Awakening Meditation Series | What is Truth? Spiritual, Ultimate, & Relative Truth [6 of 40]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Awakening Meditation Series | What is Truth? Spiritual, Ultimate, & Relative Truth [6 of 40]   Awakening Course: Free with book Find time to complete these tasks at the end of the day. Step 1. Read Day 1 Serendipity: Miracles Every Moment in the 40-Day Awakening book.  Step 2. Do your Day 1 of 40-Day Awakening Meditations.  Step 3. Listen to the Awakening Podcast Series  Step 4. Do your worksheet    Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Trauma Coaching Series 52 Universal Law & Manifesting Series 12 Money Breakthrough Coaching Series 40 Spiritual Awakening Book Series 12 Subconscious Reprogramming Coaching Series   Truth: Live Your Truth!   Only do what your heart tells you. ~Princess Diana   It was another movie night. I curled up on my sofa with a bowl of popcorn and turned on the hit movie Sliding Doors. It is a romantic drama about parallel universes, where Helen, the main character, gets fired from her public relations job and discovers her boyfriend is cheating on her. In one universe, after getting fired, she catches the train and arrives home just in time to walk in on her boyfriend in bed with his ex-girlfriend. In the other universe, after getting fired, she first drops her earring in an elevator and then runs to the train, missing it by seconds. She ends up arriving home later, but never catches her boyfriend with his ex-girlfriend. After a long stream of events within the movie, both story lines finish with the exact same ending: she breaks up with her cheating boyfriend and finds herself in a fatefully serendipitous relationship.    In the climax scene, James, her newfound love, is frantically searching for her because she thinks he has cheated on her as well. When he finally finds her, she is on a bridge at night in the rain. He professes that he is not cheating on her. With her hair soaking wet and tears in her eyes, Helen dramatically asks, “Is that the truth James?”    It was as if the Universe was speaking directly to me again, telling me another secret to Awakening, summed up in the greatest question ever asked: “Is that the truth?!”  So, what is truth? The Oxford Dictionary (1989) defines Truth as that which is in accordance with fact or reality; a fact or belief which is accepted to be true or a verified or indisputable fact. There are relative and ultimate truths. Your Truth is based on one thing: Beliefs! The Greeks were the first to develop the concept that every person has an individual Truth. They were the first to recognize that spirituality is an individual journey. This has been the foundation for many great thinkers and grand inventions. You witness this ultimate Truth within the macrocosm as well as the microcosm. You have witnessed an event only to discover that another person experiencing the same scenario had a vastly unique experience and a completely different interpretation of it. You have had domestic disputes with your partners, each struggling to see the other person’s view. Science has proven that your sense of reality and perceptions are alterable as witnessed in the Observer Effect. This Effect proves that observing an act can astonishingly make changes to the phenomenon being observed; the instrument measuring an act influences the state of that which is being observed (Science News, 1998). Similarly, the Hawthorne effect is based on human as opposed to cellular behavior and confirms a form of reactivity in which subjects modify an aspect of their behavior in response to the understanding, awareness, and acknowledgement that they are being observed (Shuttleworth, 2009). Understanding cause and effect, both relative and Universal Truths are essential to finding and emanating your unique relative Truth.    Universal Truths vs. Relative Truths Universal Truths are changeless, eternal, and absolute. They relate to the whole of mankind and our world. The physics of matter such as gravity and The Law of Attraction are Universal Truths. They are independent of personal interpretation or reflection on it. These underlying core Truths are how energy flows to you, through you, and around you in every living vibrating organism. They are the mechanics of the creative process, regardless of your own individuality. Quite simply, it these laws describe how things work, change, grow, and develop. It is the Universal ebb and flow of existence.    Relative Truths, conversely, are different for every single human being in existence. