Birthing Pains of a $100 Million Dollar Vision

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Today I'm going to get radically real with you... Learn about the beauty of the breakdown and how universal law naturally creates a quantum leap in consciousness.  Dr. Erin shares her story of burnout and birthing a $100 million dollar vision. Learn how to reinvent your life and your vision. Learn how to turn your problems into opportunities. Join the FREE 5-day challenge that starts Monday. Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? So today I'm going to get radically real with you on how I went through a big wall of fire to come to creating a hundred million dollar vision. So let's do this thing. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. This is a top rated podcast to help you turn your love for spirituality into a career. I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity and founder of new thought global and society. I'm a world renowned spiritual leader, committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, universal law lessons. We are all about breakthroughs transformations and yes, quantum leaps. So let's break this on down. (00:57): You guys. So I'm gonna get really real and raw with you today. So it was about two months ago and I sent a message to my team, and I said, I'm gonna need your guys' support. I'm not doing so well. It was the first time in my entire career of my entire adult life that I actually had experienced burnout for the very first time. And if you know anything about me, I am somebody who, if I am going through anything, I always go to source. First, I go into meditation into prayer, to my higher self. I'm a firm believer in doing the deep, deep work. And I know through the entire thing having faced. So there I was, it was actually about 10 o'clock at night, and my nervous system was completely overloaded. I had a zillion things to get done, and it was like, there was a button in my system. (02:06): You how like computers get too hot or your phone gets too hot. And it'll literally have like that little symbol that comes up. That's like, you know, system down it's too hot. You know, it was like that in my body. And I realized in that moment that I needed to reach out to my team and get support something. I just, I've never been accustomed to in my life. I'm one of those persons that really has a high, high, um, stamina rate. I am able to do things that most people are not able to do. I'm able to withhold and sustain a lot of energy and a lot of moving parts. And at that point in time, my system, my spirit, my body, my mind, my emotions, everything, it was like, no, this isn't, this we're in game out. We're shutting the system down. And immediately my team totally rose to the occasion. (03:02): I've never felt so supported in my life. It was really beautiful divine moment. So what happened is we call it the wall of fire, but we also call it a natural emergent evolution. There's a part of universal law. That absolutely is a supply and demand. And in that moment, there was a decision, a powerful decision. It was what we call also the breakdown for the breakthrough. I had reached my point. There was a point where it was enough. It was enough within my psyche enough within my everything. And I really was at a point where I've given so many years to this work. We've developed an incredible, incredible community developed, incredible programs that helps people, of course, do all their inner work, do all their inner trauma work through E four trauma break through all their limited beliefs, repro their subconscious mind and bur their soul's purpose. (04:06): We also help people really learn sales and marketing and being able to turn their love for spirituality into a career, whether they're using their own framework or whether they're coming in and getting accredited in our specific framework, to be able to powerfully get transformation for, for their clients. And to be able to understand sales and marketing, to, you know, really do all that work. But what I didn't realize in this was that I was going to have to learn exponentially, you know, how to, how to not only delegate and build team, which has been huge for me. And now in today, we have such beautiful team. But what I didn't realize was that there is a natural place within each and every one of us that we're not designed to do the same thing over and over again. And this is, you know, I've been doing this work for decades, but we've only built this community we're in year four. (05:06): And there's this natural evolution that happens where we're not designed to do the same thing. I teach multiple times about five times per week within our community. And I teach in other groups as well. And of course, at some points in those years, I was also doing good morning LA land. We were having events out at, you know, five star hotels and not to mention all the other stuff that goes on your life, right? And I hit a wall. I've never missed one call training. Even when I've, of course, I've had, you know, emergencies over the course of the years, I've only missed one call one time and it was for my son's wedding. So you can imagine that I'm not somebody that ever quite hits walls, right? So this was a really different thing for me to go through it. Like, whoa, my body was literally shutting down. (06:00): Not because of anything. I wasn't sick. I wasn't having, you know, there was no mental thing going on. It was literally like my body was saying no more literally. And what I realized in this divine moment, as I surrendered into it, even in faith, I never had fear in the middle of it. I absolutely knew that there was something going on for my growth. There was something going on for me in so many levels that was beyond my logical mind and in this surrendering