2021 The Year of F*CK IT

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01) This is (00:02) Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19) Happy new year is officially 2021. And after having divine downloads and communing with the beloved and praying and meditated and feeling into the collective consciousness, I am gonna call 2021 the year of fuck it. Since nobody's gonna save you the government, isn't going to protect you. The news. Isn't going to tell you the truth and the majority of others care more about being right than love. You might as well live your truth. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and a message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So happy new year's you guys. Wow. What a year? Holy moly. 2020. What a great year, what a dynamic year. And I think it's really important for me anyway, to take a look back on the year yesterday actually spent the day alone, which was really beautiful. (01:18) And, you know, I take a look at the course of my life and I've had so many different new year's Eves. I've had times when I'm with hundreds of peoples, I'm been where I'm with my son in intimate times with my family. I've had times when I've been traveling. I've had times when I'm, you know, in, in a formal gown, I've had times all over the place and I've had a few new year's also alone consciously choosing that. And it's a real important day for me, not because of understanding that in the spiritual realm, there's no such thing as time. So it was a really new year, you know, it's, it really is a new measurement of time. And I recognize that I'm here to develop my consciousness and form and to grow in this master class called life. And so I do recognize in the new year in that it's a new unit of time that we measure so that we can take a look at really what's going on and remember on a track and the tric records and so on and so forth. (02:16) So yesterday was really special for me. I woke up and, um, got really intentional reflecting back and gratitude over 2020. And I actually did have, uh, a meeting with a very dear friend, an intentional meeting with another friend that is a, a big coach and taking a look at the bigger picture of this next year. And I wanted to, my intention for yesterday was to open my mind up even more to open my mind up to, to something beyond what I can even think of for myself for 2021. And the conversation did get into kind of some details on logistics and things like that. And I, it was great. It was so cause I really truly believe. And what we train in society is to really tap into divine and think outside of the box and really tap into the infinite miracle and potential that you are. (03:09) And we also teach to get really clear on details and skillset and setting goals and things like that. So yesterday was really the summing up of all that reflecting back into the year and, and tapping into collective consciousness. Cause I spent some time in meditation and prayer and feeling into the collective consciousness and reflecting back upon 2020 and what was really happening in 2020. And, you know, we named it the year of the great awakening, 2020, and for, because I think for so many people, it really was, the universe was stripping everybody of everything, everything they've ever known, the comfort zone, their, their little distractions of social gatherings, their, the things like, you know, having your family, a lot of people couldn't get together, cuz they were afraid. Like I didn't get together with my mom the whole year, even though we spoke almost every single day of 2020 because you know, she's not old, but she's older. (04:05) And uh, I don't wanna be the one that get gives her coronavirus. And by the time you travel, you know, would you quarantine for 14 days and so on, so forth. So I, I call actually 2020 also the year of awakening also the year of silent suffering for a lot of people because we, you couldn't really feel sad for yourself when people are starving and losing their jobs and everything. But there was a, a level of suffering in that people needed to have suffering. We, I recognize suffering as grace and that was a grace. It was a year of grace as well because people really, when you do that inner work, it's like a masterclass in, in spiritual awakening because spiritual awakening is some of the biggest warrior work you'll ever do because it is really dying. It's dying from the identity that, you know, it's dying from all your, you know, pleasures of the earthly world and suffering and pain of the earthly world and dying and not knowing who you're gonna be reborn as it is a true surrender. (05:05) And so what happens in that true surrender of course, is it really is a shedding of the old skin of the snake. It's the shedding of everything you've ever known. It's the shedding of, of attachment to things. You know, I think half the people I know moved in 2020, literally I barely know anybody left in Los Angeles because even if they haven't fully moved, they have relocated for a period of time until it goes back to normal because we've been a lockdown for, you know, pretty much the entire year in Los Angeles and, and it's intense. Uh, there was mornings that I would wake up and I loved it so much because I'm such a creative that I literally was like, yes, I get to create, I get to not have to go do anything. And I just get to work and create. So for me it was a lot of bliss, but after five months of being locked down, I was like, okay, now it feels a little bit like Groundhog day, you know? (05:56) So there were ups and, and downs in it for me. But I