Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in new thought global and society. We truly believe that when somebody wakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. We're all about empowerment, enlightenment and yes, entrepreneurship. So this is Dr. Aaron. I'm a doctor at divinity, a new thought minister and science of mind, unity, you name it, all those things called universal law or teaching universal law. That's we're about here. Okay. So we're gonna break on down the difference today of a coach versus a spiritual practitioner versus a minister versus a doctorate divinity. What the hell are all those different ones? Okay. So I have to say that years ago, I remember, I remember really having a spiritual colon, of course, um, when I was in my twenties, deeply, deeply seeking, seeking truth. (01:17): And it was not until in my thirties that I began to realize that you could actually even do this as a career. Of course, you know, you see people out there with their books, you see, you know, people leading conferences and seminars and, and doing things. But I hate to date myself, but there wasn't a lot of coaches out there, like there are in today's world. So I didn't even know it was possible. I didn't even know it was a possibility. So this podcast is really for anybody who has had a deep spiritual calling, and that actually really wants to do it as their career. Right. There's, there's a time when it is a hobby. And there's a time when you're like, wow, this could actually be something that could be a career because I love this field so much. So the intention of this podcast is to really break on down and, and explain these different titles if you will, in the industry. (02:07): And, um, and I know that you don't need a title at all. You know, there's many people in the spiritual world that literally just tap into source and they really become teachers through revealing the truth and they can do it without any title. However, in our culture, it does help to have a recognition and it helps to be part of community and communities demand that we have different kind of things that we go through to prove ourselves, to make sure that we're in alignment with different languages, different cultures, different communities, and things like that. And so I honor, whatever people choose for themselves, I just am going to break on down my particular industry, which is the new thought and science and mind unity and all that, and also the coaching world. Okay. So we're gonna break this on down. So what is the difference between a coach versus a spiritual practitioner versus a minister versus a doctorate divinity? (03:06): Okay. So first of all, I wanna make the category. That coach is a, is an industry of its own, and there is no licensing around a coach from, from a government perspective or from whatever other than, you know, it's a business. So you would have to have a, probably a business entity. Again, I'm not a lawyer and I am not that advisor. So seek your own professional help when it comes to that, as far as getting advice. Okay. But in my world, we actually certify society, spiritual coaches there becomes spiritual and business coaches. Okay. So in what does it mean to be a coach? It means there's all different types of coaches. There's coaches that go out and do, you know, mindset work. There's coaches that are physical coaches. There's all kinds of things. But in my world, in society, we are primarily spiritual and subconscious coaches. (03:55): The coaches also get certified in business coaching. It's a 300 hour certification program. And so what is a spiritual and business coach? It's someone who's trained to facilitate the teachings of society, assisting their clients in reprogramming the subconscious mind and birthing their purpose and living their truth. They coach people basically to become the CEOs of their personal and professional lives. So what does this mean? Exactly? This means from a spiritual perspective, they are trained to facilitate new thought principles, truth triangle, and E four trauma method. And they're also trained to be a coach of business. They get trained in the eight pillars of business and a 12 week mastermind. And again, this is a 300 hour certification program. They actually do a lot of work on, on doing the subconscious and coaching processes on other people in the certification program. And so one of the greatest benefits of the soul society, spiritual coaching program is that they come out, obviously having done a lot of their own work, because what you'll find out there in the coaching world is there's a lot of people that are kind of great, amazing, extraordinary people. (05:07): And there's also a lot of people that are really a mess. Not I'm not gonna lie. There's a lot of people that are truly like, have not dealt with their drama, their trauma, and have not dealt with their own life. They just want to teach. And they haven't really actually embodied what they're teaching. Okay. So be weary. And that is saying that I know the potential of every human being and the divinity that they are, but the reality is that they need to take accountability for their lives. Okay. So in society, spiritual coaching, it really is a benefit because they do their inner work. They have to, because they're doing work and facilitating, doing pro bono work back and forth on one another. And they also get testimonials because when they're doing and working with other people in the certification program, they get to get testimonials, which is one of the hardest things to get is those first clients coming out and for the world to see that you're actually getting results for your clients. (06:00): So it's an incredible program. I have witnessed people taking complete 180 S I've seen hot messes turn into extraordinarily powerful, efficient human beings. So I know this that anybody can do the work. Obviously we do not, we will not work with somebody who's a full blown addict or, you know, extreme mental illness or suicidal thoughts. We ask that they go get professional help before they're able to come into our program. We still know the divinity of them. We still still know the perfection of them, but we have to make sure that we keep our community safe and that they don't take all the energy, um, from the group. Okay. So next let's break them down what it means to be a spiritual practitioner. Okay. So years ago I had been doing all kinds of work. I had been seeking spiritual work. I had become a landmark in their leadership program. (06:54): I had done my nine rights in shamanism. I had gone to pretty much every conference under the sun. I was just, I began to actually coach people. I had began to work with addicts and taking them through different cleansing programs and all kinds of things, but, and it wasn't until I found what is called science of mind or the new thought movement that I, I remember, I'll never forget. The day I actually meant met my one of my greatest mentors. And he brought me to a science of mind, uh, church called global truth center over in the valley in Los Angeles. And I just knew it was like, I walked into the center and, um, James Millon the Reverend, uh, great, a human being incredible teacher. And I just knew, I was like, oh my gosh, I didn't even know that this existed. I didn't know that there was even this genre. (07:43): I had been reading books that were in that genre for years and years. Like, you know, the se the movie, the secret, and, um, you know, uh, seven principles of success by deep rock Chopra and Louis hay and all these people that were in that lineage. But it wasn't until I found a spiritual center that it changed my entire life because I was like, oh, there's an entire community there's classes and I can actually get license and I can, and I can move up in and being recognized in the work that I'm always doing. Cause I always thought I should have a PhD with all the work I did. Right. And so lo and behold, what I found out was you could become, what's called a spiritual practitioner. Then you could become a minister, a new thought minister, and then you could become, what's called a doctor of divinity. (08:29): And I was like, I don't know how many years, but I'm gonna become a doctorate of divinity. I just knew it was like, I'm done. And even though it was, it's considered an 11 year program, I did it fast in that. Cause I did double years on some of the years, but I knew I was destined to do this because it wasn't like a 40 hour week thing. It was, it was full-time school, but it was, you know, it was very light in the amount of hours it took to do it. So in that I knew that, um, I knew I was gonna do it. Okay. So let's break on down what it means to be a spiritual practitioner, what it means to be a minister and what it means to be a doctor of divinity, cuz they are different and all the same at the same time. (09:11): Okay. So a spiritual practitioner is recognized in the, um, in the, in the spiritual and religious world. It's actually considered in new thought movement. As many of you guys know, you can take a look back at my podcast if you're new on here. But to understand that genre, it's basically Christian mysticism, but we refer to all religions and we refer to all philosophy and we refer to science and we refer to everything. We take it down, down to truth. We teach universal law. Okay. So a spiritual practitioner, which we are, guess what you guys, we have partnered with Emerson theological. And we were actually going to be able to certify practitioners and ministers and doctorate divinities cuz we've, I've been invited to create a doctorate program in the work I do. So it's very exciting. Okay. So what is a spiritual practitioner? A spiritual practitioner is someone who practices living on spiritual principles and who helps others uncover their hidden limited beliefs, assisting them in knowing the truth of who they are so they can choose to create a life that they love. (10:12): Okay. A spiritual practitioner, for sure, for me is the most important title and work out of all these four things because my life completely changed when I became a spiritual practitioner, all the drama, all