and handing over and immediately pulling in even more team, immediately calling in the new vision. I've had a profound vision as you guys know, which is we're. Our, our mission is to awaken a billion people on this planet and how we know we absolutely will fulfill upon that mission is by developing world class, world renowned spiritual leaders and coaches, practitioners, and doctors of divinity, right. (07:01): That's been our mission and there's just, it's so clear, but what I really came to in that wall of fire and in that breakdown and in that surrendering too, is that I'm rising up, that this is a natural thing. And in order to rise and take a quantum leap, energetically, we cannot stay in the same dimension we're in. We cannot stay in the same place that we're at. We absolutely have to go to a completely new dimension. And so I've gone to a new dimension. I've gone to a new dimension in my consciousness. I've gone to a new dimension in the vision of how I see myself in the vision. I've gone to a new dimension of knowing and claiming my birthright of a vision of a hundred million dollars per year. (07:56): And I'm so clear on this. I am so in my power I'm so in divine, knowing this around this, it's not coming from a workaholic standpoint, it's not coming from, I need to be enough. It's not coming from any of that. It's coming from a clear claiming of my birthright of prosperity and knowing what I'm here to do on this planet. And so in that, you know, I kind of came to some major distinctions and you guys know I'm really about distinctions. So last night I was actually able to finally meet one of our leaders in our community Lindsay and her husband. And, you know, uh, we have this beautiful community and these are people that like Lindsay, I she's like family to me. We've spent hours and hours and hours and hours and hours, hours, you know, in sessions and zoom calls and, and her coaching people and all the beautiful stuff witnessing her really in her transformation and her major bloom. (09:02): And we sat down at this beautiful table for dinner last night. And we had these deep, profound, conscious conversations. And her husband was amazing and he just ran 140 miles barefoot. He's really into primal, you know, primal work. He loves the work we do. And we got into the conversation of stress. And as he shared his stresses of what his body went through and his mind went through and all that in the breakdown of him running 140 miles barefoot and getting to a place of having to surrender and watching himself, you know, puke and get sick and all those things that went on in the body for, for seeing how far he could push it, if you will, and, and finding the joy in, in that, that, that stress. Right. And I shared about how I had the stress of what I went through within the company, how I really have been really it. (09:57): I had to go through that level of stress to get to this new paradigm that I'm in. And we shared, and we began to conversate all three of us around, around these stresses and how the world look at stress is a bad thing, but there's this beautiful thing that happens in stress. One is say, for example, in the run in a runners like they have, what's called a second wind, right. A second runner's wind. And it turns on a new system, right? It's the same thing that happens, say in intermittent fasting is that our telomeres and our, our mitochondria and all of our cells have to really like stretch and grow to be able to survive in these places. And it's the same thing in consciousness. We call it a risk muscle in business where we're able to, to take on more stress, take on more responsibility, be able to have more risk in our investments, right? (10:50): We, we wanna build that muscle of the risk muscle, the fear muscle, the all those things. And so there's this beautiful thing that happens when we push ourselves to our limits. First of all, we'll never know what our limit is. Second of all, we'll never know what rises out of that. And as we know in say, universal of emergent evolution, which is really the law of supply and demand and all this stuff, you know, what is this exactly right? What, what is this, what happens within each and every one of us? And so during this evolution, this cause and effect of whatever we're creating in our life upon demand for life to prevail, there emerges new properties, new consciousness, new evolution, for example, potentially. And now I'm questioning this whole thing. The fifth finger emerged out of the necessity for survival, right? And I question this because of the conscious, um, uh, conference I went to and how, how this is a total side note of how now we're finding that human beings actually came to this planet completely how they are in their DNA structure and that we really have not evolved. (12:06): Okay. So this is a kind of a different conversation. So we'll going a little bit off base for a minute, but coming back to the law of emergent evolution, we absolutely evolve in consciousness. Okay. So what happens is what upon a supply and demand when you get to that place, you're like, I've had it. I am done. I can't do this anymore. It's like we push so far and then something new emerges. And for me, this was my second, there's a whole new system. There's a whole new part of me. That's emerged out of this kind of wall, which you call it the wall of fire. And what happens is when I'm developing soul based entrepreneurs, when I'm developing profound world class coaches, there's walls of fires that they'll go through. And some people quit give up and some people keep showing up and they work through those walls, right? (12:57): We say, she who shows the F up wins, right? Like you gotta move through those walls. You can't just bail out during those walls. Like that's gonna happen. That's what makes a great