Awakening Meditation Series | What's Stopping You From Manifesting [4 of 40]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Awakening Meditation Series | What's Stopping You From Manifesting [1 of 40] Resources: Get certified as an ICF & CPD accredited Spiritual Psychology Practitioner and learn the life-changing E4 Quantum Healing & Manifesting Method:  Join my FREE Manifesting Challenge and get 52 Universal Law Lessons, Journaling Worksheets, and Community: Join my FREE Facebook group:  Connect with me on Instagram: Buy my Spiritual Awakening Universal Law Oracle Deck: Buy my Awakening Book:    Transcripts:  (00:06): Welcome to the Dr. Erin Show. This is a top spiritual awakening and new thought ancient wisdom podcast to teach you how to become your highest self, unleash your spiritual superpowers, discover your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity, and I'm committed to bringing you the best manifesting and coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you reprogram your subconscious mind, monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are and I believe in you Together we're awakening the world.  (00:43): Hello, divine loves. Today we are talking about manifesting, co-creating with the universe because you are the universe. So today's podcast is going to consist of 11 minutes of me breaking down these distinctions and then an 11 minute guided meditation. So in Menlo Park, New Jersey, on October 22nd, 1879, Thomas Edison figured out how to direct the same energy that could kill someone into an avenue that would light a light bulb. After trying 6,000 different filaments, he and his team had success. So, so many of us, we try and manifest. We try and try, but our negative thoughts just keep coming in. We sabotage things. We go around and around and not being able to see things through. Our relationships are up and down. We try and start that diet again on Monday, and by Wednesday we are eating donuts, right? We've all been there. We know what it's like to try and create manifest and feel like what's wrong with us? I don't belong. I'm not enough, and so on and so forth.  (02:01): So the truth is you are the divine individual and you are the entire universe. The universe is an extension of you just as you are an extension of the universe. In fact, it is one thing going on, which is an interconnected infinite loop of creation. So why in the world would the universe not be able to see things through? Right? Makes no sense. This whole manifesting things. This is BSS belief systems, right? So that's the same thing I asked myself years ago when I began to dive into spirituality and manifesting, and in fact, of course, watching the secret and the law of attraction, making my vision board and finding myself either not being able to manifest at all or being able to manifest and not being fully still fulfilled. So the point is, what is this whole thing? How does it work? How does the manifesting work?  (03:05): It's a triune nature. So for a minute, just take a deep breath in and exhaling out and just having the visualization. Imagine that you sitting on the grass in meditation position and way above your head is the sun. In fact, it's news. So the sun is directly above your head. However, it's cloudy. You can't see the sun. In fact, you don't even know it's really sunny or where it is exactly, because the sun is behind the clouds and the clouds are limited beliefs. So as the sun streams down, it gets blocked, it gets diverted, if you will, and you are not able to experience the warmth of the sun and the true radiance. Well, this is just like manifesting consciousness creates in consciousness. There's this one core creative source, and it goes to the filter of your subconscious mind, which is in there, all the traumas, all the limited beliefs, all the inverted use of energy, all the negative ties if you will, the charge there, and it can't fully create with pure creation.  (04:21): It's like a stained glass window that it goes through. There's all these filters and things and it comes through, but it comes through different than it's original form. It's the same with a faucet that you go in the sink sometime in the bathroom, sometimes the water doesn't come out, it starts dripping out because there's all those particles in the spigot and you got to open it up and clear out that little filter, and then all of a sudden the water comes through again. Well, that's the same thing that happens with manifestation. The truth is you are the sun and you are the fractal of the individual self experience in itself, in the inverted form of source. So everything and why we're able to create infinite amounts of scarcity, right? You're creating fear or love, scarcity or abundance, right? Vitality or disease. But the truth, it's the same thing.  (05:19): It's just the inverted experience. That's why we live in a relative universe. It's why there's positive and negative parts to all energy, because we're in a relative universe and everything's polarized. So when we're manifesting, it's like riding a very advanced horse. You need to know how to do it right or driving an advanced Ferrari, you need to know, imagine you've got into the Ferrari and no one ever told you what a stick shift is, or where's the gas or where's the brakes or how do you turn it on? No one teaches us how we're supposed use this thing called manifestation. This is the triune nature, even in traditional religion, right? There is spirit, mind, body. So spirit would be pure consciousness. The sun that's coming through the true self, your true consciousness, the mind is all the part that basically is directing it. It's filtering it.  (06:24): Thoughts come through all day long and you get to choose which ones to energize and which ones you don't want and let go, right? And the body's what we consider the three D form, all the circumstances, the physical reality, right? But we know even physical reality. There's actually no actual matter that everything's movement. Everything is vibration frequency. So we have to know as we come in here today is realizing we have to understand that we're already manifesting. It's not like you try and manifest. You're not manifesting. You are manifesting 24 7 without any effort whatsoever. The moment you even conceive yourself to be anything other than the I am, you are setting into principle into the polarization of your own division. This is the casting out of the Garden of Eden instantaneously. So we have to know what is manifestation. You are actually the manifestation. The entire universe is pure intelligence and endless potential ready for infinite creation. It is only you that is able to only use it how you want to, meaning subconsciously how you're able to, right?  (07:40): There's infinite, infinite creation. It's an abundant energy field directed by consciousness through this subconscious and subjective mind, through universal law. Your subconscious mind is actually the super conscious mind. We think our conscious mind is the most powerful. It is. But the most powerful thing you can do with it is to imprint upon the subconscious, because the subconscious is the super subconsciousness that all creation that's automatic is done through the subconscious and superconsciousness, and this is what we call universal law. It's how we manifest. So manifestation is all viewed the embodiment and the embodiment of all of life. But how do we manifest? We have to clear out that filter. That's our core work, which is all the trauma work, E four trauma method and the quantum healing and the quantum manifesting. Our job is to clear out the soul. Your soul's calling is to clear out your soul.  (08:37): Your life purpose is really to bring the highest expression of you to the world. This is how we manifest. So how do we manifest our deepest desire, right? We have to clear out the subconscious mind. We have to impregnate the subconscious with the thoughts and the visualizations and the energetics that we want to create and form. We know this through the law of transcendence. We know that whatever we hold in mind has to have a physical out picture, and we call it the vibrational match, the mental equivalent, and this is the truth. The extent to which you awaken is the extent to which you will experience being powerful. You are an almighty manifester. You've always been. You will always be, and you are now. You are an extremely powerful manifester. You'll never become a better manifester. You are manifesting the entire universe right now. You are holding in your consciousness, the entire universe right now.  (09:44): It is so micro for the universe to think, oh, you want a better relationship, or you want a billion dollars, or you want to lose five pounds? It's so trivial. You are holding and manifesting the entire universe right now. The universe was not created at one point in time. It's being created right now that your consciousness, because your consciousness is one with the collective and the cosmic, it's who you are. So as you go into your day and you ask yourself, what can I manifest, right? The universe doesn't know the difference between a penny or a billion dollars. It's impersonal. It doesn't know good or bad. It just creates. That's all it does. But here's the deal. If you want to have powerful manifestations, you need to know that your create from nothing. So you can't consider any considerations of, well, could I create that or could I not?  (10:37): Well, I probably can't because X, Y, Z, it creates from nothingness. You create from nothingness. And the second is you have to create in harmony for the highest good. These are the two things for you to experience. The depths of your power is to know that you create from nothingness that there's no considerations when you create and that you have to create in harmony. Okay? So why can't I manifest the things that I want? It's because you don't believe. So doing and clearing out the soul is the most important thing for you to be able to be the most powerful manifester for experiencing that. You already are the most powerful manifester. And so in the sun, just knowing right now, the question as you go into the guided of meditation, what if you took full responsibility for bringing and creating the life that you want? What would it be like for you to take on the ability to impact and impact every single person you've come in contact with, you are a divine creator. This is the truth. You are manifesting 24 7 without any effort whatsoever. So as you go into this meditation, invite you to relax, sit back, and just allow yourself to receive the truth of who you are.  (11:54): Thank you. Welcome to the Meditation on Manifestation, the law of manifestation. I'd like to invite you to find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed, and start by taking a few breaths in through the nose and out the mouth, letting go of all your worries of the day, inhaling in love and exhaling out everything that no longer serves you coming into the present moment, breathing into the presence within the truth is you are the divine individual, and you are the entire universe. You are manifesting 24 7 without any effort whatsoever. The law of manifestation states there are two primary principles of this law spirit. Your higher self creates from nothing and in harmony with a unity of life.  (13:18): Through your beliefs, within your conscious mind and soul, you set in motion this universal law. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron Show. Manifestation is a multi-dimensional game of consciousness, and the extent to which you expand your consciousness is the extent to which you'll experience co-creating with the entire universe. Every creation begins with spirit, which is a part of you that creates from nothing, the pure consciousness that resides within you. The creative process of manifesting begins with beliefs which inform universal law and manifest into form. Everything is created from spirit to mind, to body and spirit to soul, to form. This is the triune nature of life. Everything begins with consciousness.  (14:49): The moment you have a consideration is the moment you set law into motion. You are that powerful. So knowing this, you may learn not only to direct your thoughts, but to consciously and systematically direct your mind. You are so powerful. You inform universal law through the vibration and frequency of the feelings behind your thoughts, and in turn, the universe responds through the law of correlation. In other words, it doesn't matter what you say or do in life. What matters is what you truly believe within your solar plexus, a k, a, your heart chakra. Your feelings are what in form the universe, and the universe has to reflect that back to you.  (16:03): And so taking another deep breath into the nose and out the mouth, you may be asking, what can I manifest? What should I manifest? The truth is that the creative medium, universal law does not care what you create. It is impersonal. It is an intricate system that simply responds with the resounding yes. It does not play favorites. It does not judge. It simply reacts to your vibrations. The universe doesn't know the difference between manifesting a penny or a billion dollars. It does not know the future from the past. It just knows the here and now.  (17:09): However, spirit, your true self, your heart is not neutral. The primary drive is joy, love, connection, and self-expression. Therefore, when you're not in alignment with that truth, you end up isolating yourself more and more. You are such a good spirit that when you do not use your energy for good, for harmony, you take away your own powers. And so your primary work is to release the limiting beliefs within your subconscious mind, know the truth, and take inspired action. The truth is, the extent to which you awaken is the extent to which you will experience being powerful.  (18:16): And so today's practice is to take a hundred pe