100% Response-ability for Your Life

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Are you ready to take 100% responsibility for your life? Well, then this podcast is for you. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We're all about spiritual awakening. We're all about universal law, metaphysics reprogram the subconscious mind, clearing the soul so that you can download your highest program, which is divine, which is God, which is source, which is the ultimate. You let's do this thing. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening a billion people across this planet. (00:50): So I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. And we're gonna break this on down. So the question I have for you to really ask yourself deep, deep, deep, within your soul, taking a deep breath into the nose and exhaling out, are you ready to take 100% responsibility for your life? And if the answer is, yes, I highly, highly, highly recommend turning off everything and taking your attention into this deep dive of consciousness, because we're gonna blow the concept of what it means to be responsible for your life. We're talking about radical responsibility. And so in this right now, let's just break this on down. Where do you feel like you're not responsible in your life? Maybe something really bad happened to you. Maybe somebody raped you, maybe, uh, you had an ex that was mean that cheated. Maybe the economy has impacted your life. (01:52): Maybe the lockdown has impacted your ability to be completely at your mental capacity. And I get it. Life happens. Life is not necessary, fair, but is it, we're gonna break this on down from a standpoint of how you are creating all of your life. And until you recognize that from a spiritual perspective, it would be impossible for you to take responsibility around it. So from a soul perspective, obviously we are one our, our main and core principle that we teach in new thought global and society, and in new thought movement and unity and all these principles, metaphysics is oneness that there is one core source and it's you, it's a true aspect of yourself. However, we're in this individualized expression of the divine. And so it's natural. It's natural to feel separate. It's natural to feel like we can be the effect of the world, of the environment of people, places and things. When in reality, we are the first cause we have created all of the universe and we're here experiencing the cause and effect of everything that we've created, the good and bad in this (02:58): Planet. Yes, that's right. We, the one created all of it. There's one live one soul. And one thing going on, which is growth, which is love, which is the expansion in a relative way through the universe. But let's break this on down a little bit more. I'll never forget. It was years back. I had been diving into the lab of attraction. I had watched the secret. I had gone to every seminar under the sun. I had taken courses. I had hired, you know, different people and all kinds of things. I had worked with shamans. I had got my nine rights in shamans. I had taken leadership courses. I had taken spiritual things. I had meditated for years and years and years. And yet there was something missing. And I didn't know what I knew what I should eat, but I would still kind of sabotage my diet with, you know, different processed foods and things. (03:45): Right. I would know who I probably shouldn't be dating, but I date them anyway. People who are completely unavailable going through the vicious cycle of codependency, the ins and outs, the breaking up, the getting back together. I knew what I probably should do in business, but instead I didn't listen to my intuition. I kept doing what I thought the culture thought I should do so I could be good enough. Right. You know, about these cycles, just human beingness in of itself. And one day I meant a great mentor of mine. He's passed away now, but he was like this jovial, incredible magician. He knew all about the universe, all about the laws. And I'll never forget. He said something to me. He said, the universe has to agree with you a hundred percent of the time, how you think it is, how you feel it is how you believe it is. (04:35): It is the universe responds with a hundred percent accuracy and I'll never forget it. It was like the whole universe kind of stopped moving, Ugh, like a crash. And I thought, whoa, the universe has to agree with me a hundred percent. Wow. What am I putting into and projecting in and believing and communicating with the universe. And so I wanna break down a few things of the way that we communicate with the universe, which we don't even realize that we're communicating. Right? We teach that it truly is the identity. The moment that you consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am anything than pure potential, you are creating a limited belief, a limited identity doesn't mean it's bad. Doesn't mean it's good. It's just a limited identity. And in instantaneously in that consciousness, we literally are, are, are creating polarity in the universal law. We're literally creating the dynamic of life. So we create, and we understand that it comes from identity and identity creates belief and belief creates thoughts and thoughts, create feelings and feelings, create the emotions and emotions create the circumstances of your life. (05:51): So one way that we do it is something where it will