Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your (00:05): Truth. (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity and founder of society. And good morning Lala land. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society as, uh, the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world together. We are awakening a billion people globally. Okay, let's do this thing, abundance and prosperity. Your birthright, Joseph Campbell said, people say that what they're seeking is the mean of life. I don't think that's what we're seeking. I think what we're seeking is the experience of being fully alive, which brings me to a great, uh, metaphor, a metaphor of heaven and hell. And it's a story. (01:03): And it says, I once ascended to ments, I went and I saw hell and it was horrifying. There were all these people row after row of tables lit with platters of extraordinary food and abundance. But the people all sitting on the edges of the table were moaning and groaning. They actually had their elbows strapped straight to these long, long spoons and forks. And they literally could not get the food to their mouth because they couldn't bend their elbows. And they were just looking so torturous and moaning and groaning. So next I visited heaven and I was surprised to see it was exact same setting. There was these long rows of tables with all this beautiful food all over and all these people down, all the edges were joyful and talking and laughing. And I noticed as they would pick up the food with their arm stretched again, their elbows were not able to bend. They would take the food and get it into the long spoon or fork, and they would feed it to the person across the table. So I ran back to hell and look, look like this is what you guys do. Don't you know, all you do is you pick up the food and you, you, you can feed the person across the row, across the table from you. And the one man that I told, he said, what? I would never feed that disgusting person over there. I'd rather watch them die than feed them. (02:47): And so the point is this is that knowing that heaven and hell is right here right now, that there is a shift that happens if we truly wanna live in heaven, that we truly wanna experience joy and abundance. And that is that we serve that. We give that which we seek and that we work for the highest good. And so in this, coming back to today's topic of abundance and prosperity, which is your birthright, right? I mean, the universe only knows abundance. That's the truth. So how do we tap into this? How do we live in abundance? We know that obviously it's a shift in mind. It's a shift in who we're being. It's a shift of knowing and innovating versus looking at, you know, the problem it's shifting from scarcity mentality into abundance mentality. It's shifting the mind with the blink of consciousness. (03:40): And so with every aspect of life, spirit, desires, love, and connection, and that's truly heaven. We can have all the abundance, we can have all the money, but of all the things. But if we don't have deep connection and relationship, we know that we will never be fulfilled. And we know those through things like the Harvard study of the 25 year study, where they study people over time and they wanted to know, you know, what had people become successful? What had people become fully fulfilled? And the common denominator of, of the people that were truly fulfilled, because it wasn't necessarily the amount of money that made them fulfilled. It was the depths of their relationship, their relationships and their life. So knowing this, we have to shift, you know, there's a shift of what it means to be abundant. What does it mean to have prosperity? (04:30): We know that, um, it's said that around $70,000 beyond that, it doesn't necessarily make us happier. You know, in LA of course it's a lot more than that probably, but the standard average income across America beyond 70,000 doesn't mean that somebody's more happy. They may have more things, but doesn't equate to more happiness, better relationships equate to more fulfillment and abundance. So there's a called the cultural creatives. It's by, um, Paul H. Ray PhD and Sherry Ruth Anderson. And it is about the cultural creatives. It's kinda like a new wave of movement in our culture. And they say that there's 50 million people in America who are tired of the emphasis of modern culture and the old paradigm of what success means. They say that these 50 million people's basically their values have shifted that they literally look and see what they value and what's abundant. And what's pro prosperous is their spirituality, their psychological levels, their wellbeing, their innovation, their love, their nature. (05:33): And they basically encourage us to invest in education and care for the environment and care for the people around us. And basically having this shift into the collective consciousness and looking at how we can help and eradicate, you know, different things that are hurting our culture. And that's truly the success of the new wave. And I believe that, of course, I see that all the time, you know, the clients I work with and the, the gals who come into society, my must have for working with anybody is that they have to want to heal themselves and better themselves so that they wanna make a difference in the world. I used to work with, um, you know, some top, uh, celebrities. And I just found that it wasn't really the case. It felt like they were really, and I'm not saying all celebrities for sure are not like this, but some, and some of the addicts I was working with, they were very much about getting better so that they can have more and that they can be successful instead of going, I wanna heal, I wanna get better. (06:28): I wanna advance myself so that I wanna make a difference in the world. And so for me, I've made it really clear within my business that that's my must have for working with anybody. Otherwise my energy does doesn't multiply, abundantly and go out to the world. So, you know, there's a famous book it's called the hero's journey by Joseph Campbell. I'm sure, probably everybody's heard of that. And he discusses basically the hero within, he indicates that the hero is a symbol of our ability to control the Savage within that dark part of ourselves. And basically it's basically a life of self discovery, a life of, of courageous acts. You know, the star wars series was based off of this book. And, um, you know, in that movies, I mean, obviously it's a iconic movie. Luke Skywalker finds the force within and he finds the power of a character to meet his destiny. (07:16): And I think that's the point is that within each and everyone, that is our destiny, our destiny is that aspect of ourselves. That that's the truth. You know, what is the truth of who you are? And that really is destiny, because whether it's in this lifetime or we go back to the light, that's who we are, you know, and when you get clear of, of your immortality and you get clear of what we're really here for, we're here to advance consciousness and really experience heaven in a 3d realm. So basically Luke crocker, he discovers that he can overcome his evil and be set free because it's just like the universal law. As we entangle into the dysfunction and the chaos and discord, we live in hell, we can't get out, we're trapped, right? And as we unin, we, we become more harmonious. We, we know the truth. (08:03): We unentangle from all the dysfunction, we're set free, it's boundless. We can create infinitely and feel no bounds. We feel our true power. And that's the point of a spiritual awakening is to really find the hero. The truth of who we are within Joseph Campbell says he makes the dis distinction between a celebrity and a hero. And he says that one lives for the self while the other acts to redeem society in seeking truth and wisdom, you must look beyond the realm of illusion and regain your true self. And so today's daily spiritual practice is to give yourself fully to life. Today's universal law is a law of circulation. All of life is an exchange of energy, a flow of giving and receiving. This is the current of consciousness, an expanding rate multiplied abundantly through this dynamic exchange. A universe instantaneously responds to what you give to life. (08:58): You reap what you sew, that's the law of circulation. And so again, today's practice is to give yourself fully to life. So this is the truth. There's only one explanation for any experience, any experience of lack of flow or the feeling of being stuck, or even being sad. It's because you're not giving yourself to life. Where in life are you being stingy? You know, where is it? You know, if you want love, you gotta give love. If you want money, you gotta give value. Where do you feel stuck? And that's where you have to give to life. That's the counterintuitive ask of life. Where in life do you hold yourself back from giving your time, treasures or talents to the world? How have you been suppressing yourself? How have you been holding yourself back from life? And so that's the question today, knowing that you are, your birthright is prosperity, abundance, that there is only that that's the truth of who you are. (09:54): That's the truth of the universe. That is the truth. It's your birthright. So if you want to have prosperity abundance, you gotta get mad. You gotta decide. You gotta say, this is my birthright. This is who I am. It's in my DNA. It is infinite, infinite, infinite. And so I know all those equations that we can put together, elements, unlimited amounts of different equations. The way that our, our DNA can communicate the way that there are in the elements that we can put 'em together, infinitely there's infinite, infinite, infinite, ways of innovating. And so in this knowing, I just know your birthright. I know whatever you decide in mind is done, done, done as together we say. And so it is. And so on that note have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth? Thanks again for tuning in to Dr. Aaron and soul society podcast, I'd like to invite you to write a review on iTunes. (10:45): Also, I have a free gift for you in money, meditation and worksheet, which you can [email protected]. That's www S O U L C I