7 Things That Kept Me BROKE as a Coach

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

7 things that kept me BROKE as a coach: 1. The Hobby Coach: I would say I’m a coach when I didn’t even have a client 2. The 80% Coach: I would scroll through social media for hours every day, only to find myself getting more and more depressed. I would stay busy all week long with zero results.  3. The Preaching Coach: I was giving everyone advice and analyzing all my friends and family, not realizing that the only way I was going to be considered a leader or a coach was to be the embodiment of it. 4. The Coupon Coaching: I would attend free trainings all the time, but not actually invest in my consciousness.If we want high-paying clients we need to be willing to pay for a high-level coach.  5. The Information Coach: So, I was essentially collecting all this information trying to piece a bunch of information together. Nobody wants information, they need transformation. 6. The Fearful Coach: I would sabotage myself from getting clients because I thought, “What would I do if I actually got a client?” I didn’t even have a powerful framework to get radical results for my clients! 7. The Justifying Coach: I have a couple of clients, and I’m good. I don’t like sales, it’s creepy.  I was shortcutting versus embodying abundance. Therefore, I was creating scarcity. The missing link was the deep transformational subconscious trauma work and having a proven business framework. To fully be embodied as a coach you need to master both your mindset and skillset.  3 ways we help soul-based entrepreneurs and coaches monetize: 1. Mindset: We help them transform their trauma, reprogram their subconscious mind, and birth their purpose.  2. Skillset: We teach the most trusted and proven 6-step system of sales and marketing. 3. Expertise: We train accredited certified coaches in E4 Trauma Method, Truth Triangle Framework, Universal Law, Metaphysics, etc.  Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth (00:20): Today? I'm going to break on down the seven things I did that kept me broke as a coach. So let's do this thing. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So I'm Dr. Aaron doctor of divinity and founder of new thought global and society. I'm an international best selling author and the 2020, uh, winner of the Walden wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey. I'm the creator of E four trauma method. And mostly I am somebody who's absolutely obsessed with consciousness and helping people just like you be able to turn their love for spirituality into a career. Cuz I truly believe that we're here to bring wisdom to the world. (01:06): So even if you're somebody who doesn't wanna make it into a business, I truly believe that when you awaken you naturally become a leader. So it doesn't even matter if you wanna make it into a coaching business or into becoming an entrepreneur we're leaders and leaders lead. So it doesn't matter if it has, you know, business attached or not. When you really do all this work, you can't help, but be the difference that you wanna see in the world. So let's break this on down on this podcast, I am committed really truly to helping you have the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, universal law lessons. We really are about transformation, breakthroughs and quantum leaps. So let's do this you guys, because there's nothing harder than witnessing people that I love in the industry that have done a lot of inner work, but really are not monetizing. (01:54): They're not being able to actually make their hobby and their love for spirituality into a career as a coach. And even as a doctorate divinity, I still consider myself a coach because let's just face it. That's what we're doing for a lot of our clients, right? We're bringing in divinity, we're bringing in universal law, we're bringing in subconscious and we're bringing in E four trauma method. We're bringing all that. But bottom line people come to us because they want to, they want to have different results in their life. They want different results. And so as somebody who was a coach who wasn't getting the results for my life, I really wanted to break it down for you guys. Some of the, some of the core things I was doing to keep myself broke as a coach. So seven things that kept me broke as a coach. (02:37): Number one was hobby coaching. I remember so well saying I was a coach even when I didn't have a client. So, you know, pretending and lying to myself, basically that I was a coach when I wasn't a coach yet. And I think it's real it's we have to get radically real with ourselves to get real. That if, if, if you're not making money, it's a hobby and that's fine if you wanna keep it a hobby. But it was keeping me broke because I was staying in the delusion of pretending that I was getting results. When I wasn't getting the results that I actually really wanted for myself. And we always say, we are our own first clients. And if we can't get results for ourselves, how can we expect to get results for others? Right. So I was hobby coaching and I remember feeling really kind of, it was like a secret shame inside, right? (03:26): I may have had a client or I was doing some pro bono, but really, and truly for years I wasn't making money. It's just face to fact. And it was really bill. It was really tearing me down inside and, and it was called, we call it hobby coaching, right. And that's fine, but let's get real. Let's make, let's get results for ourselves and for our clients in that second, uh, big thing I was doing that was keeping me broke as a coach is I was doing what was called the 80%. There's a rule out there in the world, which is called the 80 20 rule. And generally 20% of what we do in life actually gets us results. And 80% of it is just noise and, and