Commitment doesn't have excuses

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Florida, not from Los Angeles. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe and know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So for the very first time, I'm actually recording video along with the podcast. So if you're on YouTube or you're watching this video somewhere, I apologize for the big microphone in front of my mouth, but for the podcast, it's really important that we actually put the pod, the microphone straight up to my mouth. Usually there's another, um, you know, thing on top of the microphone. So when it's far away, you can hear me if I'm just doing a video without the microphone in front of me, but for the podcast's sake, we wanna make sure that we have the best sound we can. (01:06): So I'm very excited, uh, to say that I am officially in Florida, I will be going back and forth to Los Angeles. Um, I actually will be in Los Angeles next week. I'll be back and forth by coastal, for sure. So I do still feel like Los Angeles is my home as well, along with Florida. And I am in west Palm beach right now, but it may be Miami. We're just feeling into it over here. But what I feel for sure is that our community will be global because it is global. We, I most likely will be, you know, in London, New York, Miami, and Los Angeles, because those are kind of the hubs of the world. So today, today I wanna break on down some spiritually based coaching. So in the group the other day, one of the gals, we have like little pods that I train and develop all the spiritual entrepreneurs in. (01:51): And whenever they have questions about business stuff, they will either bring it to, uh, the group coaching, which is, um, you know, weekly, uh, call or they put it in the pod. And one of the gals asked, she said, what should I do? One of her clients actually was moving as well. And she asked if she could put her, her coaching program on hold for a couple months while she got settled in to her new place and, and her entire life. And she asked, what should I do? Meanwhile, some of the other, you know, other coaches in there chime in and stuff. And, um, so we wanna give feedback all around from different perspectives and stuff. And one of the gals said, yeah, I mean, I would just be kind of like soft on her, no big deal. You know, it can be stressful moving, blah, blah, blah. (02:33): And my response was absolutely not. And there's a reason for this. There's a reason why when a client shows up and they sign up and they invest in themselves, they commit to their dreams. And the truth is that commitment is a commitment, commitment. Doesn't look like, and doesn't have contingencies upon it in life. In fact, life is going to life and we recognize that there's a reason why someone, we have our clients sign a contract and why we have to show up. Imagine as the coach that you said, you know what, I'm moving right now, you guys. And so I'm just gonna kind of put off all of our group coaching calls for a couple weeks, couple months while I get settled in, um, you know, I hope that's okay with everybody, right? It wouldn't work. You'd have lawsuits all over the place. People would want their money back, right? (03:18): It wouldn't work. So it's a simpatico relationship. This thing called a coach and a client. We are one in the same. And we're reflection of how we show up for one another, which brings me to, for sure, I think my favorite quote, all times, which is until one is committed, there is hesitancy the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth. The ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. That the moment one definitely commits oneself. Then Providence moves two, all sorts of things occur to help. One that would never otherwise have occurred. This was GDA and I've heard different people say it came from William H. Murray and GDA. And so I actually believe it is from William H. Murray, but GDA is the one who would always use it. So for many years, people thought it was GDA, but regardless of who it is, there's one divine mind. (04:15): So it doesn't matter all creation, it's all of our creation. So it doesn't even matter. So back to this issue. So somebody, uh, you know, in the coaching industry, it depends, you may have a, a 5% rescind rate. Maybe people stop making their payments, or maybe they choose to, you know, not be happy with the program or whatever it is. We are very lucky. We only have about one out of a hundred people that we feel really, we just don't vibe with everyone else. We have a really great relationship with, but it does happen. People will make excuses because this is what they do. It's the ego, it's the mini me trying to stay small. And the truth is that when you're committed commitment, doesn't have contingencies. So for example, I watched a lot of my friends that are committed to health and working out over the pandemic, the gyms were closed. (05:05): There was all kinds of excuses to sit around and eat extra food and hang out and not move the body. And my friends that were committed to working out, found a way to work out. They'd work out in their house. They'd go out into the park. They'd do whatever it is that they needed to do. They would find a way because they are committed and commitment. Doesn't have contingencies, right? Commitment is commitment. You're either