Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:20): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community and society and new thought global. We are committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today I wanna talk to you about the opportunity is now this is the title of today's talk. The opportunity is now. So yesterday I was on a walk with the dear girlfriend over in Beverly Hills. Oftentimes during this time I've been going over about five, six o'clock in the evening, over to a beautiful area through the neighborhoods of Beverly Hills and going up kind of in power, walks up through the neighborhoods. And, um, sometimes we'll go down into the actual, like heart of Beverly Hills and get a tea or something like that. (01:15): And last night we went and, um, had a little tea and took it down to the courtyard next to the montage, which is a very famous iconic hotel in the heart of Beverly Hills. And they've got this beautiful courtyard right next to it. And on the other side of the courtyard, um, is, um, restaurants and restaurants above and, um, offices and all kinds of things. Well, we go into this courtyard yesterday and it's completely empty. The hotel is still shut down from the pandemic and the restaurant, um, is closed and the restaurant above actually went out of business before the pandemic. So here we were sitting in the middle of one of the most beautiful courtyards, um, one of the most expensive real estate, probably in the world and, uh, just sitting completely empty devastation if you will. You know, and I was sitting there thinking, and my girlfriend and I are both spiritual entrepreneurs, and that's why I love my girlfriend so much that are soul based and we pray together and we do business together and we just like to innovate and, um, think about all kinds of creating in life. (02:25): And we're sitting there chatting about life and we're, and she's actually in real estate. And, um, and we're looking around and we're thinking, look at the opportunity right now. Look at the opportunity when people look at what's going on the world, some people see it from the aspect, like it's all going down and the fear and all that. And, and we look at it like, oh my gosh, look at all this opportunity. That's sitting right here. And did you know that during the great depression in the 19, uh, 1920s? Um, and so on that there were more millionaires that were created during that time than any other time in American history. And so not everyone suffered during the great depression and lots of people did suffer, but more people became millionaires during this time in than any other time in history. So the reason why is because opportunities that were not present, um, you know, during the boom of the 1920s, but during 1929 and thirties and into the depression became a available, you know, there were so many business that went out of, of, of business, right? (03:33): So all of a sudden you've got people that went out of business. So there's still demand. There's still, people need things, right? So there's this great demand that that happens. And, um, the cost to begin business are much lower there's there. You can actually, you know, start a business with less money there. You can get loans easier, like in today's what we're gonna talk about right now. And everyone's sitting around waiting. So there's no, your competition is like going away. There's, there's things that bargain prices, because people, people aren't willing to take the risk and, and take debt on and things like that. Right. And finding employees and finding help is easier than ever because the unemployment rate is so high, right? So here we are right now. And, and you're, I'm gonna get, you're gonna a little get of my financial geek that I am, you know, when I'm not working, um, or, you know, spending time with dear friends and doing spiritual work. (04:31): One of my loves is watching, uh, financial, YouTube videos. I actually love watching. I have kind of three primary people that I kind of watch. And, um, Ray Dalio is one of them. Ray Dalio is, um, he has the largest hedge fund in the world. I think he's worth about 18 billion himself. He's been the industry for, I have no idea, 40 years or plus, um, Dr. Kiasaki, him and his wife, Kim, they, he wrote, wrote rich dad, poor dad. And he's a great go-to to understand the basics of financials. There's another gentleman called George Gamon. He's actually, um, kind of not a big name in the industry, but I've stumbled upon him. And he actually lives down south America, but I think he lived up here before, or no, maybe not. Anyway, he's great at really understanding cycles as well. He really gets some great charge together and really teaches. (05:25): And I just think it's really fascinating, especially right now, as we're in this, this time right now. So the reason why I'm saying this is because obviously I work with, um, people who are deciding to really rise in their spiritual entrepreneurship or in their spiritual leadership or taking their soul-based businesses online. And I truly believe that right now is one of the greatest opportunities to launch your company online because so many people are looking online, they're sitting in their homes or online more than ever. Um, they are, you know, they're not necessarily gonna go back to their office, um, and commute to work. They're gonna be doing their work from home. So the online world is already was big. And now it's even just, it's exploding through this entire pandemic and lockdown and stuff, right. So right now is, you know, churches, they can only have a maximum of like a hundred people at their, even when their doors O reopened, right? (06:24): So people are doing their services online. People are looking for coaches online because people realize also that their shifting in values are changing dramatically right now. So the opportunity is now right now, more than ever. And people might say, what do you mean? You're crazy. We we're going into a depression, right? So let's break this on down for a minute. Okay. I've been doing a lot of research around this a lot. When I'm driving, I put on YouTube videos around this. I have been, I've been researching from the best of the best minds in the industry that can really educate us and help us understand what's going on and kind of being able to somewhat predict. Um, and I don't think we can ever totally predict, but we can take a look at some of the cycles that have happened in the past, and we can look at what's happening now. (07:14): And so I think one of the, the greatest, um, videos on that was done by Ray Dalio, he has a great, um, uh, video out there on the machine of the economical machine. And he walks you through the a hundred year cycle and what happened in the, um, great depression and why that happened and why we're in a very similar predicament as a country, but we can choose to do something different about it. So what happens is there's long term debt cycles, there's short term debt cycles. There's all kinds of things that happen. And right now we're in a real predicament. And the reason why is because one, what happens when we get into kind of financial, uh, disarray is the central, um, bank is able to basically, um, print more money or they're able to drop interest rates. And right now the interest rates are so low that they can't drop them anymore. (08:07): So that's not really gonna work anymore. Right. And if they print more money, we were so, I mean, they printed trillions of dollars, um, in the 2008 downturn. So if they print a lot more money, we're already, money's almost like, you know, it's just becoming worthless because there's so much money in print. Right. Which means we'll have a lot of inflation, which means, um, and I'm gonna bring you back to why it's so important to, to launch your business online because you, your online business is assets. Okay. Um, because it's generating cash flow. Okay. So right now is the greatest opportunity history. So right now we are looking at a potential major depression and how the, um, how the central bank will most likely try and put that off if you will, or, um, change the illusion of it. Because we know that money's just an illusion and this whole, thing's a game here in this universe that they will most likely print trillions of dollars and where that money goes is. (09:07): Yeah, we'll go a little bit to, um, to the, uh, different things, but it primarily goes to assets. Okay. So go into homes and into the stock market and into where people borrow money because the entire flow and currency of an economical, um, system is all based on debt. Okay. If you take a look at the amount of money out there in the world, I believe it's only about, um, like $3 trillion or something is actual cash. The rest is all debt. So how we keep and flow is actually how our debt, so if debt goes away, then we're in, we don't have a flow to our currency. We just wanna have a flow to it. And that's a very advanced conversation and I'd highly recommend watching Ray Dalio's video on that. Um, the other person that I watch is Dr. Kiyosaki, him and his wife, Kim amazing people. (10:00): And they really teach how assets versus liabilities in the basis of how to get ahead financially. And one thing I've learned over years of being, um, somebody who loves finances and also understands and loves being a sole entrepreneur, is that we've got to build assets. And so right now it's imperative that you build and your skillset and your mindset, because that is your greatest asset. No economical downturn can take that away from you. And yes, assets are great, like owning a home for sure. But I truly believe that what we're not being taught, um, that, that what all these people have in common Ray Dalio, Kim and Dr. Kiyosaki, George Gamon all the great people is they have invested in their mindset and in their skillset and in their consciousness to be able to innovate in any market whatsoever. That's the greatest asset that we all have. (10:55): So if you wanna launch your business online, that is an asset as well, right? So s