the whole world as we know it. That doesn't mean that we don't do our dharma, that doesn't mean that we don't help bring value to the world, but I'll get there. We have to first surrender. The first step is surrender. The first step is surrender, and that means I will be done. So surrender this can be a very usually doesn't happen easily, okay? It usually is some hard lesson like what happened, and it's a surrendering over and over again. So I just want to emphasize here that as a  (08:54): Teacher, I'm not saying that I'm perfect. I'm not saying that I'm anyone that says they're perfect on this planet. They may be enlightened, master, maybe up in the Himalayas and the caves, but in the western world, I would guarantee there is not a master walking over here, meaning they're students as well. They're teaching principle, they're teaching truth, but they're also still in the mastery of that. So the master, in order to really be the highest leader, the master, and we're in a mastery, okay? The master must renounce needing to get anything from this world, you must not look to the world for your source, okay? The master must seek God's source within the divine source, within the intelligence, within whatever you want to call it, okay? If you want to master, you have to revere and only seek the source within, okay? Your supernatural powers will ignite as you do that.  (09:59): Okay? So here is the biggest trick of all. This is the trick of the trick of the trick, okay? What happens is you begin to seek something within. Say you're not having success in this world. In fact, you're quite sad. You've had a lot of trauma, you feel hopeless and you may even feel suicidal. Okay? Please, if you're having suicidal thoughts, please seek help, mental support, a group, all that good stuff, okay? But let's just pretend that you are thinking, I don't want to live. Okay? Maybe you're not actually suicidal, but maybe you're like, I don't want to live, okay, I've been there, and you're like, I give up. And in that giving up, you actually surrender. This is what we've heard at Carole and so many masters that are masters that didn't want to live, and they surrendered at such a profound level that they handed their power over to source, they handed that power over within.  (10:51): And what happens is then all of a sudden you start having these profound abilities, all of a sudden your light starts shining. You have a radiance, you can't help it. You have wisdom that's been downloaded from God's source within, and all of a sudden you have more and more powers, and all of a sudden money starts coming to you ability to be fully expressed, beautiful, amazing relationships, prosperity, abundance, the opulence of life, the luxuries of life, all those things. So then what happens is all these supernatural powers come, all these successes, all these abilities. But guess what? You're tested again. If you attach the ego to those supernatural abilities, if you attach to that money, that status, those awards, that big house, that whatever car, right? Whatever it is, you will begin to lose your powers again. Holy cow. This was a game changer for me that was like, oh  (11:52): My gosh, I've done it again. The amnesia sets in. Again, as I say, the only dis-ease is amnesia. So the amnesia of remembering the principles that we teach, the most humbling things a teacher is when you're teaching it and you forget it yourself and you're like, damn. And that's why teach it is because I want to remember it every single day. So will your ego attach to the supernatural chill powers, right? Will your ego attach to your status? Will your ego attach to the money and the power and having clients and all that stuff, right? If it does, then your powers will diminish again. So when your only source is within and you only seek source within, and you're literally serving your higher self, right? You're serving your God self, you're serving that part. You're saying, use me for the highest good. Use me as the vessel.  (12:45): Use me as the channel. Use me as the oracle. Seek God within and receive the kingdom, right? You will begin to have the queen, the kingdom that all the heaven on earth, you will be placed back into the Garden of Eden and all things will be added. You will have the abundance, you will have the vitality, you will have the love, you will have the opulence, you'll have all that. As long as you're not attaching to that, you can play in that without clinging to it, without identifying with it. You can play this great game called life with all the luxuries, but you have to, it's a mental universe. It's a mental game. We're in here, okay? What's possible when you fully surrender and tur