50 Spiritual Lessons | Celebrating My 5Oth Birthday!

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hi Spiritual Superstar! đŸ€© It’s my 50th birthday, today! 
 And I couldn’t think of any better way to celebrate than give my heart to YOU! Our community is having Huge Transformational Breakthroughs and elevating itself from all relative truth to ultimate truth – LOVE!✹ In today's episode, I'm talking about my Top 50 Spiritual Lessons   💎 If you’re NOT already a member of SoulciĂ©té  join me for a LIVE Breakthrough Group Call to discover how to make your dreams a reality >>> Register www.soulciete.com 50 Spiritual Lessons: 1. You are Divine – You are One with all of life. 2. You are the individual consciousness, collective consciousness, and cosmic consciousness - You are Divine consciousness having an inverted human experience. 3. You are a creator; directing energy upon the Universal Law of Cause and Effect – All of life is your Karma. 4. The moment you assign a positive or negative meaning to anything that does or does not occur, you instantaneously get a positive or negative experience. 5. You are the only thing that can limit yourself – You are not your limiting beliefs within your subconscious mind – You have the ability to transform your energetics, trauma, and entire lineage.  6. You are not your beliefs, not your body, and not the circumstances of your life – You are the creator of them and all of life. 7. You are an eternal spiritual being – You are ageless, timeless, and immortal. 8. Life is growth - You have created a divinely dynamic masterclass for the expansion of consciousness -  problems are the opportunity to experience further self-development. 9. The extent to which you take 100% accountability for all of life, is the extent to which you will realize your Infinite Divine Power. 10. The extent to which you are willing to let go of everything is the extent to which you have the potential of a quantum leap. 11.  Miracles are only glitches in your current belief system. 12.  The extent to which your consciousness is limited or expanded is the extent to which you will experience feeling divided or divine. 13.  Enlightenment can’t be taught; it must be experienced. 14.  You are the same Divine Source that created the entire universe. 15.  You are manifesting 24/7 without any effort whatsoever – The soul is not neutral because it has all the memory and limiting beliefs of your entire lineage.  16.  The extent to which you awaken is the extent to which you will experience being powerful. 17.  Awakening is not only an expansion of consciousness; it is an identity shift. 18.  Breakdowns are created from the depths of your soul for a breakthrough in your awakening. 19.  There is Ultimate Truth and relative truth. Relative truth is NOT Truth. 20.  The only opponent is yourself. 21.  When you complain, it is like praying for crap – Thoughts create things. 22.  You are not here to win the rate race of materialism, you are here to experience the depths of your soul in form. 23.  Money is a symbol of your consciousness – However you view money, is a reflection of your self-worth and your belief system. 24.  The greatest product to product is the highest version of yourself. 25.  You are the one you’ve been waiting for – Until you love yourself unconditionally and are complete within yourself, you won’t be able to fully give or receive love.  26.  Symptoms are the divine signs from your higher self telling you that you are not living in alignment with your truth. 27.  The extent to which you oppose a viewpoint is the extent to which you will start a war. 28. The extent to which you want people, circumstances and life to be different is the extent to which you will suffer. 29.  You are your parents, children, entire lineage, and every single living being in this Universe – You are the Universe.  30.  To love life is to love all of life; the good and the bad. 31.  There isn’t a meaning to life – The meaning is to live it! 32.  To judge another or yourself is to cast yourself out of the Garden of Eden.  33.  Whatever you resist will persist – Good or bad. 34.  Every creation has an equal and opposite creation – Polarity is part of life.  35.  Our family is our Divine assignment to learn Unconditional Love; Children oftentimes show us our profound ability to love unconditionally, and our parents oftentimes show us how far we still have to grow in our ability to love unconditionally.  36.  Expectations are the creation of resentments – Never place anyone as your Source. Spirit is your Source and Supply.  37.  You are the creator of your emotions - Your identity creates your beliefs. Your beliefs create your thoughts. Your thoughts create your feelings. Your feelings create your emotions. Your emotions create the circumstances of your life. 38.  Emotions are the expression of our value system being met or not met - Emotions are the effect of us believing that something we value is arriving, departing, or present. 39.  All relationships are the opportunity to show us where we are still not free.  40.  You have infinite choice through initiation and selection – There are unlimited elemental equations, innovations, and inventions. 