90-Day Soul Goal Setting | Awaken Your Soul's Purpose & Monetize Your Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hi Spiritual Superstar! 🤩 Did you know that it is the last 90 days of 2022... It's time to finish with Divine Success! The majority of people will use the holidays as an excuse to settle, procrastinate, and succumb to stuck negative patterns. Our community is doing the complete opposite... They are doing their inner Trauma Work; releasing their limiting beliefs, reprogramming their subconscious, awakening their soul's purpose, and finally monetizing their spiritual gifts. Today, we come together to set our heart-centered goals for 90-Days of Soul-Goal Setting | Transforming Your Trauma, Awakening Your Soul's Purpose, and Monetizing Your Gifts!✨ In today's episode, I'm talking about the following: How to strategically set your heart-centered goals to have success in the four areas of your life How to Transform your Trauma to take a quantum leap and finish 2022 strong How to become the CEO of your personal and professional life How to overcome procrastination and become the most powerful version of YOU!     💎 If you’re NOT already a member of Soulciété… join me for a LIVE Breakthrough Group Call to discover how to make your dreams a reality >>> Register www.soulciete.com   WEEKLY COMMUNITY UPDATE: This week in Soulciété, we are embodying the Universal Law of Individualization!   THIS WEEK IN  SOULCIÉTÉ & SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY SCHOOL: Level 1: Spiritual Warriors - This week, we are learning how to Reprogram Your Subconscious ⚡ Level 2: Spiritual Entrepreneurs - This week, we are clarifying our Mission & Message 🚀  Level 3: E4 Trauma Method® & Spiritual Psychology Coach - This week, we are learning How to facilitate E4 Trauma Method® Past-Life Regressions⚡ Level 4: Spiritual Psychology Practitioner & Master Coach - This week, we are diving deep into the foundations of the Creative Process and the Metaphysics of Manifestation 🤯 Level 5: NTG Teachers-Speakers-Ministers - This week, we are learning how to teach The Hidden Metaphysical Teaching of World Religions ⚡ Level: 6 Doctors of Divinity - Taking applications With Love, Dr. Erin Programs: www.Soulciete.com Podcast: www.DrErin.tv Join the free Facebook Group: HERE   Binge My Podcast Series: Heal Your Trauma Series 52 Universal Law Series Money Breakthrough Series Spiritual Awakening Series Relationship Dysfunction Recovery Series Live Your Truth & Reprogram Your Subconscious Series Metaphysical Bible Series   Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother. Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity. Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level. “11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. Do not reuse this content. See our Terms Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now TRANSCRIPTIONS: (00:00): I want you to imagine for a moment that it's New Year's Eve. The clock is ticking, it's the countdown, and you're reflecting back on this year, seeing the last quarter flash before your eyes. And just like in sliding doors, there's parallel universes. In one universe, you flash to the last quarter of the year, the last 90 days, and it hasn't been great. It's been maybe even a bit dysfunctional. You've had a lot of stuck patterns. You kind of succumbed to the holidays and put all of your dreams on hold, You settled, you procrastinated, and you succumbed to the stuck negative patterns of life. And in the other parallel universe, you flash to the last quarter of your life, the last 90 days, and you had done the complete opposite. You'd work on your inner trauma work, you released your limited beliefs, you reprogrammed your subconscious mind, you waken into your soul's purpose, and you finally monetize your spiritual gifts.  (01:07): You may have even 10 X. Your soul base is, but here you are. Looking back, what would you do? Which universe would you wanna live in? Well, today's podcast is all about that. Today we're gonna break on down 90 days of transforming your trauma, awakening your soul's purpose, and monetizing your gifts. If you're somebody who wants to make the best out of the last 90 days of the year to really, truly take a quantum leap, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin. Doctor of Divinity, I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together, we're awakening the world.  (02:16): Hello, my soul family. I'm super excited to dive deep into really the goals for the rest of this year. It doesn't matter if you're just listening now or down the line. Goal setting is something that we do every single quarter, not just at the beginning of the year. It's something that we absolutely embody in our work within society. So let's break this on down. First of all, why set our goals right here we are. Let's just pretend that it's New Year's Eve, then the ball is dropping and you really are looking at the experience that you have for the last quarter of your life. And the reality is this, is that most people are gonna look back and they're going to have experienced the last quarter or this quarter coming above as all the excuses, how they settled, how they procrastinated, how they s came to the stuck negative patterns.  (03:05): And we don't wanna do that, right? It's one choice. We can just be the ping pong ball and go every direction and come back to our all of our stuck patterns. Or we can choose something new. That's why we call it the new thought movement, which is really an ancient teaching, which is truth, which is understanding the metaphysic of mind, understanding how we're manifesting at all points in time. You are a divine spiritual being, and you are directing energy with the power of thought to your subconscious mind. That's one with a subjective mind. That's one with universal law that is demonstrated in manifesting 24 7. So let's break this on down. I remember years back, I began to set goals. And it was really frustrating because most of the time when I set a goal, I would sabotage it. I wouldn't see it through. It's kinda like those New Year's resolutions where we start things and then we don't see it through.  (03:55): It never really worked for me, quite frankly. And as I began to get more and more developed in leadership distinctions, I began to understand a little bit more about goal setting. But traditional goal setting is very different than soul based goal setting. Traditional goal setting is really taking a look at your goals. And Dan Sullivan is OG incredible, is set the standard for the entire industry where we set goals, say for the year, and then we backtrack it into our quarter goals, our monthly goals, our weekly goals, our daily goals, and even down into the hour, our intentions. But there's a problem with that. There's a big missing piece to that. And the reason why is because most people are setting goals based on their programming. They have goals that they think they'll be happy once they fulfill 'em. They have goals for their status, for all those things that the culture told us.  (04:53): But they never actually get people what they truly desire, which is love and connection, right? So we want to actually begin to set our goals based on our soul. So as I work with seven figure coaches and CEOs and top celebrities, they come to me oftentimes with quote, quote, success, but yet they're lacking what they would consider success at a soul level. There's something missing. Something isn't right here. So what do we do as a soul based community? We set our goals based in truth number one. We come in for what we call a visioning process. Most people use their mini mind and they go out to the world and they try and seek information and they think what their goals should be, and they evaluate them and they strategize with their mini mind. They get it under the calendar, and maybe they hit those goals, but they're still not totally fulfilled, or they sabotage their goals because they can't truly have it.  (05:56): So what do we do? We go into that deep, deep visioning process. We do our subconscious trauma work, and we have our soul. Our soul is our primary goal to clear the subconscious mind, to clear the the soul. That is the goal, That's the primary goal always. And in that we get higher goals that in our specific souls calling of this lifetime and able to leave our legacy. So I always say it's like manifesting without awakening. You can manifest all day, but you're like being in a rat in one of those mazes. You just keep going around in circles and going to dead ends, right? But if you awaken to the truth of who you are and to your soul's purpose, then you can manifest a life that you truly desire, making an impact in the world with the people that you love, monetizing your spiritual gifts and so on and so forth.  (06:50): So we do both. It's like a spectrum. So on one side of the spectrum in our goal setting is we take our, we do our deep, deep visioning work, and we get a grand vision from our higher self, and then we use the mini mind SU to strategically plan out those goals, right? In the four areas of our life. And we break it down into love and relationships, career and money, health and vitality, and creative expression, right? So we wanna always have it be a one year goal, a quarter goal, a month goal, a week goal, a day goal. And yes, we break it on down into chunking it into our things, right? So this is the butterfly fact. So there's a famous book on goal setting, which is the one thing, it doesn't really get into strategic planning of the goals, but it goes into the story of Gary Keller who created the largest real estate agency and how he had his success.  (07:50): And he calls it the Domino Effect. And he asks this question, What is the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary, right? So as we ask this question, it's imperative that one, we begin to have that deep, deep visioning with our higher self getting in very clear of the vision for the four errors of our life. And then really asking ourself, what is the one thing I can do such that by doing it, e