Genesis Part I: How You Created The World [Metaphysical Bible Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? If you're somebody who has been wondering the mysteries and the mysticism of the Bible, maybe you're somebody who's actually been repelled by the Bible, but it still begins to creep into your consciousness. Wondering what prophecies and what teachings are actually really in there. Or if you're somebody who's been steeped in traditional, uh, teachings of the Bible, and you're ready to expand your consciousness around it. You're ready to understand the metaphysics of it and understand the creative process. The supernatural manifestors that we truly are. Then this podcast is for you. Welcome to Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. (01:03): We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So here we go. You guys, we're gonna be doing a series on the Bible. We're we doing a series on not only just the Bible, but on the hidden teachings of, of different prophetic texts. So I wanna just first disclose that I am a metaphysical new thought ancient, uh, teachings minister. I specialize in teaching the creative process, universal law, and how to interpret the hitting teachings of the world, the Bible prophetic texts, and how to understand how we are supernatural manifests, how we truly are, God, all collectively, and the one consciousness, our primary teaching is oneness, unity, and understanding how all creation is created from this one source. And this one cause, and all of life is the effect of all of that, all the infinite creations. (02:00): So we're gonna dive into Genesis how you manifested the world into existence. And this may trigger some people, you may have a hard time with it, and that's okay. I want you to know that wherever you are is exactly how you're gonna interpret this. Just like when you interpret the Bible, the Bible is the greatest story ever told the Bible is a biography of you. The scriptures are the scripts of life. The scripts are about the states and experiences. You will experience as God in human form. It's a codex, it's a format. It's a it's metaphors. It's you know, whether you believe that there was prophets that were literary geniuses, whether you believe some of it was written by Jesus or by God, it doesn't matter. And in fact, I am not a biblical historian. There are many masters that teach all that. That's not what I'm here to teach. (02:51): I'm here to teach the interpretation of how the Bible is really stories of enlightenment stories for, for you to be able to understand how you create all the different dynamics you can create and how you can set yourself free. So let's do this thing. So if you begin to, you know, let's just take a deep breath in for a moment and just recognize that truth is truth. It doesn't matter if it's written in the Bible. It doesn't matter if it is because truth is life. Your truth, universal law is truth. And one of the greatest ways that we learn is by story. We learn by story. We learn through all the time of all people that have lived on this planet and all the great profits. We teach Christ consciousness, which is along with Buddhist consciousness and all the one consciousness that is the creation, which is the core of who you are. (03:50): So let's just take a moment to, to go to Genesis, to go to in the beginning and in this dynamic of this first, the book of Genesis. And so in the beginning, when God created heaven and the earth, the earth was formless and void and dark darkness covered the face, the deep while the wind from God swept over the face of waters, then God said, let there be light. And there was light. And God saw that the light was good and God separated light from darkness. So let's just go into this. I'm not gonna read the whole Genesis, but let's just go from a, from an elementary standpoint, right? So here's God, God decides to create and breathe into and have create this thing called light, let there be light. And in this creation of, of, of all the dynamics of, of separating the water, separating the earth from the sky, separating light from dark, from, you know, day from night in all this, we recognize that God also created this thing called Adam and Eve. (05:03): And in the beginning, we have to recognize that it's not the beginning in the beginning is what Genesis talks about. But there's something that happens before the beginning. And this is what we call the vast eternal plan, right? So we have to recognize and, and ask ourselves all these things. So here's Adam and Eve, they come down, God has created them from, from dust, right? And from earth and understanding that God says, you know, here's this garden of Eden with all these trees, with fruit on some of the trees, a tree of life, all these things, but you can't eat from one tree. And it's the tree of knowledge, because if, if you, when you do eat from this tree, you will die. Right? So as a little girl, I remember I was not raised religious. Uh, in fact, the opposite. My mother was quite anti-religion because my father had kinda left trying to find himself through his spirituality and through religion. (06:00): So she became very kind of repelled by it. So the only kind of, uh, like experience I had of religion was when a little, when I was a little girl, I had some friends that would go to church and we would go with them. And so I remember the first time listening to the story as a little kid of Genesis, and it seemed really odd here. It was a story of how the world's created and there's this God, this kind of man in the sky that creates Adam and Eve and Adam and Eve are kind of like less than, and they're so lucky to be in this, you know, garden of Eden. And even the fact that, you know, it states that Eve is basically from the rib of the