Metaphysical Series | 3-Steps To Becoming a Spiritual Leader | The Mission of Moses | Exodus

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Have you had a spiritual awakening? Maybe you're just beginning and your beginning to shift your perspective. Maybe you're beginning to see 11, 11 on your clock, or maybe you're beginning to really break through the programming of your culture. And beginning to question all of life, maybe you're still feeling like you're trapped in an old construct and you're ready to break free, or maybe you've began to dive deep into your spiritual practice and truly began to transcend your mindset. And then maybe you're also beginning to become a teacher teaching the great wisdoms of truth, no matter where you are on your spiritual path today, if you're interested in learning the step by step process to become a spiritual leader from a metaphysical Bible perspective, then you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. (01:05): So welcome to spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. We really are here developing world renowned, spiritual teachers and leaders in metaphysics, in science and mind unity and the ancient wisdoms that have come through all teachings of all time, because the truth is no text can ever truly teach truth. You are truth. The core of who you are is the essence, the consciousness, the Buddha consciousness, the Christ consciousness, all that consciousness that has created the entire universe. So in this series, this metaphysical Bible series, we're breaking on down the Bible from a perspective of it being, uh, really a biography and a manual for yourself, how to use your mind, how you can create, you know, all the different allegories that come with it for you to know how to master mine, to live the consciousness, to not only just know the truth and embody the law, but to really bring it to the world exponentially. (02:16): So this break, let's break this one down. This is gonna be, uh, the breaking down of Exodus, the mission of Moses and in this really coming to the fact, it's really teaching us the three steps of spiritual awakening. And so we're gonna break this on down again. I'm not a historical, uh, Bible teacher. I am trained in metaphysics and the creative process of how we use energy to create and manifest and demonstrate in our lives. And Exodus is a prime example of what happens. And you may identify with being, you know, in one kind of the three stages, if you will, we have to remember that the Bible is allegories of, of stories for you to understand all the dynamics of the way that you create, right? There's the consciousness that created from the beginning in the beginning, through the six days of creation, there's the part of us that is cast ourselves out of the garden of Eden. (03:16): There's a part of us that has divided ourselves in so many ways. And now we're coming to Exodus, which is really the place where, where, you know, it's in Egypt and the Israelites are basically imprisoned, and this is all representation of consciousness, right? There's the consciousness that is the, the FARA. That's basically, you know, the part of us that can really be in charge and, and be that which enslaves, right? There's a part of us that can be the victim, like the Israelites that is in our ignorance. The Bible is here to teach us how to go in a step by step plan to freedom. Ernest home says the divine plan is one of freedom. The inherent nature of man is ever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom, because freedom is the birthright of every living soul. So we have to know that, you know, Moses, Moses is all here. (04:12): He's considered drawn outta water. He's considered the law giver. He's considered the infinite mind, the mind of the Supreme, the light, right? Because here's the story from a second grade perspective. Here's Moses. Imagine this little baby being born and his mother was in danger and she has to basically put him in a basket and have him go down the river, knowing that anything would be better than him, you know, being killed. And he ends up, uh, you know, basically gliding down this river into the daughter of the king Farra king Pharaoh, and literally imagine how, how can, it's kinda like the paradox of life. How can you be so unlucky to be having given up by your mother, but yet the same time going to the hands of, of princess essentially. So this is the paradox of Moses and Moses goes down the river and which the river represents the infinite, infinite mind, the infinite, infinite mind, right? (05:08): It is that, which is the law giver. It is that, which is the infinite mind, the Supreme, the light, this, this one that's ever flowing, this creative consciousness, all of it. And here Moses is, and he begins, uh, he comes into the kingdom and he actually becomes the ruler of Egypt. And then he, you know, supposedly gets in an argument with, uh, one of the other, uh, people in the, in the, in the castle, if you will. And he ends up killing him. And then he gets cast out from the palace and he has to basically go out for 40 years into, you know, basically that part of us has to go out into the nothingness. So this represents really what, we're, what we go through in our spiritual awakening, right? We're here, we are in the material world. We come into whatever, whatever hand we're dealt in this