Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:01): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community in society and new thought global. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today let's talk about 2020, the great awakening on Wednesday morning, January 29th, 2020 space X successfully launched its fourth train of 60 Starlink satellites designed to become part of a satellite array providing 5g services worldwide. The first phase will total 1,584 satellites, and eventually we'll expand to 12,000 and then 42,000 satellites. So the great controversy of 2020 and the great awakening is the correlation between 5g and this pandemic. And if you go through even alternative doctors and astrologers and many great spiritual leaders, a lot of them are talking about the correlation of the quantum leap in electrical, electrical technology over the last pandemics of last 150 years. (01:42): For example, the 1918 Spanish flu was when the radio waves came out the year prior to and in world war II. One radar came about the Hong Kong flu came about and supposedly, uh, Wuhan is the first city that had a blanketing of 5g across it. And the point is that there is this concept, um, that viruses do not come from an external source. They come from the, um, the toxins within the cell that create an excrete, what are called viruses. And so in this, the, the point is this, is that what comes first? The chicken or the egg. That's what we're gonna talk about. We're gonna talk about 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, the great awakening. So the may calendars fasting as well, because the may calendar said that the end of time was in 2012. And many of the, uh, Mayan scholars are now saying that it is, uh, July 21st, 2020, and in prophecy in the Bible as well. (02:51): There are many concepts that there were at the end of the, of the, you know, life, as we know at time as well. And so here's the deal from a new thought perspective. This is what I am going to bring to the table. We teach that all of life is the out picturing of mind, and that consciousness is always expanding and that everything is in this relative form to create heaven or hell right here, right now, not afterlife. We don't believe in an afterlife. We believe that there's only right now and that you are able to create heaven and hell right now with consciousness. And your consciousness is not just your individual consciousness. Your consciousness is also the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. So we know that all of life is frequency and vibration. There is nothing solid. Everything from material belongings to your body to everything is all vibration. (03:49): That's all it is. It is put into form via the directing of energy upon universal mind for the experience of your life. And so we have to kind of take a look at this and back up, and I invite you to just kind of throw out every concept you've ever had of what's going on and, and why the politics are at the cause and why 5g is at the cause. And why, um, you know, if we just had equality on this world, everything would be better. Um, and the point is, is this is that when you take a look back and you step back for a minute and you get back into truth, the truth is that we are caused that spirit is caused. There is first cause, which is spirit. And if all of life is designed for our awakening, there has to only be one thing that's happening right now, which is the awakening to a greater higher version, more expanded and, and more expressed version of ourselves. (04:51): Okay. So we're going through what I would call birthing pains. We're going through the breakdown for the breakthrough. It's kind of like when you go to the next realm in a, you know, quantum field, you have to let go of everything you've ever known. And that is really what's going on right now that whether you wanna call the coronavirus, um, you know, the cause of all the breakdown, it just is not the case. The case is that it is consciousness and it's always consciousness that is creating everything. And, uh, the coronavirus is an out picturing of what's happening, which is us taking a quantum leap. The truth is that there is never the end of life. There's the end of time, the mind calendar state that there's the end of time prophecy. The Bible is of all, about the end of the world. As we know it, there's only life and you can't kill life. (05:46): There is only life. Energy can never be destroyed. It only rearranges into a new form. Okay. So the truth is, is that you have to ask yourself, you know, what's going on. And I would, I would attest to say that right now is going to be a very, very intense time. According to astrology, according to prophecy, according all these things, it's probably gonna be two years to a decade of kind of rearranging through this birthing process. Okay. So I myself have never experienced this level of randomness. I mean, in the last, um, you know, three months just going through everything, just going through, taking inventory and going into this next, uh, quarter, I always reflect back upon everything that's happened, what worked, what didn't work, what happened, what went on. And I look back on the last three months and it's like, holy moly. I mean, things have been birthed that are so beautiful. (06:44): We birth, um, inner circle. We have had, uh, such growth in the company and we've had incredible, you know, hard times in the world. I was going into a grocery store yesterday over in silver lake in Los Angeles. And I'm telling you what, I've never experienced anything like it. There was, there was people all over there was cops outside arresting people. There was homeless people going in to take showers in the bathroom. There was, I mean, it was just, it was like a war zone going on. LA is unrecognizable. In some areas, this city has completely shifted. There's still some beautiful areas and, and peace in a lot of areas and there's total war zone in other areas. And then after I went into the grocery store, I had to drive, I was driving downtown and I was driving through some side streets, cuz there was some traffic on the freeway at that point in time. (07:39): And I came upon, I think there was like 15 cop cars. I didn't even know what was going on if it was like a shooting or um, a riot or what was going on. And it was just pandemonium like everywhere. And I was like, holy moly is just so random. And then I've been going through, um, a random health issue, which I've never dealt with in my entire life. And um, and then I was driving down 1 0 1 coming back from Santa Barbara a couple weeks ago and this concrete truck just threw some concrete mud onto the freeway and it cracked my entire new windshield and kind of dinged up the front of my, uh, brand new range Rover. So it's like, there's been so much prosperity in my life and newness and beautiful things and also random stuff. And you know what? We would consider bad things and whenever, and if you've been watching me on social media and giving talks about this, that I don't label things as good and mad, I only label it as life. (08:41): It's all, it's all life there's, there's uh, good and bad in life and to love life is to love all of life. So right now in the 2020 great awakening, we need to recognize that this is not random, but it is random. It's just intensified heaven and hell will be intensified through this entire thing. And the cause and effect of, of use of the law of cause and effect will be amplified. Right? So if you're somebody that has not been taking care of your health or not doing things, you will have bigger health issues coming up, right. That happened with me, with my uterus. I'm going into a, I've already as this podcast come out. Um, I will have already gone into probably full hysterectomy, which is something that I, of course, I'm always about alternative medicine and always preventative. Um, but I obviously was not taking care of that area of my life because I was, um, going to traditional doctors and they di misdiagnosed me. (09:38): I probably was, should have been going to alternative doctors and handling it, uh, way up front and doing all kinds of alternative and preventative things. But, you know, the choices were made and cause and effect. And I'm a true believer in, um, in doing preventative things always. But the point is this is that there's nothing random. There is intensified cause and effect right now. So anywhere that you've been, uh, putting a lot of effort into creating prosperity in your life, you're probably going to rise exponentially, which we're noticing in society. We are rising exponentially in our company. Um, anywhere that you have been nurturing, good relationships or bad relationships, it's going to be amplified over this for you, right? So if you, I have beautiful relationships and all my relationships are being amplified. My mother and I have never been closer than we are right now through, uh, through this pandemic. (10:33): And, um, I have zero, uh, upsets in any relationships in my life right now, versus some people, you know, maybe they have had whatever is not quite right in their relationships. And they're all of a sudden in lockdown with partners and in having, um, having big arguments and there's a lot of domestic violence, right? So wherever in your life, and it doesn't mean it's all good or all bad, you can have things right now that are gonna be amplified and you're gonna have incredible, incredible things happen. Like things that you never even knew possible are gonna happen because that area of your life is going in a particular direction. Right? And then another area of your life could be health could be relationship could be wealth could be spiraling down because it is showing you the cause and effect exponentially. Right now, this is what's happening. (11:24): We're going past time as the may calendar says, as, as prophecy says in the Bible and so on and forth, because time is a unit of time. Th