Are You Overwhelmed, Confused, and Stressed About The World?

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): Are you overwhelmed, confused, and maybe stressed out about everything going on in the world right now? Are you maybe even going to apathy feeling a little hopeless or alone, or maybe you are really concerned about things politically or in the realm of health and economics and everything going on? Well, if you are overwhelmed and confused, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know and believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So this is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity training, developing world renowned spiritual leaders. We train and develop spiritual coaches in the E four trauma method. We train and develop spiritual practitioners, and we're just opening up the ministerial program and the doctor of divinity program. (01:09): So I'm so excited, but today heavy on my heart. I wanna talk about what's going on in the world and how to deal with feeling overwhelmed, confused, and stressed out about everything going on, whether it be that you're in the polarization of the jab or not the jab, the COVID, everything going on with that, or politically all the discord going on around that, the economical inflation and just the decrease in dollar and all the different economical things going on, global warming, everything that's having so much fear happening, whether you're dealing with feeling like it's groundhogs day or whether you're dealing with codependency in the middle of everything, flaring up from the discord of everything happening in the world, or whether you are, you know, even thinking suicidal thoughts, please call and get help. Okay. Whether you are feeling lonely or whether you are having health issues or whether you really truly are afraid of COVID still, or the jab or whatever's happening. (02:12): I want to handle this right here right now. That is my promise. And that, it's my commitment for you to fully listen to this podcast and walk away with a new found truth and, and something to know through all this that is unshakeable that is unstoppable, and that is untouchable. So let's go. So last night I went to a friend's launch party for her book. She has a new, beautiful book up on manifestation on meditation, and it was at a place called unplug here in Los Angeles. And I go into this beautiful little place, and there's a lot of big influencers. You'd probably know online, spiritually based influencers there. And it's a, a very intimate, beautiful, beautiful event. And right before, um, my friend was going to begin her talk and meditation, someone came in and said, Hey, please turn off your phones or hand us your phones and we'll plug them in so that they're not in here. (03:14): And as I looked down to my phone, I had a group text from my family. My, my nephew is actually in the hospital. And what hap has happened is he's young, he's 24 years old or something like that. He's 23 or 24. And he went in for pneumonia. He got pneumonia very fast and, uh, had to go into, go in the emergency via an ambulance. And they finally submitted him. It's been almost a week now, he's been in there and they first were just, you know, giving him IVs and, um, and watching his stats. And they were finding that there was something in his right lung at the lower lung. And they actually thought maybe it was cancer. And they were gonna do a biopsy on Monday after the weekend. And then the text came in right before I was going into, uh, this meditation. (04:11): And then the text was, Hey, they're not waiting till Monday. They don't think it's cancer anymore. They actually, uh, the mass has been moving and we now are looking at having to go in with an arm, put him under, completely under, put an arm into his lung and biopsy, and also maybe take off a portion of his lung. And everyone's very concerned, of course, but the doctors are like, why would this young boy be having these health issues? And what's really going on? Is it mold? Is it an immune system going on? What's happening? Right. So everyone's very concerned about it. And of course, there's family members that are concerned, cuz he's had the vaccine. There's other family members that are like completely, um, like triggered by even that concept. There's, there's, there's kind of polarity happening in the family. There are doctors involved, there's whatever, but everyone's holding love in their heart. (05:10): So I begin to go into, obviously I turn off my phone, give it away. And I go into this meditation and I'm in the meditation and she's doing a guided meditation, which is so beautiful, but I go deep. I'm out. I'm not in that room anymore. And I'm in consciousness with my nephew and I'm holding him in my heart. And I say, Blake, is there something that you want me to know in consciousness? And he says, life is fucked. That's fucked up life is, is fucked. And, and we're having this consciousness, this conversation consciousness. I said, well, we know that everything out pictures from beliefs. And I know that this is that you can choose to see life as miraculous as well. And you have the choice and it's okay, regardless, cuz I know you're not your body. And I know the perfection of health and this is what we teach. (06:07): Right? And he looks at me and he has this, this look of like kind of fuck life. And we just sat there and we hugged. And my son came in and the rest of the family came into my meditation and we were, you know, people were crying and everyone was hugging. And we left. I left that meditation with everyone, knowing myself consciousness, but the freedom of choice and the freedom of choice that I truly believe that we choose this life. We choose our parents. We