Awakening Meditation Series | How To Listen To The Spiritual Signs From The Body [2 of 40]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Awakening Meditation Series | How To Listen To Spiritual Signs From The Body [2 of 40] How to listen to spiritual signs from the body.  The body is a spiritual temple for communication from the highest self aka Spirit. The Body maintains homeostasis through a complex system of checks and balances that involve various organs, systems, and feedback mechanisms. Homeostasis is the process by which the body regulates its internal environment to maintain stability and ensure that conditions are optimal for cellular function. Here's an overview of how the body creates and maintains homeostasis: Spiritual sends signals of ease and disease to guide us to align with our relative and ultimate truth.  The body has many systems to remind of to realign... Feedback Systems: Homeostasis is primarily regulated through feedback systems. There are two main types of feedback mechanisms: negative feedback and positive feedback. Negative Feedback: This is the most common type of feedback mechanism in the body. It works to counteract any changes from the body's set point. When a change is detected, the body initiates a response that reverses or counteracts that change. For example, when your body temperature rises above the set point, you sweat to cool down. Positive Feedback: This type of feedback amplifies a change rather than opposing it. It is typically involved in processes like blood clotting, childbirth, and certain aspects of the immune response. In positive feedback, the initial change leads to a cascade of events that intensify the change until a specific goal or endpoint is reached. Set Points: The body has set points for various physiological variables, such as body temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and pH levels. These set points represent the ideal or target values that the body aims to maintain. Sensors and Effectors: To monitor changes in the internal environment, the body has sensors called receptors. These receptors detect variations from the set points and send signals to the control center, typically located in the brain or spinal cord. The control center processes the information and sends out signals to effectors, which are muscles, glands, or organs that carry out the necessary response to restore balance. Scientific Examples of Homeostasis: Thermoregulation: The body regulates its temperature through sweating and shivering to maintain a stable core temperature. Blood Sugar Regulation: The pancreas releases insulin to lower blood glucose levels and glucagon to raise them, keeping blood sugar within a narrow range. Blood Pressure Regulation: Special receptors in blood vessels detect changes in blood pressure, and the body adjusts heart rate and blood vessel diameter to maintain proper blood pressure levels. Hormones and the Endocrine System: The endocrine system, which includes glands like the thyroid, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland, releases hormones that play a crucial role in regulating various body functions. Hormones act as messengers, coordinating responses and helping maintain homeostasis. Adaptation: The body can also adapt to long-term changes in the environment or conditions. For example, living at high altitudes may lead to an increase in red blood cell production to improve oxygen transport. Just like the body maintains homeostasis through a combination of feedback mechanisms, sensors, effectors, and hormonal regulation. These mechanisms work together to ensure that essential physiological variables remain within a narrow range, allowing cells and organs to function optimally...   Spirit maintains homeostasis through a combination of feedback mechanisms of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.      Awakening Course: Free with book Find time to complete these tasks at the end of the day. Step 1. Read Day 1 Serendipity: Miracles Every Moment in the 40-Day Awakening book.  Step 2. Do your Day 1 of 40-Day Awakening Meditations.  Step 3. Listen to the Awakening Podcast Series  Step 4. Do your worksheet    Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Trauma Coaching Series 52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series 12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series 40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series 12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series   Transcripts:  (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world I divine loves. So today it's all about understanding the miracle of you, body, mind, and spiritually understanding the divine connection of the triune nature of your ability as spirit to communicate with all of life. So when my son was nine months old, we were in a rollover truck and trailer accident. (01:03): We were going 60 miles per hour and his father lost control of the truck and trailer going 60 miles per hour on the highway, and we did a complete rollover accident. Luckily, no one died. And unfortunately, I massively injured my back and I was laid up for many weeks and my back, it was years of me basically healing my back through my spiritual work and through the breath work, and within a few years later, I was able to have zero pain in my entire body. It was really a true miracle. But what I know for sure is that there is a coincidence between what happens on the external world with what happens on the internal world. However, I didn't quite understand it at that point in time how significant that rollover was. That was in a complete alignment with what was really outing my life, which was I was not in alignment with my truth and my life was breaking down in all forms because I was not living my truth. (02:12): So years later, even this last two years, two years ago, I hadn't felt any pain in my body for many, many years from all the spiritual work I was doing. In fact, I would mostly feel like I was floating through life. It was, it was really almost like an enlightenment state in the body. And about two years ago, I began to have this pain in my shoulder and it began to feel like it was kind of out. It didn't hurt bad, but it was just enough that it was out. And over the course of the year, it began to get worse and worse, and it ended up getting so bad that I had to go get an M R I. And I actually kind of fell on it as well. I was quite freaked out. I was like, wow, I didn't know if it was going to ever be okay again because there's what's called a frozen shoulder and they can do a surgery, but even with surgery, sometimes it doesn't get fixed. (03:07): So I was kind of like, wow, as a spiritual teacher, I was like, wow, we know that this is not just a physical thing, that everything is spiritual. So I began to really take a look at what was going on and what had began to go on around the time that my shoulder was out. And there was actually a breakdown within the community with the client, and I actually had to take her out of the community. And it was kind of a mess. It was one of the hardest things I'd gone through in my career and in my mission, and I wanted to make her wrong. There was a part of me that really wanted to make her wrong. And as I began to dive into looking at my shoulder, I had to really take a look at what was really going on. And we know the extent to which we hand our power over to the external world is the extent to which we will be disempowered or the extent we will start having communication through the body. (04:03): So in this, what happened was I began to do a process, a very advanced process, and the process goes like this, how did I create this? How did I create this? And I would ask myself over and over again looking at the situation, coming to the revelation that I chose to create it for my development as a leader. And in that, guess what, I happened to have somebody refer me to a doctor who was pretty much the only doctor that I've ever heard of that was a brain surgeon at one point in time and gave up his medical license so that he could do the work that he felt like so much of the work that the western world was doing in medical field didn't need to be done. Majority of the surgeries he felt didn't have to be done some yes, but that most of it can be done naturally and spiritually. (04:52): So I went to this doctor poignantly at the exact same time that I'd done all my spiritual work and within one week, he basically adjusted my shoulder back in, which was extremely painful, and I had zero pain left in my shoulder. S