man to basically have him not be lonely. It's like, it was, it felt so weird and wrong and bizarre. (06:47): And from, from all perspectives of a little girl, um, and it said that basically, you know, then there's God that would judge and condemn. And basically there's this woman and she's the rib only here to, you know, complete the man basically to have him not be lonely. Right. And then they eat from the tree and then God condemns them, judges them again, shames them. They feel so scared. They're naked in the garden of Eden. And now, you know, then now Adam blames Eve and Eve's like, well, the serpent told me, you know, so there's all these different dynamics that are going on in, you know, the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. And so we're, I remember looking at all this and it made no sense. And in fact, as a little girl growing up in California, I would laugh at the Bible. And most of my friends would laugh at anybody that was, you know, into Jesus as savior. (07:43): And this whole story, it was like, it was almost like loony tune, right? So let's break this on down from a metaphysical standpoint, this is a profound story of teaching us how we create. So first of all, again, we have to go back to Genesis. Genesis is stands for in the beginning, but it's not the beginning be whenever you have a beginning, right? You've gotta have a plan. First in creation, you have to have a vision. You have to ha desire something. You have to actually hold it in consciousness, right? So in order for God to create, we wanna take a look at all the different perspectives of, of the creation, right? So you, yourself, there's something within you. That is the witnessing. So as you read this story, you can take on all perspectives. You can take on the perspective as being just the witnesser reading the book and having a neutrality around it. (08:39): You can read it from being God and being able to create whatever you create and the infinite, infinite creations of man and woman and, and all the animals and all the seas and, and light and dark and day and night and all that. And all the thing that we teach in universal law, which is creating harmony or chaos, creating heaven or hell creating all of it. You can also read this story from being the man and the woman. And from a metaphysical standpoint, the man Adam represents consciousness, represents the, the kind of pure consciousness that doesn't have any kind of, kind of ability to necessarily evaluate. It's just pure consciousness, right? It's it's pure consciousness and the woman represents a subconscious. Okay. So I said that a little bit bizarre, but Adam actually represents kind of a pure consciousness without having trauma, without having all the kind of limited beliefs already. (09:36): Okay. He just gets to create from nothingness, which is our pure like will, which is our pure choice, right? The women in the biblical stories represent the subconscious mind represent that part of us. That is, that has the epigenetics that has that all of the different things that have gone into it. And the serpent represents that that part of us that is in the lineage of the spine. That's why you'll see the snake on a lot of the health stops. So the snake represents can also bring you to, it can bring you to a total health. It can also bring you to disease, right? The serpent is that part of our cells that understands and represents the epigenetics of our oneness, our memory, eternal life and, and end death also all in one thing, right? So there's the tree of life, which is understanding. It all comes from one source, the tree of judgment, which is the judgment of good or bad. (10:28): And so God says to Adam Eve, the moment that you eat from the tree of wisdom, you will die. So what does this mean? Exactly? This means that the moment we judge through wisdom, cuz the only way we can have wisdom is understanding, you know, good or bad and, and all the different perspectives that's wisdom, right? So the moment that you actually eat from the tree of life, you will die. And that means that as we are in our mortality, as we think we're better than less than good, bad, all that we will experience being the effect. We will experience dying in human form. And that's why we state that the truth will set you free because the moment you move out of judgment and separation, because that's really what judgment is. The tree of knowledge is, is judging and separating and division. Divisioning everything. (11:18): It's the opposite of divinity. So the truth will set you free because the moment that you move past judgment, the moment you no longer need the wisdom of the relative wisdom is where you recognize your oneness and where you come into the eternal life. So we have to understand that to experience more and more of our godliness. We have to experience the relative, you know, self exponential and fractals of the experience. And this is what this is about. This is about how we create this is your biography. This is how you can actually actually as the God that you are create divisions within yourself, that you actually can shame. You can judge, you can cast down, you can do all these things as the creator, you are the creator and there is a plan and the plan is to experience more of th myself. And so you have to understand that if God is almighty, all knowing all omnipotent, how does God experience more of myself? (12:17): The only way is to experience in a 3d form in a relative world, fractals of myself, inverted fractals. So in universal law, we understand that there is a creation factor. We call it the part far part that comes from the top down. And it is, it creates in heaven and hell it creates in harmony and it creates in chaos. It creates heaven. It creates hell. And this is the