choose our name. We choose when we leave this planet from a collective consciousness, cuz we're not just the individual consciousness, we're collective, we're collective and we're cosmic. And so as it opened my eyes back up and the whole group within this, in this room was finishing a beautiful guided of meditation. And I had some tears going down my eyes of, of joy, of just the beautiful aspect of life. (07:10): Knowing that life is, is a masterclass. Life is not supposed to be easy. Life is supposed to be the dark, the light, the joy, the suffering, everything in order to love life, we have to love all of it. And we have to understand that it's all working for us and not against us. But so then we all took pictures, gave hugs at the, um, at the event last night. And um, I came home and, and did another little prayer and I'm just sending love to my nephew, knowing that he is powerful. He's a divine, powerful, spiritual being he's he's held by great doctors and experts also. And knowing that I know whatever is going to be revealed within the world, um, will be revealed with what's going on in the world. So, so this is the point is the point is, is that right now, it's easy to feel like life is fucked up. (08:09): It's easy to look at the world and whether you are on, you know, there's such polarity right now, there's polarity. You're either pro-vaccine or you're anti-vax and then everyone's making everyone wrong. I've seen posts on social media where every one of the comments is pro-vaccine and they're talking so poorly about anybody that hasn't been vaccine and how stupid and how selfish and how awful people are. And then I've seen posts that are all anti-vaccine of people saying, Hey, I've seen more people die or have issues from the vaccine than COVID and blah, blah. And all it's like so polarized. And the point is, is that there's one point I wanna make today. There is one point. The point is this is that no matter what is going on, no matter if you are being overwhelmed by the polarization, from the jab or not the jab, whether you are scared about what's happening politically, whether you are concerned about the massive inflation and the dollar and everything going down, whether you are concerned about global warning, whether you are dealing with codependency, because that is coming up. Uh, every seems like every one of my friends is dealing with codependency. I'm so grateful to be healed from that or whether you're dealing with addiction or whether you're dealing with dealing so lonely and questioning life, whether you're doing whether you're questioning, should I move? Should I not move any of those things in all of those things? There's only one answer. (09:41): There's only one answer for my nephew. There's only one answer. And it is to go within, to go to divine, to go to the God within, to seek that home, to seek that truth. Cuz all of life right now is demanding for us to do that. There's prophecy that a third of the population will die. A third of the population will go insane. And a third of the population will wake up. The truth is the only people that are going to survive. The insanity that's going to go down on this planet are people that are so tapped into source that this is how life is working for us. Not against us, that that, that really calls upon the divine intervention. And I know the divine intervention for my nephew right now. I know that if he chooses to tap into that source and chooses to tap into that glory and chooses to tap into that, that that is what has patience, you know, thrive. (10:41): And they've, they've even shown us in, in stats, in the medical field that if people don't have hope it doesn't work out right. If they don't believe it doesn't work out that they, we have to go within. That is the destination Emmett Fox, who was a great leader in the new thought movement said, if you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. So I want to invite us on that journey of what would it look like to love so profoundly? What if, when you went on those posts on Instagram or Facebook that you shared love for all people, not just your one pro or con jab, what if you loved so much that you had compassion for people of whatever viewpoint they're in? What if you loved so much that you only loved? What if you could be the most powerful person in the world? (11:38): And so we have to remember the truth, metaphysical truth. We have to understand that universal law and metaphysics are one it's it's the backing of all energy. It is that, which is the creative factor as Thomas to so eloquently teaches that what we focus on collectively expands. So if the media and the news is focusing on all things that are bad, wrong, the division, the divisive, the death, the, this, the, that, all that, that we're only looking at what is wrong. We have to understand that even with C right? And I am absolutely pro all Western medicine and Eastern medicine and spirituality. I truly believe that we combine those three would have the best medical system in the world. But if we look at the amount of influenza versus COVID, there's no difference. And why is it that now that everything's being focused on, right? (12:29): So what we collectively focus on expands. So if you sit all day and you watch news, it's not going to do anything other than get you in fear mode and have you more expanding in fear and more expanding on disease. If you focus on disease, it's going to expand disease. Like that is just a reality. And that doesn't mean we don't wanna get educated. Okay? Universal law takes care of everything, meaning that we, if you're somebody that's like, look, I need to now go within. I need to find peace. I need to go to the home of the divine, sacred within my heart and find