Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:01): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth (00:19): Life from Los Angeles, we come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We also come together in community in society and new thought global to basically live for being empowered and entrepreneurship and are commitment to helping people in the world bring their gifts and their messages. We recognize that you have so many gifts to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's do this thing. Today's podcast. I wanna talk to you about monetizing your spiritual gifts, and this is very near and dear to my heart. And I have a, a couple stories around this. So when I was very young and, and really suffering still, and I would go into meditation and as I began to awaken, there was a voice that came through and the voice basically would guide me. (01:13): It was like my intuition. It was, you know, divine, if you will. And the voice said, bring truth to the world, embody truth and bring truth to the world. And I said, but how, you know, and the voice said, you know, embody truth, be truth, and bring truth to the world. And I said, but I don't know how, who am I, how would I do that? And it would just speak through and guide me in the process. And I remember just having days where I just thought, what am I doing? Who am I to think that I could do this? And I had to live on such faith because I just was obsessed with the work and I'd had a spiritual calling. And so this podcast is for you. This podcast is for the person I know that is listening. That has had a deep, deep, profound, spiritual calling that is going through their awakening at whatever level they're going through their awakening. (02:21): And they know that this is the work that they want to embody, meaning whatever it is, whatever spiritual gifts that they, they have, they know, whatever truth, whatever expression of truth is within their soul for the world. We teach in society that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and it's in infinite expressions, cuz there's infinite people, right? That there's infinite ways of bringing truth to the world. And so it brings me to this other time and one of my deepest, um, my, a beautiful mentor. I had, I talk about him a lot. He came into my life. I truly believe that he came into my life. It was three years almost to the day that I met him, that he transitioned and he had great wisdom. He was a great metaphysical teacher. And uh, he taught me and kind of downloaded all of his wisdom and it was such a beautiful relationship. (03:14): He was kind of like a grandpa to me and I, quite frankly, I'd never felt as loved as I did from, from him. And he downloaded all this wisdom, his entire life. He had been obsessed with, with spiritual work and with truth. And he had had such incredible experiences of, of super, you know, consciousness and, and tracking different dimensions and speaking with, uh, you know, different entities and being able to do things in consciousness and go external from his body. And, and he just had great wisdom, but I'll never forget when he was on his deathbed and he was crying. He was crying tears of joy, of course, but he also was crying and it was so frustrated that he wasn't able to get his work out to the world at the level that he really wanted to. And it was one of the saddest aspects of his life. (04:07): And as we recognize, knowing that our prayers are already answered, right? So here, hence of course he downloaded a lot of his wisdom with many other teachers that I taught with for 25 years, but his wisdom lives in a lot of my work, you know? And, um, and so we know that it's already done whatever we desire is already done, right? His, his, his prayer was already answered. He didn't recognize. And I didn't recognize it, that that was the download that was supposed to happen. I was the student, he was the teacher that was supposed to be downloaded. And we, we recognize this right. But how great would've been for him to be able to experience taking that out to the world and for him to see the things that I get now that I get messages from people around the globe of how this work has transformed their entire life, as they know it, their entire perception, and it's, it's transformed their children. (04:54): It's transformed, you know, just in incredible ways. I get messages and emails and, and notes and, and beautiful reflections all the time. And my heart just, I pray for my mentor and I tell him those things and I say, thank you, thank you. And know that we're, this is both for both of us. This is for all of us. Every mentor that's come before all the great minds, everything, but my heart still aches that he wasn't able to fully receive that in this lifetime. You know, how beautiful would that have been for him? And so I'm speaking to you right now, because I know that you've had a spiritual calling and I know that your heart's desire is to fully embody this work at whatever level, to truly know the truth of who you are and have full revelation and full enlightenment of yourself and how that reflected into your work into whatever framework that you create, whatever, whatever that may be, one on ones or mentorship or courses, or, or maybe it's a product or a service. (05:55): You know, we have lots of, of different people in society. We have, of course we have spiritual coaches and life coaches, but we also have real estate agents. And we have people in corporate because they love this work. They wanna embody it and they wanna bring it into corporations and, and into different things. Right? So the point is, is that I know that you've had a calling and guess what I know as well. I know for sure that the online world is, is booming, that we live in an unprecedented time right now, and that so many people are having to learn the online world. And so many people through the pandemic and the lockdown and the economical ups and downs and the political disarray that they're the, the beautiful thing out of right now is that everybody is having their values shift exponentially. And so the self-development world, the spiritual world is booming. (06:47): We've done bigger numbers during this time than ever. And we're growing exponentially because people want, they realize how important this work is. And they realize how important it is to understand also to develop their, their businesses online. So my invitation for you is I actually am doing a five day challenge, a five day challenge that is monetizing how to monetize your spiritual gifts. So it's going to be September 14th for five days, Monday through Friday. And I'm going to break on down. I'm gonna give you so much wisdom. I'm giving everything. And the reason why I'm doing this is because then I've wi witnessed other five day challenges. And some people just, they give a lot of inspiration and I'm gonna do that as well. And they, but they don't actually get into the value. My, my commitment for you is for you really to have tools and mindset and skill set, to walk away from that five days, and really understand how to launch your business, your soul based business online, and how to really thrive in that step by step understanding the plan and a bigger view of what it is for you to fulfill upon your legacy in this lifetime. (08:03): And so on the first day, we're gonna be going over getting clarity about your message and your mission, cuz that is always the most important thing over and over again, working with CEOs, working with celebrities, working with thousands of women around the world, that it, we, the most important thing you're doing is your mindset. 99% of your work as a CEO or as a business owner or as a coach is to get your mindset, right? The most powerful coaches, the most powerful work that they do is holding consciousness more important than all their skill, all their modalities, all their framework. Is that that right? So getting your message clear, you can't have your message. If you haven't done your inner work, your message, isn't clear until you've fully awoken, right? Getting your message and your mission down day two, we're gonna go over your products and pricing and truly understanding what that kind of is and how to do research on it and how, what the standard in the industry is. (08:53): And, and it look, you, you, you there's, you just, it's so good. You guys, I've worked with so many great co I've paid for so many coaches myself. I've spent over a quarter million dollars on my, on my development of my spiritual advancement and my business advancement. And I'm gonna give you so much wisdom through these five days, day three, we're gonna start talking about selling with soul. I used to hate cells. I used to cringe. It used to be like what a scummy thing to do, right? Oh, it's this creepy. And I wanna take you through some processes to help really shift your mindset from selling, to getting into service and truly being able to be there for having somebody else commit to their dreams. And on day four, we're gonna get into social media mastery. Cuz we recognize it's like the state street of retail these days having social media is like the greatest real estate we could ever have. (09:46): And what do you do there? It's called social because it's about engaging and how do we engage and what are the things that we can do to build like trust and engagement and have people transform into raving fans and into clients, right? And then day five. We're gonna talk about 10 time in your soul biz. And there is a key, a certain very specific key of 10 timing, your soul biz and the mistakes that you're making that are really gonna have you stay small. And so I'm excited to dive into this together and I invite you to, to invite your friends and people that are light workers or are spiritual teachers or coaches or anybody that just really is interested in building their business online, but also loves spiritual distinctions and manifesting and transformation and all that self-development stuff. Because we have an incredible community. (10:36): Our community is booming. Our co