lifetime, some really great things, some really awful things. (06:04): And yet we come into a material world. We come into the senses, the five senses. We come to the eyes that look out to the world and we may rise up into power. And in that power, most likely in the, in living in the outer world, in the material world, in the non godly world, you know, we always end up kind of dividing whether you wanna say the extreme of killing or being killed, this represents what happens in the material world that we divide ourselves somehow. And this happens over and over again in allegories and in this, what happens, you're cast out. And one of two things happened when you're cast out and you may go, well, how does this relate to spiritual awakening? Because when you begin to Sally awaken, you generally like what worked for you before doesn't work anymore? The construct of relationships, the construct of traditional jobs, the construct of political system, the construct of a lot of things may not work anymore. (07:04): And, and you begin to feel like something's wrong with me, you're divided, right? All of us have felt that way. When you begin our spiritual awakening, like we're divided and we feel like something is wrong. We begin to almost isolate ourselves through the process of spiritual awakening. So here Moses is, he goes out for 40 years, you know, 40 years. Imagine you're you're in this place. And I mean, whether it's real 40 years or not, right, it's that place where there's a part of us that has to give up everything. And I remember for me, when I began to have a spiritual waking, I was still in my twenties, but it got more and more intense. I would try and go into my spiritual world and still be in the material world and my old construct. And what happened is there began to be a bigger and bigger gap. (07:50): It just didn't work anymore. And I had to almost die. I had to almost go away. I had to like, remember there was weeks at time where I would just kind of turn off my phone. I had the luxury of going into meditation for five, six hours a day. And I would begin to get the downloads. And just like Moses did, you know, Moses went into, you know, um, he saw he was meditating basically. And he saw the Bush of fire, right. And God spoke to him and God said, go back to Egypt and free my people now. But this is fascinating. Cuz one, we recognize that God is not outside of the south God, this part of you that speaks through. And I'll never forget when that voice came through. And it scared me. It was like, what is this? You know, and I know for each and every one of you, whether you've heard that voice where you haven't, whatever it is, there is a spectrum of, of awakening that we all go through. And it's pretty, it's pretty much people go through the same thing. It's not really that unique, honestly. So, you know, here's Moses he's had, he has he's meditated. So deeply merged with his higher self begins the burning Bush of fire, right? It's that, it's that flame. It's that first cause it's that miracle. It's all that. And God says, go back to Egypt and free my people now. (09:14): And I don't know about for you guys, but you know, obviously for our community, we have a lot of people who have had a spiritual calling. They love spirituality. They've gone through a spiritual calling and basically they are, they have a call, they have a call. They don't, they may have had just a slight call and through the trauma work and stuff, we birth even more of that call very specifically going into consciousness. You can call it God consciousness. You can call it their consciousness. It's spoken through at the end. People oftentimes will go, oh, let me try and find my, my purpose in calling. Let me get my calling. Let me try and figure out out there. Let me logically think through it. It's not how callings are spoken through. Callings are spoken through in the, in the deepest, deepest merging with the beloved divine. (09:58): And this is what happened. This is what happened to Moses. And the, the funny thing is that when he, when he had this calling, he goes back to help the slaves, if you will. But at some level, the slaves didn't want to go because they feared the unknown. And so how many of us have gone through this? Right? We, we go, oh, I really, really, really want spiritual awakening. I wanna be a spiritual leader. I wanna teach this stuff, but then things happen, oh, you mean, I gotta pay for a course. Oh no, that doesn't work for me. I'm not, I don't want it that bad. Right. Or, um, you know, there was actually a gal in unity speaking about this and she says, yeah. Then, you know, then it's like, oh, well you just have to give up judgment. Well, I can't give up judgment. (10:42): I mean, I know I wanna be a spiritual teacher, but I can't give up judgment. I mean, until somebody doesn't, you know, do that big of a transgression or cheat on me, I can't judge. I can't not judge somebody. Right. It's like, and so it is how bad do you want it? Right. We're tested over and over again. And people go, well, I wanna be a spiritual leader. I wanna teach. I wanna be a big spiritually based coach. I wanna do whatever, but they're not willing to do what it takes. Are you willing to do what it takes? Right. We're tested over and over. We're tested over and over. It's like the universe brings you, uh, an amazing mentor. And you're like, oh no