Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

DAILY INSPIRATION: Story of Dr. John Demartini DAILY UNIVERSAL LAW: Universal Law of Evolution DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Focus on Gratitude DAILY CHALLENGE: Shift your mindset    Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth. Live from Los Angeles. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We come together also as a community in society. Our vision is to be the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment empowerment and yes, entrepreneurship. We know that each person that awakens has a gift and a message to bring to the world. And that's you, you are the highest product to produce. You gotta claimant now. So let's talk about this thing today. Scarcity mentality Nevil said man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness. That's I mean, such a profound quote man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness. So true. And I think that it's confusing because we think that our consciousness is just the individual consciousness. (01:09): No, our consciousness is the independent individual consciousness. It's also the collective consciousness and it's the cosmic consciousness. And we, we feel like we're divided, but it's never the truth. It's impossible. So scarcity mentality, there was a great story. Years back. I remember listening to, uh, Dr. John D martini. He's considered one of the leading human behaviorists and personal development speakers today. And one day he was taken a flight from Phoenix to Las Vegas, and he sat down next to, you know, this pretty young girl who proceeded to ask him about his travels. And he told her he was on his way to, you know, speak at a seminar in Las Vegas. And she was asking him all these questions. I don't think she knew who he was. And he was like, well, you know, I'm, I'm kind of a life coach, duh, da da. So she started gabbing away about her life. (02:02): And she asked if he would advise her on her own love life. She said she loved her life, but the one area of life that she still really, really wanted to find like her soulmate or whatever. And, um, he was sitting next to her and you know, like so many people that are in this industry, he's like, okay, well, you know, the universe brought me this girl right next to me and she needs help. So therefore let's do this thing. So he started asking her questions, you know? So I want you to tell me about your life and about, you know, the qualities of, of the men that are in your life that you like. So she started talking about everything from, you know, her boss, uh, she worked at AGM and how great her boss was to her and how he'd take her and her girlfriends out and spoiled them and stuff like that and how she had her hairdresser would, was hilarious. (02:50): And she loved how funny he was. She'd always be on the floor, laughing. And then she talked about her. Ex-boyfriend how they still were kind of like sleeping together because they, they had really great intimacy, but, you know, they just weren't compatible. As far as in a relationship, she kept talking, kept talking and all of a sudden John was like, you know, I want you to understand that the universe is always abundant. It always gives you exactly what you want. Always, always, always. And so he was like, you know, if you take a look at the universe, it always already gives you what you want. You already have all these amazing men in your life and how literally we can. Yes, it can all come in one person, one partner, but we have to get and acknowledge that you already have everything that you really need. (03:36): The universe has already delivered that to you. And then it's really perception is as we stay in that lack mentality, we're not allowing the flow and the abundance to grow from there. And how, you know, the epiphany was realizing for the first time, how wonderful everything was in her life and, and really accepting and realizing the profound perfection of her life and exhaling in gratitude. The truth is that life, all of life is energy. When we create a negative or positive, you know, use of it, it's the same energy. This is a law that we can literally take the energy and use it to create bounds and create the ex the experience of having lack. There's no such thing as lack. The universe only knows abundance. And it's the same energy that creates the, the bounds, the scarcity, the, you know, having no money feeling of scarcity in, in your money or your health or any of those things. (04:33): And shifting it into abundance, shifting into this, this unlimited resource, there's infinite, infinite equations in the universe. There's, there's only so many elements, but the amount of ways we can put the elements together is infinite. There is only abundance in the universe and that's the truth. And so in this, knowing, knowing there's a decision, there's a decision to say, you know what? I see life working for me, not against me. I see how there's only possibility. There's no such thing as a problem. There's only innovation and the ability to create. And so in this one energy source called consciousness, we either can use it to create scarcity or abundance. It's one and the same. So through understanding the laws, you can either create scarcity or abundance. And through this, we understand it's all about the thinking and where you're directing your energy. So when you finally decide and choose to focus, act and create abundantly, there's this law of correlation, Newton's third law, the law that says that everything is a reflection. (05:43): Everything that we feed, everything that literally there is a cause and effect of every last ounce of every thought that we choose the universe always gives you exactly what you need, whether it's in a form of a lesson or a blessing or a form of love, the universe nudges you towards awakening, always so anywhere where you feel like you are stuck or have