we're shuffling papers around, right? So we call it, I call this 80% coaching. right. It's like I'm 80% in, in a relationship or I'm 80% in on my career. (04:12): You're either a hundred percent committed or you're not. So I call it the 80% coaching, which is I would do things like I would scroll through social media for hours every day only to find myself getting more and more, you know, down sad and depressed and feeling like, what am I doing? Right. I would stay busy all week long with zero results. I would stay busy all day long, doing all kinds of things, staying really busy, but not actually getting results. And we see this a lot. I see it a lot with people that are going, oh, I'm gonna start a podcast. I'm gonna do X, Y, and Z, but they're not actually getting results for their clients. They're not actually doing the work, which is getting the results, doing the deep spiritual work, doing the deep E four trauma method work, doing that and serving for yourself or for your clients. (04:53): That's the real work. Okay. So I would do all the other things that weren't getting results. Same in business. I would do all the things like posting on social media all day, but not actually having a call to action, not actually taking them into a value sequence, not actually completing cycles, right? I'd say busy creating things from canvas or, you know, whatever it may be back in the day. It wasn't that right. Creating things all day long, but not actually getting results. So it's called 80% coaching. Next is one of the big things I would do is I call it preaching coaching, right? I went through a big phase of this, where I got really into consciousness. I got really into the spiritual work, but actually all it did was it make me, it made me like basically analyze judge and evaluate life. So I was giving everyone advice and analyzing all my friends and family, not realizing that the only way I was ever going to be considered a leader or a powerful coach was to be the embodiment of it. (05:51): Right? So there's nothing worse than a preaching coach that is telling everybody, giving everybody advice, analyzing everybody, evaluating everybody, but not actually embodying the work. A powerful coach doesn't need to evaluate. We actually don't want to stay in our logical mind. We wanna get into the deep processes. We wanna live on spiritual principle. We wanna direct our mind towards what we do want instead of what we don't want. We hold everybody for the divinity that they are and the perfection of where they are accepting people, life and places and circumstances exactly as they are. And then getting committed to what we're actually creating for ourselves and helping our clients get clear for themselves and birthing their own truth. Right? So a preaching coach is, you know, different than obviously preaching, you know, minister of someone who's really speaking truth. That's awesome. But no one wants to be preached to people want stories. (06:42): They want results. They wanna actually know what you've been through and what other people have been through. And what's possible. They want, they don't wanna get preached to no one wants to be preached to. So the first thing I did, which I call coupon coaching, and I did this for a very, a long time. Let me tell you, and this is I would attend every free training all the time. I would take free courses. I would get more information. I would binge YouTubes. I would watch other people's content. I would do anything that was free, but I would not actually invest in my consciousness. And this is a principle that is a tough principle to learn, which is if we want high paying clients, we need to be willing to pay for high level coaching. I'll say that again. This is universal law. If we want high paying clients, we need to be willing to pay for high level coaching. (07:36): And so this was my huge breakthrough. It was like, I was trying to save money in order to one day, be able to make money, right? Like it didn't makes no sense whatsoever. This is universal law. This is the same principle for everything. If you want love, you have to give love. You can't wait for love, right? It doesn't work that way. You have to be willing to give it without any attachment to where it goes to, to able to receive love. Because you have to be the embodiment. Same with money. You can't look to get money. You have to give value to be able to receive and have the reflection of the universe. Same with energy. We can't just want high vibration without giving energy to the body without giving and expanding all that. Right. Knowing perfect health, all points in time because we're not the body. (08:17): Right? So all that, all that. So I would coupon coach, right? I would go to all the free events, see how much information I get, try and, you know, do all that and never actually invest. If you want prosperity, you've gotta be prosperous. If you want abundance, you've gotta live abundantly. If you want to have high paying clients, you've got to be willing to pay for that receiving for that currency, for that exchange for all that. Right? The fifth thing I did, I call it the informational coach. This is a cycle I lived in for years, which is so I essentially collected all the information or tried to piece together a bunch of information together. And I would try and think that if I just got, there's gotta be one piece of content out there that I'm just missing. Like I was looking for some secret out there of the information, right? (09:06): And the truth is you can never have enough of information. Nobody wants information. They need transformation. And this is the big problem with the informational coach of who I live for years and years is I tried to get more information when really, and truly it came down to one thing, which is the transformation o