know for out there for majority people, they went through their great awakening, which was years ago for me when I really had to die. And I really did have to die in that, you know, letting go of everything. And, and we talk about this a lot in Eastern religions and, you know, yoga and all types of thing, true yoga. And it is really the, the longing for spiritual spirituality and divine source God, whatever you wanna call it, versus the longing and chasing for the material world. Rondos, um, give or talk on this. And, uh, he's one of my favorite, um, favorite favorite, and it was no coincidence cuz last night in the middle of the night, there was still parties going on in Los Angeles, which it's so quiet now in lockdown in Los Angeles, it was like weird to hear parties and um, and it's no big deal. (06:48) You know, I turned on a fan and, and slept fine. But in the middle of the night, I woke up with a little bit of noise cuz there was some people still partying at like three o'clock in the morning. And so well do if I ever can't sleep, which is very rare is I turn on a rom dos talk because he's so eloquent in his, the way that he talks and he, I just love him. It's like love and truth coming through the computer when I listened to him and he did actually speak about this exact thing, I was like, this is so ironic. Cause he's talking about exactly what I was gonna do a podcast on. And I did a post on it a few days back this exact thing saying 2021 is the year of, fuck it. Since nobody's going to save you, the government is going to protect you. (07:27) And the news, isn't going to tell you the truth and the majority of others care more about being right than being loved. You might as well love your truth. Well that post got reposted so many times it was crazy. So anyway, the point is, is that rondos was talking about this exact thing is the evolution of your spirituality. And the evolution is basically that you get to a point where you go in, you go in, you go into meditation, you go into prayer, you go into all this and it's this blissful space, you know? And at first it's like, I don't have time to meditate. I don't have time. You know? And you're like kind of like trying to make yourself do your spiritual work. And then there's a point where it actually becomes you become, you know, you realize your spiritual nature and you realize you're not of this world, you know? (08:10) And you, you enjoy that time and there even more than the earthly world. And so you're no longer chasing the earthly world. You're literally, you're really like, you know, it's like, oh I gotta go back and be human. You know what I mean? And so it really is that. And so, but at first it's not comfortable. And at first it is what we call spiritual warrior, um, work because it's hard work, you know, it's hard work to get your ass back into meditation. It's hard work to release the identity. It's hard work to let go of the attachments of this world. Most people won't do it until they're on their deathbed, you know? And when you do it actively during your life, it is intense work, beautiful work, the most fulfilling work you'll ever do, but it really is the great surrender. And that really is the great awakening. (08:55) And so that really sums up 2020. So now let's get to 2021. And so 2021, uh, is a year I'm gonna call fuck it because what does fuck it mean exactly. It's a great thing and not a good thing. And when I posted this on social media, there was a few people that said, oh my gosh, when I first read this, it kind of, it scared me at first. You know? And, and it should, it should scare you because I think that that's what we're gonna walk into in 21, in that it's going to be a time. People are going to come to the place where Anne ran refers to as egoic and selfish. So Anne ran in fountain head said freedom to ask nothing, to expect nothing to depend on nothing. That's what she considered freedom. She actually offered a new concept of egoism based on reason as man's means of survival and opposed to all forms of sacrifice. (09:56) Meaning she said in her quote said, man, every man is an end in himself. Not a means to an ends of others. He must live for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. He must work for this rational. Self-interest with the achievement of his own happiness as the moral, highest moral purpose of his life. And so this is a, a deep concept in that we know there's universal law and we recognize that we can use it for harmony or discord. We recognize we can use it to create heaven or hell on earth. And I believe that that is what's going to happen this year. And that is what we teach in, in metaphysics. And in what you know, universal law is that all of life is a masterclass. So what happens with the masterclass is it gets more intense. (10:45) You get in a more advanced class, right? So it means that we have more intense magnification of heaven and hell that's, that's all that's gonna happen. That is the future of a relative world. Where does it go? It goes to more, you know, heaven and hell. And so just like 2020. I think that what's interesting is if you reflect back on 2020, you could take a look at all the horrific things, if you will, in that perception. And you can also look at the incredible, you know, beautiful things that happen and it's up to you to perceive what's good or bad. But the truth is that, you know, woke people expect, expect disasters because woke people also recognize that in order for miracles and quantum leaps to happen, there also have to be hard times and disasters because you can't have one without the other. (