Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:01): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principles, align with universal law and break through all limited beliefs. So we can claim our birthright of prosperity, vitality and love this podcast. We teach spirituality. We teach universal law, metaphysics, unity, science of mind, really step by step. How to make your dreams reality, how to use your consciousness in this realm. We also come together as a community in society and new thought global. Our vision is to be the number one spiritual community. We're committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and a message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today's podcast is titled birth your purpose and design your life. So I'll never forget. There was, um, a moment. It was years and years back, I was in a jet. (01:22): I was up, you know, however many, um, feet, miles above the earth. Couldn't tell you, um, and I'm flying over these, this beautiful part of America. And I'm looking down at, at this green re it's all beautiful. And it's incredible when you fly up in a jet or in a plane and you look down to earth and you recognize so many things, there's these beautiful, you know, different greenery. And you see, you see cities and towns from a different perspective. You see this beautiful thing called mother earth. And yet you see the boxes of the different, you know, streets and things that we've put ourselves into. And I was looking down at this, you know, beautiful scenery. And I recognized that I felt really empty inside here. I was flying on a private jet at this point in time, I was living in a 7,400 square foot home on a signature golf course. I was a millionaire. I had tons of passive income and I was feeling a total void inside. (02:32): And yet I was so proud of myself. I had come from nothing. I grew up fairly poor. We would go to the thrift store. I had to wait tables. Um, as I was going through college, I dropped out to have my son after having a stillborn son. I had worked my ass off. So I wasn't there miserable because I was just like, had been given everything, you know, and it wasn't my jet, but it was the whole lifestyle that I was living. And I found myself living a double life. I had this incredible life where I had mastered the material world in a sense, I had really risen in who I was in my abilities and business and in a lot of areas of my life. And I had this other life. That was my spiritual life. I had been on a spiritual journey since I had had my stillborn at 22. (03:23): And I would spend lots of time in my closet at home, literally meditating, and I'd have these double lives. I'd go back to my home alone. I lived with my son and I was single and I would do all my spiritual work. I would dive into it. I was obsessed with consciousness. I would study it in all my free time. I would pray and meditate and do all my work and work with gurus and all this kind of stuff take every course on the sun. And my other life was very material. I was mastering money learning how to invest, learning how to save, learning, how to, you know, build, um, all this stuff. And I was the gap between the two lives were becoming, it was becoming greater and greater. It was a literally divide in my heart and my mind. (04:11): And so I'll never forget that there was a moment where I handed my life over to my spiritual world and I recognized that at some level I needed to give up everything in my material world, mostly just in my consciousness. I didn't have to give it all up, but in a sense, I had to be willing to give it all up. There was a part of me that had to die in order to really be reborn in my full new life, because I knew I recognized, I knew there was this part of me that knew my entire life. I think it really started like when I was a junior or senior in high school, there was this part of me that knew that I had a purpose. I didn't know what it was, but I knew I needed to figure it out. I knew I needed to discover it. (04:54): And it was like this journey seeking truth was for me, it wasn't just about having spiritual enlightenment. Cause I didn't even know what that was. I didn't know that there was a joy and bliss in that. I just, for me, it was more about finding my purpose and I knew there was a part of me that knew. I knew that if I found that purpose, I would have a life beyond my wildest dreams and I was right. So let's break on down today. How to birth your purpose and how to design your life. Because today I can honestly say that I love my life. That I'm completely fulfilled. That doesn't mean that I don't have human moments and have, you know, that void of attachment as we do as human beingness. Right. And that puppets that we are, but I love my life. It's so incredible. (05:42): My life is so incredible. You know, we have an incredible community I have in my friends are all the most extraordinary, incredible badass, spiritually based business, you know, women and men. And we get to create, we get to make a difference in the world. I have, you know, people in the community and clients and things send me messages, send me flowers, send things and you know, just saying, thank you, thank you. Thank you for giving me a life and helping me trans transform everything in my life. And thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I would never have anything if it weren't for the work we've done, that is what is fulfilling the serving and the serving and the serving and the community. That is the most fulfilling part. So let's break on down how to birth your purpose because you don't need to be somebody, whatever that is someone who's standing in front of a thousand people's giving Ted talks or your purpose is not necessarily to be, you know, a, a whatever, uh, influencer or anything. (06:43): But what I want to birth is you, the authentic, you, I don't want you to keep up the Jones or keep up with, you know, whoever it is that you see on social media, I want you to birth you, your true purpose. And so there is a formula after working with thousands of clients now, um, birthing their truth, birthing their purpose. There is an actual formula to it. Okay. So let's break this on down. I'm not gonna be able to tell you everything here because I do it through a workshop and I also do it through our community. We dive deep, deep, deep into, um, the subconscious reprogramming and into the E four trauma method and into the truth triangle to birth someone's truth and birth their purpose. But today I'm gonna give you the formula so that you can make sense out of it and how to design your life. (07:33): Okay. So get out of pen and paper, if you want, or you can, I have a workshop you can watch after this. Okay. You can get involved with, okay, so let's break this on down. There's an actual formula. And so what happened was, as I was birthing my truth and seeking truth, I kept looking out to the world. I kept looking out to the world thinking maybe I'll find it over in this course, or maybe I'll find it out here, or maybe I'll find it in this book, or maybe I'll find it if I watch somebody or whatever it is. And it was a funny thing, cuz the universe has a great sense of humor. And as I began to do more and more of my subconscious work and as I began to get into Greek Oracle processes and getting into, um, my suffering, my, my, my trauma work, what happened was this is as I began to do more and more of a trauma work and I began to neutralize the emotions around my trauma, what we call it is trauma minus emotions equals wisdom. (08:33): And what I recognized in the big epiphany was for me is that I, I began to go down my track in this lifetime and past lifetimes, I began to see a theme for myself and all the suffering that I had experienced was birthing the wisdom and the teacher that I am. And I'll always be a student as well. But what I found for myself was the triumph, the triumph that I had over really healing, all my suffering, had a message in it. There was wisdom in that. And as I birth my purpose of helping other people awaken and to their divinity and to the power that they are and help them manifest lives that they wanted and really end their suffering. That is what became my purpose. So the formula is a three part formula for birthing your purpose. You ready? It's triumphs plus passion plus skillset. (09:35): I'll say it again. There's three things that equal your purpose, triumph plus passion plus skillset equals your purpose. Okay. So when I work with clients, what happens is they wanna figure it out. They wanna design their business, they wanna do all this, but they haven't done all their trauma work. So oftentimes they'll start their business, they'll start all this. And then something that still doesn't feel completely authentic. It doesn't feel like as authentic. And one of the things I've noticed for people is one of the reasons why they're not having success in their business is because it's not authentic. It's not authentic. So we have to get fully through your suffering and through your trauma work, which if you guys know, I have a, a kind of a famous trauma work called E four trauma method, trademark, which is it blow. It just is credible to watch what happens on people, um, with this, and obviously seek your medical advice and get, you know, make sure you are, um, totally under your doctor's care if you're doing trauma work. (10:33): Okay. So birthing your purpose. So doing your trauma work it burs. Right? So for example, I had a, a client that had a lot of trauma around money and past lifetimes around, you know, being basically murdered if you will, around, uh, over money and doing things. And what happened is she really declared for herself that she wanted to master and help people get peace around money. And to, in that struggle and to basically help people awaken to the truth that they are, you know, powerful spiritual beings and that they get to direct and, and use money as a beautiful exchange of, of energy and love within each other. Right? So that