occur or not occur out in the world. And we instantaneously place a meaning on it, a positive or negative meaning and instantaneously, we feel positive or negative. And that transcends into our attitude, into the circumstances. And we begin to, you know, respond from something that we think happened out there in the world. But instead it's actually something that happened within it's the same with trauma. As you guys know, I'm the creator of E four trauma method, uh, which got me the 20, 20 Waldo wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey, Greg Braden and Michael Beckwith. And what I have found in trauma is that trauma's not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens within you. And back in say, 1970s, we used to think that trauma was only for very few people. It was not that common only if you'd been in, you know, the war or a major car accident. (06:49): But now we realize that everyone has trauma. And in fact, something like 60% of people I've been in something pretty significant like domestic violence or, um, you know, sexual abuse or something like that. And so the reality though, is that everyone's been through trauma because trauma's not what happens to you. It's what happens within you. So again, taking full responsibility for our life, what does it look like? It doesn't mean that it, that the person wasn't bad that, you know, raped somebody or killed somebody. But it means that we have to realize that we created the trauma in that how we made the meaning of what happened or didn't happen. We instantaneously created a high frequency of an emotional state, a negative, incredible emotional state. And in that moment we decided a command. We decided something to the fact of, I'm not enough. I'll never love again, I can't do this. I don't wanna live something's wrong with me and so on and so forth. And in that moment in the traumatic incident, no matter what happened, no matter how bad it was, or maybe someone just didn't show up to Valentine's day or whatever it is that trauma happened because of what you created within yourself. (08:07): And so in this taking responsibility, as I say, when we take responsibility, when we know the truth, it's not easy at first, but then it gets easier and easier. The paradox of taking responsibility for our lives is that it is hard. We have to take responsibility, but at the same time, it is liberating. And this is the paradox of taking a hundred percent responsibility for our lives. Another way that we create our lives into existence, knowing that we are a hundred percent responsibility responsible for our lives is a really interesting distinction, which is evaluation. What we do often is we will make a decision, but we don't realize that we made the decision. We will justify and evaluate (08:55): How are you today? Oh, I'm good. Yeah. Life is good. Oh, I'm not so good. Let me tell you why. And then we place all of our power of why we're not good out in the world. Yeah. Well, you know what, you know, I don't, I don't really like the relationship. Yeah. He did this and he did that and, and therefore, I don't like it. Right. Um, I wanna stay in this job or I don't wanna stay in this job. We evaluate it. Well, I don't like it because of the, the culture. Isn't what I want. Or I don't like it because of the way my boss kind of treats me or whatever, or, yeah, it's good. And the reason why is because, well, I get good benefits or whatever it may be, right. Instead of understanding that we are the powerful creator we create, we can't wait for the perfect job to show up, to love our job. (09:40): We can't wait for the perfect relationship to show up to be somebody that is unconditionally loving and expressed in our ability to love. We can't wait. Evaluation puts the power out in the world and instantaneously disempowers ourselves. And it goes like this, the moment that you place your power out into the world, into a relationship, a circumstance, life, whatever it may be, you instantaneously disempower yourself because the truth is that you are the creator and you can choose to create whatever you choose to create. It doesn't mean that you stay in a situation. It doesn't mean that you stay in a bad relationship. It means that you get really clear of who you are and what you are committed to creating. And then you create that. And whatever's not in alignment with that falls off, but you don't have to do it and justify it because of that. (10:33): This is a difference of taking responsibility, a hundred percent responsibility for your life or not another way, you know, we've been diving into responsibility and I'm so excited because we have new thought recovery as being launched with, which is gonna be head by Hillary Sepulveda. It's very exciting because we have so many people that come into our community that are dealing with codependency. It's an epidemic. Okay? Not just, you know, recovery is not just about alcoholism or drug use or whatever. Recovery's really about taking your power back and being a hundred percent responsible. And you know, we love 12 step. I think it's beautiful. And it helps a lot of people. However, having the identity I'm, you know, hi, I'm Erin, I'm a codependent. Hi, I'm Erin. I'm an alcoholic. No, I'm not actually, that's not my true identity. I'm a divine, powerful, spiritual being. I just happen to create myself in the experience of being codependent, by placing my power over and over