Awakening Meditation Series | Serendipity: 7 Signs From The Universe [1 of 40]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Awakening Meditation Series | Serendipity: 7 Signs From The Universe [1 of 40] 7 Signs From The Universe 1. Synchronicities & Coincidences: Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences or patterns that seem too precise to be random. For example, repeatedly encountering the same number, seeing a specific animal, or hearing a particular song at significant moments in your life. 2. Repeating Numbers: Many people believe that repeating numbers, such as 111, 333, or 777, are messages from the universe. They may interpret these numbers as a sign to pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, or actions. 3. Dreams and Visions: Some individuals receive messages or guidance through dreams or visions. These dreams may provide insights, solutions to problems, or guidance about a particular situation. 4. Intuitive Feelings: Strong gut feelings or intuitive hunches can be seen as signs from the universe. These feelings may guide you toward a specific decision or action. Trusting your intuition and paying attention to your inner guidance can be seen as a way of receiving subtle messages from the universe. 5. Nature and Animal Symbols: Seeing a particular animal or encountering elements of nature in unusual ways can be interpreted as a sign. Different animals and natural phenomena may have specific meanings in various belief systems. 6. Repeated Symbols or Themes: You might notice recurring symbols, themes, or motifs in your life that seem to hold significance. These can be seen as signs directing your attention or guiding your path. 7. Messages in Songs, Movies, and Media: Some people believe that messages from the universe can be found in books, movies, or songs. A specific phrase or theme may resonate with you and provide guidance or insight.   What if everywhere you went, miracles and manifestations of your choosing just appeared?   What if life was one big serendipitous symphony, reflecting to you your innermost thoughts and desires?   I invite you to consider that you are already there. Yes, everything you are experiencing in this moment is mirroring what is happening within your Consciousness in a serendipitous manner.   The word serendipity was first coined in 1754 by Horace Walpole to describe a fortunate happenstance, a pleasant surprise, wherein one discovers something seemingly without instigating a search to find it.   You see, serendipitous moments are not accidents; they are WAKE UP CALLS.   The question is, are you ready to tap into your own unique personal power? Are you ready to experience love and serendipity everywhere in your life?    Harnessing this ability is simple. Take anything that has happened in your life that you perceive as negative, find a way to see these circumstances as a blessing for you to wake up, and watch your life transform.   Awakening Course: Free with book Find time to complete these tasks at the end of the day. Step 1. Read Day 1 Serendipity: Miracles Every Moment in the 40-Day Awakening book.  Step 2. Do your Day 1 of 40-Day Awakening Meditations.  Step 3. Listen to the Awakening Podcast Series  Step 4. Do your worksheet    Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Trauma Coaching Series 52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series 12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series 40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series 12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series   Transcripts:  (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together we're awakening the world. (00:37): I'm my divine loves. I wanted to come in here and share all about serendipity signs from the universe, and I want to share a guided meditation. So I remember years back, I began to see the sign 1, 1, 1, 1, like so many of us do, and I had been doing my spiritual practices. I had began to have breakthroughs. I had gone through some courses and read a lot of books, and I began to really get in sync with the universe. It was magical, mystical. Everywhere I went, there were signs and people that I was thinking about would randomly call me at the exact time I was thinking about them. Just a few minutes later, everything began to be this serendipitous moment, and then the next day, nothing would flow whatsoever. Everything fell out of sync. And I thought, what is going on? What's wrong with me? Is this really working? (01:31): Am I having an awakening or am I going insane? So I began to go on the journey of looking at the signs of the universe and realizing, of course, that the universe absolutely has our back, but it has a lot more than that because we are the universe, right? We are one divine source. And so I began to dive into this, and in my book Awakening, we break down or I break down serendipitous moments, miracles at all points in time, knowing that all of miracles, everything can be a miracle, that we're in this incredible universe where we can quantum manifest, quantum heal, going into all multiverse, dimensions and multi track across everything because we are everywhere at all points in time in our consciousness, quantum manifesting and being able to know that we are one with the quantum entanglement, going into that zero point energy and knowing that we can transcend anything, the source to create all of life. (02:33): So today I want to break on down the signs from the universe and recognizing that all of life is a serendipitous moment. So in my book, the Awakening and Day one, we break down how there is both serendipity all the times when you are thinking that everything is lining up and everything is coordinating, and these signs come in profound ways. There's coincidences repeating of numbers. Oftentimes every time you look at your phone or a clock, it's always a 2, 2 2 or a 1, 1 1 or whatever it is. Always repeating numbers. You come in visions and dreams and everything seems miraculous, right? There's also those gut intuitive feelings. And then even in nature, it feels like everything's coordinating the stars and the skies and everything else. And there's repeated symbols and themes throughout your life. Everything through the songs and media and movies, everything's talking to you. It's as if you are one with the universe because you are and you're feeling all this collaboration. (03:36): But then what does it mean when it doesn't work like that? And there's a coin term called zen vanity where everything is actually a coincidence in the negative way. Every time you're upset, you stub your toe and it even gets worse, right? When you go into that one parking lot, there happens to be that cart from the grocery store leftover that you slam into, or just when you don't want to do anything more, another stack of bills comes in that is exactly the same, yet opposite. We live in a paradoxical universe and everything's relative. There's positive and negative to everything. So oftentimes we only think that we're coordinating with our consciousness when it's only the good things, but it's actually at all points in time. All those bad things that happen are a coincident of what's happening at the subconscious mind. And we need to know that subconscious mind is not just your subconscious mind. (04:32): Your subconscious mind is one with all collective consciousness. It's one with the cosmos as well. So sometimes it's mercury retrograde, right? And everything feels like it's off balance. Technology isn't working, nothing's flowing. You feel like you're just stuck in patterns over and over again going on repeat, feeling like you're going insane, thinking, wow, I am complete imposter syndrome. Why do I even think I should be able to fulfill my dreams at all? Right? The relationships are crumbling. All of those things that happen that emity, that negative coincidence. And then there is a serendipitous moments of the coincidence. And so as we get into this of the negative patterns, which is so cool about it, is that when we realize we're the dark and the light, we're all of it, and all of it's coordinating with perfection, there is a mathematical equation of the universe that is so profound it would blow your mind.