Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society, the shift to the movement. So you did so truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community. In society. We are committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. Our mission is to awaken a billion people globally, and how we are doing that is by creating spiritual leaders. And I wanna just take a moment to define what a spiritual leader is in my eyes. I believe the future spiritual leader is not just a traditional spiritual teacher. They are the CEOs of companies. They are your neighbors. They're the mothers. They're people who live in alignment with their truth and spiritual principal and teach by example, really living fulfilled lives, purposeful lives and lives that are in accordance for the highest good for all. (01:08): That's what I consider the greatest spiritual teacher, cuz everywhere we look the day that we meet God, we see God in everything and everyone, right. God is not some man in the sky. God is that essence that is within all of us, a creative factor backing all of it with such intelligence. Okay. So today I wanna talk about being the CEO of your life and really reprogramming your subconscious mind for high performance success. And this was actually an inspired podcast off of, um, a summit. I just did that is going out to China about basically having an extraordinary life and uh, living your highest, most performance, high performance success in your personal and professional life. Okay. So, you know, this brought me back to, I've worked with many celebrities and CEOs and single moms and people that wanna be spiritual leaders over the years, you know, I've touched hundreds of thousands of lives and definitely touched, um, you know, hundreds of millions of lives through just our content. (02:12): But you know, I want to, the reason why I wanna have this conversation on the podcast is because whether you're a CEO and you might not be a CEO, you know, in fact, there's very few CEOs. I heard a stat last night that said something to the effect of don't quote me on this, that the top fortune 500 companies out of 500 companies, only 10 are ran by women only 10 that's like, what is that like 2% or something like that? Less than 2%. Okay. So the, the deal is, is this, is that whether you're a woman where you're a man, whether you're a CEO or not, I think it's important to look ahead to really understand the pitfalls of, of, of, of leadership of success. And this is what I've come down to. And working with CEOs, I found there's pretty much three things that are kind of holding people back from, um, from their success. (03:01): And of course it's all subconscious. Okay. So number one is the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of someone's success to begin with. We already know this, that you gotta go in and do your trauma work. You gotta go in and shift the, to the true identity. You gotta take back your power and release the identity back to the, I am back to that. All knowing, you know, powerful essence of who you are, knowing that it's possible for you to become the CEO of your life possible for you to have high performance success. Okay. So number one thing of course is basically shifting your limiting beliefs and unleashing your, you know, millionaire multi-millionaire mindset and set. Okay. The second is I've noticed that people basically, as they step into power, they oftentimes will either lose their integrity, meaning that they, you know, sell their soul out. (03:51): If you will, for the almighty dollar and inside their dying, they, you know, are going through midlife crisis or they basically just feel like it becomes empty and meaningless over time, they lose their integrity because they've got a board they've gotta deal with or they just, whatever they're, they're just, they, they forgot, you know, why they began to do what they're doing. Or they began out of, you know, the rat race of trying to live up to the Jones and things like that. So integrity is really important. And one of the things we've found with CEOs and so many people that have great success, monetarily, that they don't feel fulfilled, they haven't found their purpose. Okay. This is probably the most important work that we all do is birthing our purpose. And this is what we do in society, right. So how do you birth your purpose? (04:39): I'm gonna walk you through that. Okay. And then number three, the third thing that I find that people basically do in is as CEOs is they sabotage, they sabotage, they sabotage, they sabotage, they either, they either destroy everything that they created or they're constantly in a push and pull with their team members, with their employees, with whatever. And they tend to, you know, um, have a lot of drama. They end up having health issues cuz they are, you know, just always stressed out. They end up, you know, becoming addicted to things because they're trying to cope with all the stress. Okay. So, you know, the point is and what, we're all, I think the ultimate goal of you to say, I won the goal. I won the, I won this thing called life, right? We know that the real, the real winner is somebody who enjoyed the journey, right? (05:30): And also somebody who's able to really leave their legacy, leave their print on the world. We all want that at a core, it's a human, human desire. Okay. We want love and connection. We wanna enjoy the journey. And at some level within us, we wanna have an impact. Whether that's just being the most loving person or person that's able to bond with people, we impact, there's a human desire that wants to impact it doesn't mean somebody, everyone wants to desire to impact going to people's lives. But people have the, the basic need of having the impact, whether that just be through their family or through whatever. Right. So impacting the world and leaving the legacy, um, living a life of purpose basically. Okay. So let's go through these three things. Okay. So shifting your limiting beliefs and basically unleashing that part of you that does know it's possible for you to be the CEO knows it's possible to be the multimillionaire mindset and skillset. (06:23): Number two was mastering basically your leadership. Okay. So when you Le when you are somebody who is losing your integrity, or you're not fulfilled, it always comes down to getting clarity under your core values and living in principles. This always reminds me of the book principles, right by Ray Dalio, who he wrote. I think he started the biggest VC fund in America. And his book was it's on principles, which is fascinating, right? It's not about, uh, measuring the stock market, which it really is, but those comes back to principles. So, and our leadership, and I've noticed this in society and building, uh, community and membership and teams is that it always is pushing us to get clear upon what our principles are. So this means principles over personalities. And so whether you are not even a CEO, maybe you're just a mom at home listening to this. (07:18): This means if you want your home to work and you want people to thrive in your home, you've gotta start thinking of what are the principles you live by in your own mind that work that are workable principles. So when someone gets upset or whatever, you have a way of dealing with it, right? How do you deal with an upset in a family? How do you deal with when somebody does something that is destructive to the family, how do you deal with it? How do you, what are the principles that you live by? Instead of having to be that person that's making someone else wrong, you go, you know what? These are the principles. We've, we've all chosen. We've all committed to. And we refer back to the principles. So does it matter? It, it, look, this works the same. Whether you are, are a so entrepreneur, whether you're a stay-at-home mom or dad, whether you are a CEO of a fortune 500 company principles are the same. (08:08): You guys, there's no difference. And if you learn these basics in life, you will thrive no matter what area you're in. Okay. Third is basically keeping your stress down and impacting the world. It's about impact. It's about leaving your legacy and living on purpose. Okay? So the work's the same. Okay. I think that what the, the moral of all the stories, if you binge my podcast, if you look at this work, the work is always the same, and it's about birthing your truth and living your truth every last time. And that comes back to the truth triangle that comes back to birthing your true power, shifting the limiting beliefs, healing, your trauma, letting go of those commands and all of the places that you handed your power over, shifting back to the true identity and living in empowerment, shifting and birthing your true power. That's the first part of the triangle. (09:02): And as a CEO, you know, most CEOs have, have turned on a power, but it may be a power that is not necessarily an authentic power. It's a power built in ego. It's a power built in, in trying to be enough, but when you truly birth your true power and you understand you use your power for the highest good. And that's where companies they're demanded to go, we're gonna watch. And we've watched already the rise and fall of so many companies that are out of integrity. So if you wanna be somebody that is living powerfully and sustaining that power, you've gotta tap into that true power that you are that power that is really for good. You are that power. You're the same power that's in. You has created the entire universe. Okay. Second part of the triangle is, is birthing your passion. And this comes down to the integrity of that CEO. (09:55): You know, why does somebody get pushed around? And, and they're making a lot of cash or building a huge company, but they don't feel fulfilled. They don't feel like they are living on purpose it's cuz they haven't gotten clear of their core, core values. And they're selling themselves out. You know, they've sold themselves out for the almighty dollar or to keep their investors happier, whatever, but they haven't gotten down to their true mission statement. It's about getting down to your true mission statement and how do you do that? You know, you gotta get in there and understand what drives you. What do you really care about? What are your core values and how are you gonna be committed to t