Awakening Meditation Series | Transformation: Shift Happens [5 of 40]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Awakening Meditation Series | What's Stopping You From Manifesting [1 of 40] Resources: Get certified as an ICF & CPD accredited Spiritual Psychology Practitioner and learn the life-changing E4 Quantum Healing & Manifesting Method:  Join my FREE Manifesting Challenge and get 52 Universal Law Lessons, Journaling Worksheets, and Community: Join my FREE Facebook group:  Connect with me on Instagram: Buy my Spiritual Awakening Universal Law Oracle Deck: Buy my Awakening Book:    Transformation: Shift Happens "We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine." ~J.K. Rowling The metamorphosis of the caterpillar to the butterfly is the most classical analogy of transformation. First, the larvae eggs hatch and out crawls the eager, oscillating furry caterpillar, considerably bigger than the larvae egg, excited to crawl its way by land or plant to those luscious leaves, where it can munch and eat to its heart’s content. Once the caterpillar has packed itself full of food, it locates the perfect leaf, but instead of crawling across it, it creates a new reality and hangs itself upside down. It begins to create a cocoon or chrysalis, encasing itself in a fine thread where its next metamorphosis takes place. Ten to fourteen days later, the caterpillar re-absorbs its skin and fur, and slowly develops into a beautiful butterfly. When it is ready, the butterfly swallows air to expand its body and breaks open the chrysalis and wraps its legs around the leaf. With its wings, still moist from the protective environment of the chrysalis, the butterfly needs to wait until they are completely dry. Then when it is ready, it spreads its glorious wings, leaves the known dimension of the plant, and takes flight into a new reality, flying and experiencing life and the world in a completely unique way. It is a beautiful cycle that ends where it began; with the adult butterfly laying eggs, ready for new life to spring forth. The most profound aspect of the butterfly’s transformation is that it is born as a caterpillar with what is called imaginal cells and discs, which hold the dormant information for the butterfly’s destiny. You too hold within you the consciousness of your destiny, your Awakening. Only it is up to you to decide to Wake Up!  AWAKENING IS NOT ONLY AN EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS; IT IS AN IDENTITY SHIFT  Spirituality is the reality that everything comes from Spirit, your Higher-Self. It is the idea of being the cause rather than the effect of life. It is the paradigm shift from defining yourself through observation of the material world to recognizing the absolute Truth of your spiritual nature. It is a victory within—the understanding that all is created from Spirit—that Universal Energy is flowing through you, as you, connecting you to the entire Universe. Though at times, it may feel as if you are swimming against the current of the societal structures we have built and learned; it is your spiritual evolution to seek the Truth and be set free! Transformation is the X factor; the quantum leap of the self, contemplating the self. Just like a math problem, when you change the x in an equation, the entire equation changes along with the results. Thomas Troward (2008) referred to this phenomenon as the Original Power. It is in self-contemplation that you instantaneously inform Universal Law, setting the Law of Correlation into motion. The moment you change your perception of the Self, you set polarity into motion, attracting and repelling circumstances, people, and experiences instantaneously.  Change occurs instantly when your perception of yourself changes. There is, and has only ever been, one barrier holding you back from all your dreams and desires, and that is your limited Consciousness. Now is the time to make bold choices and declare your own personal revolution. Most people believe that if they just get enough information, then logic will wrestle its way through and they will instantaneously know what to do and how to change their lives. Or better yet, if they just find enough inspiration, they will be motivated to act. They try to fix, change, alter, manage, adjust, reconstruct, and manipulate unwanted situations to solve problems. This approach never works. You need to address your Consciousness to experience transformation. The first process of all spiritual work is to decide; to choose to Awaken and to release core beliefs that keep you from reaching your full potential. Do not underestimate the power of a decision. Your life becomes what you have decided it will become. Let’s consider how past decisions have affected and created your current life experience. For many of you, there were moments in your lives which you perceived to be highly traumatic. To survive that traumatic event, you made a decision that altered your way of thinking to be able to cope with the emotional pain. These new beliefs helped you to survive emotional pain, but also prevent you from moving forward.  For example, when children witness their parent’s divorce whereby a parent leaves, the child can be left feeling abandoned and very sad. In that moment of trauma, the child may decide to interpret that situation and conclude that people you love will leave. This single incident, backed by poignant feelings, can embed into the Subconscious, informing the subjective mind, which in turn, informs Universal Law, which brings you more of the same. This explains why you will witness people creating the same situations repeatedly, reaffirming the observation for the rest of their lives, and preventing them from fully connecting in other relationships. Decisions at a soul level can connect or enforce boundaries of division. These decisions alter your life. You may intuitively know some of the decisions and judgments made in childhood are incorrect, yet you believe them subconsciously, and create the ultimate resistance on your path to happiness. Your shadow counterparts incarcerate you in such a way that you may think more negatively, feel more negatively, and perceive yourself to be less worthy. In turn, your infinite possibilities, potential, and hope, become significantly reduced and diminished. The shift we refer to is a shift in perception of experience. It is the transformation in your reality that embraces the concept that everything comes into fruition from Spirit, and it is the recognition that you are the cause, and not the effect of life; a reflection and projection of what is happening within your Consciousness. The spiritual shift can happen instantaneously or over time. It can feel like the scariest or the most joyous experience you have ever encountered. It is unique for everyone. It is the greatest journey you will ever take—the union of you and your Higher-Self. This shift could even be galvanized by a physical or mental breakdown, but also has the potential to be the greatest blessing of your life.  