committed or you're not committed. So one of the biggest disservices you can do for your clients is say to, to let them off the hook, basically there's a commitment level on both sides from the, the client and the coach. And then it takes two, two minds to override the subconscious mind. We do this also in deep processes like trauma work. It's actually the intentions of two minds that come together that will override whatever is the programming. (05:53): Whatever is a limited belief as well. So it's important as a coach for us to, to get committed to our clients, being committed. And it's important to have contracts in place it's important when you're onboarding your clients to have them realize how important, how they show up to their coaching program is how they show up to life. Do they come up with excuses? Do they not see things through? Do they make people wrong? Do they make the program wrong? Because if they're doing it one area, they're probably doing it in all areas. So my advice for this client is for you to have a really heart to heart conversation with your client. That doesn't mean you don't have compassion or empathy for what they're going through, but you come back to why commitment, why being their coach is actually helping them by helping them get committed and seeing through things, even when it's hard. (06:41): Okay. I've been teaching even in say our community for three years solid. Okay. I, I taught for decades before that with one-on-ones and in different processes, but in new thought global and society in the actual coaching I have taught for almost three years consistently, I have had to reschedule one meeting over three years and I train and develop like three cor four courses, um, throughout the week, every week. Right? So yes. I mean, there's been times when it's been hard. Yes. There's been whatever, but that's called commitment and you just show up and you do it. And so part of the development with our clients is they want to monetize their spiritual gifts, or they wanna do whatever it is in their growth. Maybe it's being stable in their relationship, or maybe it's being stable in their health practices. Maybe it's being stable. And in being in doing a spiritual practice, the point is, is that life rewards and as a reflection, right? (07:35): So whatever we're showing up, it's going to show the mental equivalent. If you want clients that are willing to pay high ticket pricing, then you need to be willing to pay high ticket pricing. If you want clients that are very decisive, then you need to be decisive. If you want clients who are committed, no matter what, then you need to be committed no matter what, this is universal law, and this is the truth. So today I give advice for anybody. That's having clients that want to make excuses to not show up in commitment. Commitment is what life reflects the universe just says, yes. And if we're getting mixed messages, it's because we're giving out mixed messages. So commitment is a yes, that's what it is. And it's a yes with no contingencies and commitment is our greatest power because it is basically a decision in mind that directs energy and reflects back exponentially with total certainty, total clarity, total precision. (08:27): And so as we go through this today, I'm doing a short podcast today. As I like little chunks, you can take a little walk, get a little inspiration, a little motivation and move on with your day. So may you know the truth and may you find your deepest, deepest passions and be committed to that? If it's not a hell, yes, it's a hell. No. As we say, and at the same time saying yes to everything discovering what your true passions are. So on this note, I just say yes to this yes. To you. Yes. To this day. Also a reminder, we do have a five day challenge coming up. So if you're ready to say yes to monetizing, it's a five day challenge to monetize as a spiritual entrepreneur. So whether you are desiring to bring your spiritual gifts to the world, if you have no idea what you wanna do, it's a great way. (09:11): I'm gonna walk you through exactly how to get clear of your mission and message, how to price your products, how to master sales, how to master social media and how to 10 extra soul based business, even if you don't even have anything yet, or whether you're already a seven figure, coach, it doesn't matter if you have a product or a service it's gonna teach you front to back, how to monetize. Okay. You guys have a beautiful day and may you live your truth. And if you're listening to this podcast, or if you're on YouTube or whatever you're doing, please share it like it. And comment. It's really important for us to support the people that we love. And I love you too. Okay. Have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth? Thank you for tuning (09:47): Into the doctor, Aaron podcast. If you've had a spiritual calling or desire to get certified as a spiritual coach or world renowned spiritual leader, go to new, do If you receive value from the show, I would love it. If you share it with a friend and give it a five star review. Also we have spiritual practitioners that are trained to deliver the E four trauma method and assist you in birthing your truth. So let's be friends on social media. Again, my handle is Dr. across all social media, have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth?