Call-in Show: Relationship Goals

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens a gift and message, bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So this is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, teaching training, developing spiritual entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders. We train and develop spiritual coaches. We turn develop spiritual practitioners, ministers, and yes, doctors of divinity. So let's do this thing today. We're actually going to be answering questions. This is very fun. We're actually gonna be doing a call and show. And right now we don't have the capability to actually have people call in, but we've been taking, uh, different questions from people, everyone from DMing to call in. We also have like a Google number where people will text in and call in as well. So it's super exciting. (01:08): It's a new series that we're be doing and we'll see how, how it's received and kind of play around with it and have a really good time. So I'm super excited because everything I'm going to be responding two ways with these questions. One is from a universal law perspective, metaphysics of mine perspective, and of course, trauma trauma perspective, all truth perspective. Okay. The other way I'm gonna be answering the questions is actually from a human perspective, from my own personal opinion, with my own stories and things going into it as well. Okay. So if you're somebody that would like to have a question answered, we will be doing anonymously. So you can send in your questions and you can put your name in. We won't, we won't put your name regardless. Okay. Because we want to have a safe place for people to really inquire into conscious conversations. (01:57): And, you know, unfortunately, unfortunately a lot of the questions we get are around relationships and we recognize that all of life is a relationship, but of course, you know, there's different dynamics of life. We teach this four areas of life, everything from relationships and love, career and money and health and vitality and creative expression. We recognize that all of life is a relationship, but a lot of the questions we get are around relationships. And I think the reason why we get this is because the core kind of foundational work of spirituality and awakening is, is no longer handing your power over to anything in this world. And a lot of us care a lot about relationships and therefore our codependency and our kind of, uh, non mastery in spirituality shines a lot through in our relationships. In fact, we found about nine outta 10. People that come into our community are dealing with some level of codependency and that goes across for all stats. (02:56): And so a lot of these questions, all of us can relate to because if you're a human being, you probably are dealing with some level of codependency. So today we're gonna be breaking on down some different, uh, questions regarding relationships in particular. So it doesn't matter if you're dealing, whether you are single, whether you're dating, whether you are married, the, the universal laws, the trauma work, everything, the subconscious work, everything applies to everyone. And we know from stats in, in, uh, different psychology things that just because somebody's married or not, does not necessarily mean that they are more happy or less happy. We also recognize the power of relationship, uh, through the Harvard study. That was, um, a very long study that basically showed that true. Happiness does break down to deep relationships. So again, I completely believe in love and connection. And I also recognize the complete delusion that a lot of people have that they think that a relationship is going to complete them until we are complete ourselves. (04:03): We'll never fully be complete in any relationship. So let's break this on down. So the very first question is here it is. Let's see. Dear Dr. Aaron, I'm writing for you, your input. I'm in a marriage where my husband, isn't interested in doing his inner trauma work. He doesn't seem to care and I don't know how to get him to change. What should I do? Should I just accept him or demand him to do his work? Hmm, great, great story. Uh, great question. So I'll never forget. In 1999, I went to landmark forum. I'm sure, probably a lot of you guys went to landmark forum. It was one of the, you know, so many programs I went through over, you know, 25 years of being developed in spiritual work. And I remember in 1999, I went through landmark form. And what happened is when I came out of landmark forum, what they, they teach you lost these distinctions. (04:56): And one of the distinctions that I learned was what was called a racket, meaning that people have things that they do in life, thinking that they're gonna get what they want at a life. For example, a racket might be that, um, somebody needs basically it's where you're making someone wrong. So a racket would be, for example, someone who's married that is wanting their husband to change and wanting them to do their inner work basically. So they don't have to actually do their own inner work because it's like a decoy, right? So the point is, is that when I came at a landmark forum, what happened was I used all of the distinctions in my quote unquote transformational work to actually just have, um, all the distinctions. I need to point my finger at other people of what they were doing in life. And we'll find this a lot in our spiritual development. (05:53): There's kind of a place where as spirituality will be used for actually more divisiveness, which is the complete misuse of it, the, the use of spiritual awakening and becoming a spiritual leader and doing your own inner work and your own trauma work and your own awakening is to actually really point the finger and take full responsibility for our own lives. And that is the unification of it for us to become responsible and become the first cause of our life. And to truly be, be somebody who's a change that we wanna see in the world when we point the finger and hope that somebody else does their inner work, it's completely a misuse of the energy. In fact, it actually hurts it because what we resist persists. So this person that's writing in or wrote him, basically, if you're wanting your husband to change for him to do his inner work for him to do his trauma work for him to do his awakening work, it's actually in the resistance of what is that actually will most likely turn him off to doing his inner work. (06:53): So you wanna be super cautious around us. In fact, we all have had those friends that begin to awaken and begin to think they're better than because they're doing their spiritual work. So for me, I learned the hard way I got outta landmark. I started pointing the finger at everybody else and sure enough, the relationship I was in, um, I found everything wrong with him and not really using it to do my own transformational, work on myself and use it as spiritual distinctions and transformational distinctions to embody we teach embodiment. Okay. So this is from a universal law perspective, is that what resist persists? And that also universal law is perfect. We have perfect God, perfect man. Perfect being right. So perfect divine, perfect woman, perfect bean mean that we only know perfection and we have to recognize that our partners or our friends or whomever it is that has not done their inner work. (07:48): We have to recognize that they learn it differently than us. In fact, if people want them to change, they're actually less likely to change. So that's the spiritual and metaphysical truth of that. So my suggestion for you, this woman that, uh, wrote in is for you to focus on yourself, to really hold faith and faith is where we know and hold pure potential. So the practice would be for you to do your own inner work for you to focus on your own trauma, work for you, to focus on all that, not make him wrong and also hold faith, knowing that he's going to, as you shift, he automatically is going to shift. In fact, we don't need to do have anyone do work around us when we truly do our work, then we actually impact and meta physically change every single person around us. Okay. (08:38): So that's from a truth perspective. Now me as a human being side girl, I understand, I know what it's like to be around. Not only just in a relationship, but have, you know, a parent or a friend or somebody that is not doing their inner work and you want to slap them, you know what I mean? You're like, oh, why? You know? And, um, and it is, we have to know that this is our guru, that, that these people are our, that is the universe testing us to know if we are actually practicing what we preach. So anytime I start pointing the finger, I recognize I have three fingers pointing back at myself and it's time for me to grow up and be an embodiment and be a master of the work that we teach. So I am holding you in my heart. And I know that this is a tough one, not always easy, but I know that you would not be going through this. (09:30): If you were not ready to master totally unconditionally loving your husband and holding him in your heart as a perfection and the divine that he is, and always coming back to the breath and always coming back to your spiritual practice. Okay. All right. I love that question. Such a good question. I think that we all deal with that, especially when we're going through our spiritual awakening, for sure. Okay. Next question is, hi, Dr. Aaron, first of all, I want to thank you for all you are doing. You have helped me in so much to become more confident and believe in myself on my way O on my awakening journey. At the moment I listen to your podcast daily and also reading your 40 days awake new book. It helped me so much to grow. Okay? So, but I've struggled lately in the last days, maybe, you know, where I should start to change. (10:22): I'm in a really healthy and loving relationship for one year now, but my ex-boyfriend, which whom I had a really dysfunctional relationship is a very good friend of my current boyfriend. And then last months we all hung out more, which is more difficult for me than I thought. I realized that I will always have love for him. But as you also said, with your past dys