Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:01): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principles, align with the universal law and break through all elemented beliefs within our subconscious mind, so that we can claim our birthright of prosperity vitality and love. We also come together in community in soul society and new thought global. And our vision is to be the number one spiritual community, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and a message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. So today I wanna talk about how to meditate. (00:54): We're basically doing a club it's called the 22 minute club, hashtag 22 men club, which is, uh, basically going into a silent meditation for 22 minutes a day, and then hashtag tagging and, um, and being able to spread the kind of infectious, uh, idea for other people to meditate. So how this happened was, boy, let's just go there. Okay. So 23 years ago, I was, I was how old was I? I was 24 years old. I began my spiritual journey at 22 when I had my stillborn, uh, full born full term son. And a year later I had had my son who now is 25 years old. And I remember I was, I was sitting with my son and, um, he was actually had just gone down for a nap and I was sitting there next to next to him. I was just watching him. (01:57): I was literally just watching who he was, the miracle that he was as this little, little guy, you know, and I just felt so miserable inside. I just felt like I, I wasn't even in that room, I was sitting there as like a glimpse of actually seeing him. And I just realized that I never even, I never had even seen my son. I felt like I, I felt like I was a mom that wasn't really, even there. I wasn't even present for my own son. I was always, my mind was always somewhere else. I need to get something done or, you know, what, what hasn't happened today or has somebody text or neck text or just stressed out. And I just was not a present mom. I didn't have the tools to actually be in that beautiful space of, of this little baby. And I realized in that moment that I had to change, I had, I had to change, you know, and I had moments, of course, we had moments and moments of moments of recommitting to, to do our work. (03:03): And I was reading, of course I was really obsessed with spiritual work and I couldn't afford to get a spiritual coach. There was probably not, no such thing at that point in time, long time ago. And I, I didn't have any money. So what I could afford was a book and I was reading a deep proc TRR book. And, um, in the book, it said to meditate for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. And I began to do that. It was very hard. I would go into meditation and I had what they call monkey mind, like crazy. It was literally just awful. It was like taking fingernails and going down a chalkboard and I could not meditate, but I thought I, it was the only thing that I'd read that was consistent through the books that I'd read and through the great minds that I'd learned of, that they all meditate. (03:50): They all would refer to meditation. So I thought there, there has to be something here and I don't know what it is, but it's like going to, you know, it's like wizard of Oz and Dorothy going down the yellow brick road, she just knows that she has to get to this, this, this city and to, um, you know, the man behind the curtain, if you will, she didn't know what it was gonna bring, but she just knew and all signs were directing her towards that. And she had to go to that city. And that's what I felt about meditation. I didn't know what it was like to meditate. I didn't know what was on the other side of that curtain. I didn't know. Um, anything, I just knew that it all signs were pointing that if I just did that, there was gonna be something on the other side of the veil. (04:38): So I began to meditate and it was awful. I, I really couldn't even meditate for five minutes at first it was torture and I, everything my mind would trick me, you know, I would think, well, I don't have time to meditate or, you know, I, I gotta get up and do this to-do list or my son needs me or whatever, everything would get in my way of meditating. But it was like a knowing there was a knowing that if I just went past that wall, if I just stayed in meditation, I knew at a core of who I was, that there would be something miraculous on the other side. So I kept doing it. It was one thing I did consistently and not very well, five minutes here, three minutes there, 10 minutes there. But I, I just knew, I knew that if I just stuck with it and I began to break through the wall, and as I've said through another podcast, I kind of had my whole spiritual journey. (05:33): I, I disclosed everything that went through that. And the point is, is this, is that meditation was this, I call it the infinite journey, because what happened was, as I began to break through the monkey mind, I began to get into, you know, that, that gap, that observer and I began to watch my thought forms kind of drift by light clouds. And sometimes I'd entangle them. And it was like all of a sudden, I'm, you know, I'm with my girlfriends down, you know, hanging out at a cafe and I'd like, wait, wait, wait. I'm in meditation. Let me come back to this present moment. And I, you know, release that. And then all of a sudden I'm stressed doing my bills, trying to like, you know, think about all the things I need to get done. And I'm like, wait, wait, wait, breathe again, come back to the present moment. (06:26): And the point is is that if you just come back, it's like a muscle that I kept building. I kept building, I kept building and I come back to that present moment and I come back to the breath and I come back to that gap and release the thought forms and just be, and it was such a concept I had never, ever experienced anything like that to just be without thinking without the brain, without that entanglement of, of all the doingness the past, the future, the, this, the, that, all of that. And I'd come back and I'd come back. And then what would happen is I remember there was a point in time that I thought, oh my gosh, I have really advanced in meditating because I can actually go in there without entangling, with thought forms. I can actually just be, and I thought, oof, I have just, I am a great meditator. (07:16): Right. And it was, it was, uh, a big advancement for me. And then what would happen is I would go into meditation and I wouldn't even necessarily wanna come out with an answer, but I'd go in kind of not having clarity around a certain area of my life. And I'd go into meditation and with no expectations, because one of the things we practice in side of the meditation is not wanna get anything out of it, cuz it's not visioning work. It's not prayer work. It's not any of those things. The intention is to empty the mind and allow the truth of the universe to stream in. So, but I would go in, in some confusion in my life, in, you know, different areas, whether it be in my relationship, I'd be confused about how to deal with an argument or an upset or whatever. Or I would go in with business and think, you know, how am I going to get that next sale or whatever it is. (08:12): And each time I would go into meditation, I would naturally come out kind of knowing the answer to things. And as the universe is saying, yes, right now, cuz there's ambulance, that's going by that say yes, yes, yes. There's a sign here. Right. And we have to listen to the signs of the universe. So as I began to go more and more into meditation, I would have more of these kind of really cool things that would happen. Right. Like it was like, okay, cool. That was a little bonus to that meditation. Right. But then something happened and I began to break through this wall and I began to what I call Astra project. Or you could say whatever you go in consciousness and I'd have these profound experiences in meditation. I would go to people and places and circumstances and pass lives. And it began to be like that the lie in the witch, in the wardrobe, you know, that book, that famous book where they open this wardrobe, there's these, I think I forget what the book was about exactly. (09:20): But I think it was these little children and they'd go in and they'd play and they'd open up this wardrobe in one of the rooms in their home and they'd go down into this, they'd go on an adventure into different worlds. And so for me, that was what meditation was like, it was this place I'd go in there and I didn't have any expectations of where I was going. But all of a sudden I'd be in the Himalayas meditating with monks or I'd be with a mother that was holding her dead baby crying or I would go to, um, and be with different Dees or I'd go down to being a little girl in, in sadness and being able to hold her again, wherever I went, it was this infinite journey. I'd go to different galaxies. I'd be able to understand and go into the mind of, of that person. (10:10): That was mean to me or looked weird to me on driving next to me on the street, I'd be able to know what was going on with him. I'd be able to go visit my mom and I'd be able to understand and have compassion about what was going on for her. And I'd speak to her in consciousness and I'd heal something in consciousness. And so I began to, it was the most precious thing of my life. This thing called meditation, this, this place I could go on consciousness and, and it, it was just became the most beautiful I'd spent hours and hours and hours on meditation. I was literally, my eyes would pop open at four o'clock in the morning. Cause I was so excited to go back into that infinite journey into that wardrobe, into that place where I could go anywhere in consciousness, going through the veil and recognizing my oneness and, and knowing that I could go in a journey and I didn't know where it was gonna take me today. (11:09): So then as, as all the truths streamed through the, the truths of the universe, everything from the universal