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is the best way to tackle this concept. Relative Truths are the experimental and metaphysical aspects of life, projected and reflected from your Consciousness. Relative Truths are relative to a frame of reference such as language or culture, allowing for your unique interpretation of something according to the values you attribute to an object, experience, or being. They are relative Truths because they are Truths determined by your own perception. One person may find something mind-blowingly beautiful, yet another, may find the exact same thing outrageously ugly, while someone else may find it hilarious. There is no right or wrong response. The interpretation is a relative Truth unique to everyone. The experience or object can be the same, but the response may be vastly different from those experiencing it. When you understand the difference between absolute Truths and relative Truths, you can have and acknowledge opinions and viewpoints without stating them as absolute Truths. Everyone gets to have opinions with the option to evolve and shift these experiential viewpoints. The beautiful concept behind people having differences is that when you come across disagreements with another person, you get the opportunity to understand how they experience life. There is beauty in our differences.   MAY LIVING YOUR TRUTH SET YOU FREE    In my opinion (which is a relative Truth), one of the primary points of spiritual work is to birth your unique Truth. Maieutics was a Greek Oracle process based on the word “midwifery” because it was a modality of birthing one’s Truth. Socrates applied this technique to what is now called the Socratic Method. Modern day cognitive therapy applies some of these same tactics within their practice, as do many spiritual healers. Everyone has a unique and Divine Truth. It is the Awakening through the Divine Individual.    One of the keys to Awakening is to boldly live your personal Truth and allow others to live theirs. When you finally unveil your unique Divine Truth, you are set free to express yourself profoundly, unapologetically, and confidently, with beauty and grace. May living your Truth set you free. Embrace all that you are and all that everyone else is. We are all parts of the whole, but this life journey is even more wonderful because of our relative Truths; our own and those of others. The beauty is in the differences.   Day 6 Practice   ACCEPT PEOPLE’S VIEWPOINTS   LAW OF RELATIVITY What occurs on a microcosm level is what happens on the macrocosm level. Spiritual Truth and Universal Laws are absolute Truth; however, they can be individually used for a relative perspective and experience. People are endowed with the individual use of the One Mind in the exact portion and distortion they choose at a soul level. Furthermore, your individual reality is in direct relation to the whole.   Today’s practice is to ACCEPT PEOPLE’S VIEWPOINTS!   One of the highest spiritual abilities is to accept people as they are, allowing others to have their own personal Truth. Today’s exercise is to:    Practice non-judgments and non-resistance. Allow others to have their own relative viewpoints about life. Simply become fascinated by how people choose to perceive their circumstances and the world. Release the need to have others have the same viewpoint as you. Allow others to be who they are. Know that each person’s path is unfolding perfectly.    The Truth is they are Divine spiritual beings with the power to create anything they choose!   TRANSCRIPTS: (00:00): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you together we're awakening the world. (00:37): Hello my friends. Today we are on day six of the 40 Day Awakening Podcast where I'm going to go into a topic today of relative versus ultimate truth and why does that matter? Because we are suffering when we're not living in alignment with our relative truth and we're always moving towards the ultimate truth. So I'm going to break on down some distinctions for you today in a little lesson about 11 minutes long, and then I'm going to take you into a guided meditation because when we get our mind right, we feel right, our neurological system feels better, everything flows, and we begin to really experience our divine power, our passion, and our purpose. So sit back, enjoy this podcast. I invite you to give a review, share this with a friend so it can spread truth across the universe. So today's topic is truth. Live your truth. (01:36): It's one of my favorite sayings. Well, what the hell does that mean? Exactly right. So one night, it was a movie night and it curled up in a sofa with a bowl of popcorn, and it turned on this movie. It's called Sliding Doors, and it's a romantic drama. In fact, it's been many, many years since I watched any traditional movies, but this was one of those traditional movies I watched, which was a romantic drama, and it was really about parallel universes. And in this movie, there was this woman, her name was Helen, and she was the main character. She actually worked at a Publix relations firm, and it shows her in this day, and there's kind of two universal parallel universes that are going on rather. And in one, she actually gets fired from her job and she goes home and she finds her boyfriend in bed cheating on her. (02:30): And in th