41.  Your birthright is prosperity – The Universe is only abundant. You can create an abundance of scarcity or an abundance of prosperity. The choice is yours.  42.  All relationships are eternal – You can communicate with anyone right now. 43.  The ultimate relationship is within – All other relationships are the projection and reflection of your ability or inability to love.  44.  You have the ability to heal yourself, your entire lineage, and the collective consciousness. Transform your trauma and transform your life. 45.  The extent to which you resist, force, or control, is the extent to which you will experience a stuck flow of energy – A flow state has no effort. 46.  All realized prayers have inspired action – Prayer is moving energy upon Universal Law for a specific demonstration and manifestation. 47.  Whatever you deeply desire is your destiny – If you truly desire it, you will focus on it. If you focus on what you don’t want, then you will get more of what you don’t want. Your desires are your destiny.  48.  The only way to experience freedom is Truth.  49. You are the Divine having an inverted experience of Itself – a divided and limited experience for the expanding of consciousness. 50.  Love just is – I love you!    Binge My Podcast Series www.drerin.tv Heal Your Trauma Series 52 Universal Law Series Money Breakthrough Series Spiritual Awakening Series Relationship Dysfunction Recovery Series Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Subconscious Series Metaphysical Bible Series   Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & SoulciĂ©tĂ©, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma MethodÂź, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother. Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma MethodÂź Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity. Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level. “11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms www.soulciete.com Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcriptions:  (00:00): I want you to imagine that you are able to write one letter to your younger self. In fact, you are only able to leave a one page letter to your younger self. What would be in the letter? Well, today is my 50th birthday and there is no other way. I'd rather spend it than sharing my heart with you today. I'm going to share 50 life changing transformational, spiritual lessons that I would want to share with my younger self. Welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world. (01:05): Hello, my soul family, and community. Welcome you guys. I'm super excited to spend my birthday with you right here right now. And I believe that every day is a birthday. Every day is a celebration. So I want you to right now, just take a deep breath in and celebrate your life right here right now. So one, I just wanna ask a favor. It's my 50th birthday. And I give a lot of content on here. We get raving reviews. We have a lot of you guys that binge the podcast. And my ask is two things for my birthday. One is that you celebrate your life today, that you absolutely do something that you love to do for yourself today. Whether that be going on a walk on the beach, going out with your girlfriends to lunch, diving deeper into the consciousness lessons within our community or whatever that is, do. (01:50): One thing that you love to do today for me. Okay. And the second thing is I actually would love it. If you gave a five star review of the podcast or whatever review you feel is in your heart, it really is important. And bringing this wisdom to the world is really near and dear to my heart. It is my greatest wish for my life to leave truth, to help people emancipate themselves from suffering. Okay, so let's do this thing. So a little bit about our community. If you're here, you are part of my community. And, um, just wanna say that this week we in every week in our community, we actually embody a universal law and the 52 universal law, uh, year of universal law book is coming out and may already be out. If you're listening to this down the line on Amazon and all the, uh, Oracle decks that come with it. (02:34): Uh, so it's very exciting. So this week we are embodying the universal law of intention. So let's just take a deep breath in together and ex excelling out this law states that what you focus on and give attention to expands and what you do not focus on or give attention to diminishes. You are a director of universal law. The moment you've give energy to any thought, it sets life into motion. You are being guided to stop giving energy to things you don't want and begin giving energy to the things you do want. The universe is guiding you to go within, get clarity on your authentic desires and set your intentions every single day with every single breath. So also we are celebrating graduations in our community. We have two big graduations each year in fall and spring, and we celebrate all the accredited certifications and all the other people graduating. (03:31): It's a really important time to celebrate all of our accomplis