Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community. We are committed to enlightenment, of course, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens save a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. So today's podcast is titled 40 K in 40 days in quarantine making a difference. And it is a big celebration because my biggest to heart, my biggest heart's desire is to help people awaken to help them awaken to the truth of who they are and align with the truth of the universe, which is harmony, which is love, which is all the above. Recognizing that we're here for a relative experience. And we're here to direct consciousness on mind and fully experience our, the depths of our soul in form. (01:11): And in that, in bringing that message to the world, money is important. Money is God and expression as well. And it's super important to help people in their suffering, awakened to the truth. They are, you know, discover their purpose in calling and leave a legacy here. And part of that is understanding impact and understanding how money is part of that and whether it comes to the dollar bill or whether we exchange it through energy exchange and make an impact. However, that is, it doesn't matter, but money is part of life and life we to love life is to love all of life. So it's important to celebrate everything that we do. Um, good, bad, the wins, the, the hard times everything we have to celebrate life. It's super important. So part of the intention of, of, of Dr. Aaron, of society, of this podcast of everything we do, um, new thought global, all the above is to help empower spiritually based business owners. (02:08): Um, people who are developing themselves as spiritual leaders and coaches, and just people who wanna have more impact in their personal professional life to become the CEO as we call it other personal professional life. So today I wanna break down how I did 40 K in 14 days in quarantine making a difference, because look, we wanna make the distinction to just rattle off some sales number is really kind of cheesy, but when it makes an impact, it's fricking awesome. Let's just face the fact. So first, I just wanna say that I had so many tears of joy over the course of this because we've had great success, um, in society. Um, but one thing we chose to not do is to raise capital, um, because we really want this to stay authentic and be able to stay true to what we want, which is in the new thought lineage in the metaphysical world, in, um, science of mind and unity and divine science and in the entire umbrella of the new thought movement, which is really teaching the mental cure movement and teaching awakening. (03:10): And we wanna stay true to that. So we've had great success, um, multiple six figures, and we'll be going to multiple seven figures over the course. So stints like this of a 40 K over 14 days is really, it proves the model if you will. Okay, so let's break it on down 40 K and 14 days in quarantine making an making a difference. Number one, I wanna say that there was no ads, no ads spend on this. And I had zero team. And the reason why is because we're in quarantine, so the team is, uh, not working and, um, and, uh, my Philippine team, also their internet and everything. They're not able to work right now. They literally are not able to work. And I don't have a huge team, but I have a team. And so this 40 K and 14 days, there was no team, no ad spend, which is really great. (04:04): You guys, this proves the model again and again. Okay. So how did I do it? So the first two weeks of, of the pandemic, um, I, I put all business on side, as far as like doing any kind of promos, doing any kind of ask, doing any kind of sales presentations, if you will, the first two weeks, I just prayed and asked, how can we, how can I be used for the highest good, how can, how can the wisdom within society and, and this community give back. And, uh, we launched, what's called the inner circle. It's a free community. And we just gave, we gave and gave and gave. And in the inner circle we gave, um, you know, a free Facebook group, a member site, free content, my book, 40 guided meditations affirmations, a bunch of things. We also gave away five, um, five free support groups a week. (04:58): All the ambassadors came together and they launch what's called soul circle sessions. And they go over a lot of the stuff. We go over to help support people, check in and actually teach a distinction that will help them kind of get their mind right. In the midst of all this. So we did that. We have, I don't know, um, like, I don't know, close to a thousand people or something in there now, which is amazing. And then what happened is it was a couple weeks in, and I was talking to a dear girlfriend cause I have incredible spiritually based, um, peers that are, you know, big entrepreneurs as well. And I said, how's, you know, how's BIS going. I said, we're just launching this, you know, free thing. They said, well, why aren't you offering your programs? You people need your work more now than ever. (05:41): And I went, Bing, Bing, Bing. She's right. So we decided, okay, we're gonna do this thing. So what we do in any market, whether it be a market, whether there's a financial crisis or whether, um, it's a top, the market, whatever, we always do. One thing when we're doing our products and pricing, we research the industry to see what is going on in the industry, because there's big, big people and names and brands that spend a lot of money on research. And so you don't have to go out and spend a bunch of money on research. All you do. I can do it within one hour. And I go out and I research all the big hitters in the industry. I take a look at what's going on on their website. What's going on social media. See if I can't see an add or two, and you can see what's going on. (06:25): So immediately I saw that people were discounting their big programs up like around 80%. That was kind of the, the common denominator. Okay. So they take the, the best program that is kind of, that will hit the most people and, um, give the most value and they discount it 80%. So that's what we did. We took the leadership program because that's really our signature program because we have an ambassador program that is really our best program in that it certifies people in facilitating the, the, the processes that we teach, being trained as a spiritual coach and a business coach. But that's really not for the masses, if you will. Our signature coach, our signature course for most people is the soul society of leadership because it goes over all the spiritual mastery and it goes with the business mastery. So you don't have to wanna be a, a spiritual coach. (07:19): You can be somebody that has a soul-based business. We have real estate agents in there. We have all kinds of people that wanna get developed in their personal and professional life based on the metaphysics, based on spiritual principles. Okay. So we took that program and we discounted it by 80%. So instead of it being a $5,000 program, it became a $997 program. Okay. So it is already, even at 5,000, we were able to, um, do the two distinctions that I'm gonna teach you to do to, um, to, you know, launch or to make more sales or so on and so forth. And those two distinctions are, but before we get there, we have to finish the first part, right? So we priced it, we priced it and the lingo goes like this $997 limited time special offer until the date of whatever it is for us. (08:17): It was August 30th. And then it goes back to $5,000 with all the bonuses. Okay. So I'm gonna tell you a little thing that we're gonna do right now, because we're able to keep launching it without some of the bonuses and stay in our integrity. Okay. So there's the first part. You price it out. Second part is you do the two parts, which are juxta juxtaposition, and you wanna have some type of a time crunch. Okay. So time crunch first. So we did it till August 30th. That way we had two weeks, 14 days to say, this is the, the window. So whether you're doing a launch or whether you are in a pandemic, you can do the same thing and put a window on it. Some people do it for a few days. Some people, whatever, for me, I don't wanna rush people too much. And I know my own, um, mind when it comes to purchasing, I do like to do some research. (09:08): So two weeks is what I felt right with. Okay. Second is juxtaposition. And what we did is we, we, you wanna always compare it to other things okay. For us, we were comparing it to ourselves, comparing it to soul society. Leadership is normally $5,000. And now you can have it at 80% off at $997. Okay. So juxtaposition, it, it depends on what's going on in the market and where you're at. If you're doing a big presentation, like say I'm doing a masterclass or a webinar, I will do a big juxtaposition compared to other programs. Like for example, some of the other programs we might shout out and there's many of them out there are comparables can be $40,000, $60,000, $20,000. And we wanna bring up those other programs to have them realize that they're getting a good deal. Another great juxtaposition for soul society leadership is there's very, there's I've yet to see inner any spiritual programs that also have business or technology in their teachings. (10:12): Okay. So one of the greatest juxtapositions for us is that there's nowhere. You can really get this core, core work and get a lot of the business development and skill set. Okay. So that's a great one. Another juxtaposition for me is that if I work one on one with clients, I am $40,000 now. So for them to get a program that's $997 is a no brainer for them. Okay? So those are the two things you wanna have a time crunch. So people realize and have to make a decision right now, because as a coach, as a mentor, as a teacher, as a minister, my job is to lead you. My job is to lead you. Okay? Coaches, our number one job is to get people committed to themselves, to get them committed to themselves and to their dreams and to get outta their comfort zone. (