scarcity, that is the universe trying to create the breakdown for the breakthrough is trying to show you how to succumb to the truth of who you are, which is always abundant. So today's daily spiritual practice is to focus on gratitude. Today's universal law is the law of evolution. The law of evolution states that the creative process begins with a belief in mind, which sets polarity into motion. Evolution is the result of this polarity in physical form in evolution is the internal impression upon mind. (06:45): And what informs universal law evolution is the outcome of a law in motion, which affects the elements and chemical reactions. So the point is, is this that your so power that the minute you even consider life to be abundant or scarcity or scarce, you literally set things in emotion. You're that powerful. We know this through the observer effect, that what if you saw life as abundant? What if you started looking through that lens, you actually create the abundance. That's how powerful you are. And so in this today, the daily spiritual practice again, is to focus on gratitude, focus on gratitude. So pick one of the following, write down 20 things. You're grateful for write a letter of gratitude to someone, or make a phone call to someone you're grateful for and let that person know that things you're appreciate about him or her. How do we get in the flow of abundance? (07:38): We first have to recognize the abundance that already is. And in that there's a circulation, there's a non stuckness that happens. And in that all things are possible. So with this today, as I work with people subconsciously on claiming their birthright of, of abundance, one of the things that we do is we take inventory. We take inventory of all the places that we have come from scarcity. Maybe it's handing your power over to something around money. We do money breakdowns, right? So if you're trying to have a breakthrough around money, it's important to take a look at everywhere that you've handed your power over in money. Where did you do things? Because you thought you were the, you were less powerful than money. Where were you in relationships? Because you considered, you needed money and someone had more money or whatever that is, right? There's so many ways that we have given our power over to the scarcity mentality that we feel like we've been the effect of life and not creating from them abundance. (08:38): So it's important to first take full inventory and take a look and recognize that's always a first step is to wake up, right? How do we wake up? We have to look at where we've created scarcity. We've gotta take full responsibility. And then we've gotta reprogram that comes down to of course, dealing with your traumas, dealing with things like that, looking at where you've handed your power over, over in consciousness and created this scarcity mentality. Then we've gotta take a look at what we truly are committed to. And if we truly are committed to making a difference in the world, we need money. We need to have the impact. We need to have that. And it takes exchange. It takes building a team. It takes doing things that we really wanna have, uh, an impact on the world. You know, I think so many women in particular are not driven by money because we don't, we haven't made the connection. (09:26): We haven't made the connection of our, why that links in with making money. You know, a really profound thing happened last week, where a girlfriend of mine shared some huge goals she had in life. And I mean, her goals were to make $2 million a year. And, and she wrote down her goals specifically, and she wrote down her why, of why and how the impact of her life and who she could impact with making that $2 million a year. And I remember I was driving home cuz she was downtown. I was driving home and I started thinking about what is my, why? You know? And I mean, of course I already had the why I have my mission, but I realized in that moment, by just her sharing her vision of making millions of dollars, it shifted the potential for me, the possibility. I mean, I didn't think I had any limiting beliefs about money. (10:19): I had become a self-made millionaire by the time I was 30, I was making great money and I, you know, felt like I don't have limiting beliefs. But what I got was that I'm not playing a big enough of a game that I'm still at some level having a scarcity mentality because I'm thinking about a smaller game than, than really impacting millions of women around understanding that their birthright is prosperity. Their birthright is abundance. And so in me, knowing that I am shifting my life into playing a much bigger game because I've been a millionaire, but that doesn't mean I have millions of dollars cash flow every year. What would that look like? What would it look like? Every time you go anywhere, you know that you can pay for anything you may not choose to. You still may respect money that you have that, that choice always you could walk into any store. (11:10): You can help anybody, the homeless person on the street. You could help somebody. If they're in a, in a bad spot in their life, you could create organizations that make a difference in the world and so on and so forth. Like that's the power you never have to succumb to considering money. When you're doing something, you literally come from a space of power. And that is, what's so important for so many women. We haven't made that connection of money and our why. And when we do that, everything shifts. And so knowing this letting go of scarcity mentality and stepping into our birthright of abundance, may you live your truth? Thanks again for tuning in to Dr. Aaron and soul society podcast, I'd (11:52): Like, like to invite you to write a review on iTunes. Also, I have a free gift for you, a money meditation and worksheet, which you can [email protected]. That's www S O L C I E t.com or 30 guided meditations at Dr. aaron.tv. Tha