#1 Top Transformation & Breakthrough Hack

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Okay. You ready for it? I'm going to give you the secret of the secret, the key, the actual one thing that has people transform. So whether you're looking to have a huge breakthrough in an area of your life, you want a major transformation, or whether you're somebody that really desires to become somebody that can give somebody a great transformation, take them through great transformation. You definitely wanna listen to this podcast. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So as a doctor divinity, somebody who has, you know, held many, many transformational events around, um, Los Angeles area, for sure. And, uh, different parts of the world, I have touched and moved and transformed. (01:12): Thousands of people touching hundreds of thousands of people online. And I'm gonna break it on down for you. Okay. It comes down to one thing. And one thing only when somebody comes, they wanna break through, they wanna break through whether they're dealing with, you know, relationship issues. Maybe they're trying to find the one or their in a relationship that they just want them to change or whatever. It may be relationship things, whether it be their, their mother is bothering them or their child is going through addiction or whatever it is. Okay. So that's one of the areas of life. They want transformation in. The second area of life. People always want transformation in is money, honey, money and career. If I just make money, then everything will work out. If I can just get out of this job that I hate, then it'll work out. (01:59): If I can, you know, just make money and finally do what I wanna do or, um, whatever it may be in career. If I can just scale a little bit more, if I can just become a seven figure, whatever, if I can just build my team, if I can just money in career. Okay. A second area of life, people want transformation and third area of life. They want transformation and is health and vitality. I don't feel good. Something's wrong with me constantly not feeling well if I just lose that 10 pounds. Oh my gosh. Um, you know, if I just look better, you know, whatever, it may be, their, their health and vitality. It's something that people spend, how many dollars on, you know, the next supplement, the next, this, the next treatment, the next, whatever. I have people that in LA my gosh, they spend so much money on trying to get their energy high and their vitality high. (02:45): Right? And then finally, the other people really want transformation in the fourth way. Cuz we teach four legs of life that we're getting transformation in. The fourth is their self-expression. If I just know what my purpose is, then everything's gonna work out. I wanna breakthrough. I wanna know what my divine calling is. I wanna know what my mission is. This the breakthrough, right? So today I'm gonna break on down what it is. The one thing, okay. It comes always comes down to only one thing in transformation. How you get there can be multiple ways could be through trauma work can be through, you know, a harsh conversation can be through a meditation, can be through me, speaking on stage and having people see a new perspective and bingo pop, you know, we call it popping. We call it when people have a big transformation, we call 'em popping because they literally pop out of their old PI paradigm and transform their entire perspective. (03:39): Change in an instant. Their entire world will never look the same, who doesn't love a good transformation. I love a good transformation. I remember years ago going to, you know, landmark forum and different breakthrough things in seminars and reading books and having, you know, breakthrough after breakthrough transformation, after transformation, I remember going into meditation and every time I'd come out, it was like, whoa, a whole new perspective on something going into trauma. We're going into past life regressions going to all this going to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And the point is there's only one thing. The transformation comes down to transformation comes down to no longer placing your power out in the world. (04:26): It truly is the divine awakening. The divine awakening of the oneness, recognizing that all of life is just the projection and reflection of your own beliefs and identity. So that's the hack. The hack is to have a transformation for yourself, for your client is somehow there has to be that paradigm shift to recognize that life is not doing to you. You can never be the victim of life. That life is growing you and showing you your own belief system and how it's projecting out into the circumstances, your relationship into your health and into your purpose of your life. So how the F do you do it? (05:20): Obviously trauma work is the number one way that I've had people have their big epiphanies, the big transformation, and the reason why is this? There is a moment in the E four trauma method. There's a moment when I take a client into a, to a trauma, whether it be in this lifetime or a past lifetime in their epidemics of their lineage, when they recognize that during that moment, whether it be they were being raped, whether that was a breakup, whether it was, they got a phone call that was traumatizing, whether they in a car accident, whether they were, um, diagnosed with cancer, whether they were X, Y, and Z, whatever the trauma is, there is a moment. There's a moment when they decided something that was limited. A limited belief, we call it commands something that had them divided, divided in their perspective, divided in who they were as a spiritual being divided. Meaning I'm not enough meaning something's wrong with me, meaning whatever. And in that moment, in that trauma, in that E four method session, there is a moment. There's a moment when they realized that they created their own suffering, they created their own limitations. (06:50): They commanded something into their own subconscious mind that was in plain out like puppet strings in their life. They realized that they're the creator. And so what is transformation it's really beyond the form. Breakthroughs and transformations means going beyond the form, a meta metamorphosis, a breakthrough, a quantum leap, whatever you wanna call it, it comes down to one thing. And one thing only, it comes down to no longer placing your power out in the world and recognizing the truth of who you are. You are a divine, all powerful, infinite, spiritual being. And I'm here to say that I went through many different programs for transformation. Some were, some were great, but they didn't get down to the real stuff. They said surface. They had me, you know, there was transformation on, um, different perspectives of life. But I truly believe until the transformation actually gets down into spirituality, gets down into the metaphysics, get down to understanding the power of the mind. And that's why I am forever, totally loyal to S's mind, to science and mind understanding our spiritual nature to spirituality, to the new thought movement. I am so committed to this work because I've been through every transformational program. And until I understood the power of mind and that I'm a spiritual being the transformations didn't last. (08:41): It's great. It's great to go to a seminar and transform and see things in a new perspective and get all motivated. And then you go home and then you're like, huh? Why do I feel like crap again? Why do I feel like I'm not powerful? What's going on? Right? Cause we haven't gotten to the core. We haven't gotten to the core principles that are the principles of true freedom. Transformation comes down to one thing. And one thing only it's recognizing the truth of who you are. You are a divine creator, you are source and all of life is just a mirror for you to wake up for you to experience the depths of consciousness, the depths of your soul and form everything. Everyone is the projection of what's happening in mind. That is true transformation. So if you're somebody that wants a profound transformation, a life changing transformation, or if you're somebody who truly desires to be able to be somebody that's able to help someone else transform, help bring clients and create programs and do all the work you've got to master this one principle, you've got to master it. So how do you do it? You do it through deep trauma, work through E four trauma method to have those epiphanies, to truly neutralize all, all the BS of being the effect of whatever happened in life trauma. Isn't what happened to you. Trauma is what happens within you. It's the meaning that you put on it. And therefore all trauma is created from myself. (10:21): All trauma is created from myself. And so in that I know, I know that you are capable of all the greatest trans women. Imagine yourself. Imagine yourself as somebody who absolutely is untouchable, who absolutely knows they can create anything with whatever life throws at them. I know for certain that this is the truth and the truth shall set you free. And so in this, if you wanna be the a world renowned someone who can completely transform lives, I promise you I'm your gal. I promise you. We have the greatest teachings. It's not just my teachings. Okay? We come from a lineage, a lineage of new thought movement, a lineage of science of mine, a lineage of uni, a a lineage of, of spirituality of core work, everything from trauma, work, everything from spiritual mind, treatment, everything from, from understanding and being able to transform your life with lasting results. (11:17): I see people, I watch people completely transform in front of my eyes, from their physicality, to their relationships, to their businesses, to their health, to their relationship, with themselves, to being able to make an impact and a legacy in this life. And I'm just here to say it is your time. It's been a hell of a ride the last couple years for all of us. It's no joke what's going on out there in the world. And here, I'm here to say that if you don't commit to your own transformation, it's gonna be a really, really tough ride. I don't know how people do it without fully knowing who the fuck they are. That's what I know. I know that you deserve to know who you are for you to fully be the empowered person that y