BREAKDOWNS ARE CREATED FROM THE DEPTHS OF YOUR SOUL FOR A BREAKTHROUGH IN YOUR AWAKENING  There is such beauty in the breakdown. Such perfection. It is the bustling arena where your soul and Spirit conspire to demand a new reality to transpire. Knowing this, you will no longer view breakdowns as negative, but better still, as opportunities. They are perfectly Divine portals to hatch the butterfly within.  The metamorphosis of the butterfly demonstrates this so beautifully. It goes through such a visually striking transformation that, if we did not have tangible evidence, it would sound like the grandest fairytale ever told.  Similarly, in your human experience, when there is a breakdown in the body or in the mind, it can originate from those early decisions that formed your limited beliefs that something is, should be, or is going to be a certain way. You need to be honest with yourself and register where you are exactly on your personal scale of limited beliefs and work on releasing what holds you back. Do you believe you are worthy of health and high energy? Do you believe food is to nourish you or to temporarily entertain you? Do you believe that you are the cause or the effect of your body? When you realize you are not a prisoner to your beliefs, but rather the creator of them, you can make new choices. Consider that all dis-ease begins within the Soul. Contemplate for a moment that when the body has a breakdown, an interruption of its healthy flow, such as an illness, disease, hormonal imbalance, weight issue, or chronic fatigue, the breakdown could in fact be the soul communicating to you that something is out of balance. This is one way the Spirit can be acknowledged and heard. The Spontaneous Remission Project is a database created by Caryle Hirshberg and Brendan O’Regan (1993) which includes 3,500 references to approximately 800 journals in 20 languages documenting unexplainable Spontaneous Disease Remission. Confirmed cases included instances in which cancer had ceased and disappeared, aneurisms had disintegrated, and HIV positive patients were later found to be HIV negative. Rankin’s work outlines how we have the power to instruct our cells to heal and outlines the best environment for cells to be healthy based on an observation of the power of thought.  Keep faith that the Universe and all its infinite wisdom, tightly wound in every living cell, is consistently and forcefully working for your evolution. This thought drastically alters any unnerving viewpoint on chaos or upset. Finally, you can see beauty in the breakdown. You witness the shift which your Spirit demands so that you can be propelled into the next realm of reality. It is the storm that commands the roots of the tree to grow deeper, thus stabilizing it. The infrastructure of a tree reveals that roots, beneath ground level, often expand 9 meters (30 ft.) beyond the tips of the branches. According to Thomas Perry (1978), the reach of these roots can form a circle with a diameter two or more times the height of the tree. What is visible and experienced in one reality can be connected to another. Sometimes you know there is more to what the eye can see; sometimes you have to look for it, and sometimes you just have to trust that your own expansion, the Spirit inside us all, will lead you wherever you need to go, the best way it knows how.  Your Truth deepens as you weather each passing storm, allowing you to be enveloped by the ebb and flow of the entire Universe, knowing that you are all of it. Transformation is a shift in identity from the individual I to the great I AM. It is a shift in Consciousness; a realization of the true self.      TRANSCRIPTIONS   (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts, and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together we're awakening the world. Hello, my divine friends. Today is day five of the Awakening Series where I'm going to be talking about transformation for about 11 minutes, and then we're going to go into a guided meditation. So before we begin, I would love to invite you into a free masterclass I am holding this week. It is on purpose. You have a divine purpose that is written on the cells of your heart. It's actually your soul assignment. You were born into this d n a of the epigenetics and really walking you through the coaching framework to help you really realize your highest self and be able to have income and impact bringing truth to the world. So you can find that below here in the notes, or you can go to the website, Dr. Erin So let's get into this today, taking a deep breath in, exhaling out.  (01:32): I recognize this divine, divine creation called you, the truth of who you are, the creation of all of life in the fractal of the fractal of the divine one. And I recognize on this day, transformation shift happens. So I love the metaphor of the caterpillar. It is the metaphor of all metaphors of transformation, and rightly so. The most profound thing about the caterpillar, which I'm sorry, is the butterfly, right? The butterfly and the caterpillar, right? So it's really fascinating because I'll never forget the first time I realized what was really going on within a butterfly and how the caterpillar goes to the butterfly. So it's the most classic analogy of transformation. First, the larva eggs hatch and out crawls this eager, oscillating, furry caterpillar, right? Considerably bigger than the larva egg, excited to crawl its way by land or plant to those delicious leaves where it can munch and eat its heart out.  (02:36): Its heart's content, right? So once the caterpillar has packed itself full of food, it locates the perfect leaf, but instead of crawling across it, it leaves a new reality and hangs itself upside down. It begins to create a cocoon or a crystals encasing itself in a fine thread where its next metamorphs takes place. Okay? So 10 to 14 days later, the caterpillar reabsorbs its own skin and fur and slowly develops a beautiful butterfly. When it's ready, the butterfly swallows air to expand the body and breaks open the crystals and wraps its legs around the leaf. Within its wings still moist from the protective environment of the chrysalis. The butterfly needs to wait until they're completely dry. Then when it's ready, it spreads its glorious wings, leaves the known dimensions of the plant and takes flight into a new reality flying and experience life the world in a complete unique way.