Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

DAILY INSPIRATION: Maya Angelou DAILY UNIVERSAL LAW: Law of Reciprocity DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Live 100% Complaint Free DAILY CHALLENGE: Focus on What You Want To Create   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth. Live from Los Angeles. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. Our mission is to be the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment empowerment and entrepreneurship, because we truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. So we are awakening the world together. Let's do this thing. You guys come complaining. The topic is complaining. Maya Angelou said, imagine who we would be if we were complaint free. If only 1% of the population was complaint free, we would have the courage to love. I think war would be laughed out of the room. Just imagine people would speak kinder to one another. We would care more about the children. (00:59): We would love everyone, black Jewish, the Chinese, the homeless, your neighbor. We would no longer blame anyone. We could touch each other. It would be just the beginning of paradise, nothing condemn the light, which shines from within Maya Angelo. So complaining is a fascinating topic. Um, you know, I had a girlfriend years back. She was on Facebook and, um, she was concerned because she was going on a weekend trip with her mom, but she was worried because she said that her mom often complained a lot and played the victim of life. And she didn't know, she was a little bit nervous because she was stepping into her spiritual practice and she was thinking, how am I gonna handle this? You know, what, what am I gonna do? And she posted it on social media and Facebook and seeking, basically seeking advice from people, how to handle the situation. (01:49): And some people would say, you know, just try and empathize. Other would say, you know, set your boundaries. Other would say, you know, you should counsel her, get real, you know, whatever. And my friend decided to have a genuine conversation. She'd gone on the trip. And she, she posted after her. And, and what she did was she basically decided to have a genuine conversation and really just talk with her mom and get authentic and get transparent and really have a heart to heart. The weekend came and after a couple days, you know, she said that her mom had been complaining and, and, and when they had that conversation and they got really deep, her mom, basically, they kind of had some like a breakthrough session and her mom realized her core belief was that she was worthless. Like that's why she basically complained a lot. (02:37): And my girlfriend also, she realized in the conversation in this entire process, that she had a similar belief that she, she believed that she wasn't enough. And she realized that there was this correlation going on within her mom. And that she actually was, you know, complaining about her mom complaining. Like it was a very similar thing in other than she wasn't really complaining. She had the intention of breaking through, and that's the distinction she found for herself that you can complain just to complain without consciously being aware of what's really going on. And you complain about somebody complaining or whatever with the intention to actually figure it out and actually break through it. And that's the difference, right? So she's posted on social media. She said today while counseling, my mother, I discovered that thinking that I'm not enough is a step up for my mother's belief, that she's worthless that day. She had a life changing realization and no longer would ever be able to view someone who complains in the same way. She understood that others often when they complain is out of a place of inadequacy and she felt total compassion for her mom. She never looked at her mom complaining the same. (03:49): And so we need to consider that all complaints are projections of frustration and disempowerment with them. Anytime anyone's complaining it, you have to understand they really are a disempowered human being because they truly believe that there are the effect of something out there in the world. All negative feelings that you experience are projections outward into the world of circumstances, creating the illusion that you're separate from all of life. When you complain, it's like praying for crap. Literally, if you understood the law and understood that we energized the law by our feelings, right? So we energize our, our, the law by our feelings. And if we're praying for, uh, praying forever complaining, then basically we're energizing. What we don't want, which is ridiculous. Cuz that's gonna bring more of what we don't want. So when you complain, it's like praying for crap, right? And it's no fun. (04:46): It's no fun to be around somebody that complains all the time. It's no fun to be around yourself when you're complaining all the time. So the paradoxical phenomenon is you spot it. You got it. If you're complaining about somebody complaining, then you've got the same thing, right? You're you're doing the exact same thing. So here's the deal. When I work with people with subconscious work, we are obviously birthing their, their power, their passion, their purpose, right? We're really empowering the human being again, we're, we're spotting in the consciousness where we commanded our own chains within our life, where we put ourselves into a box where we became the fact of life. And we're basically recovering consciousness, re we're recovering the truth of who that person is. So there's one gap in suffering. And if you put your two hands out, like away from each other, and there's a gap between the two hands, you know, put your palms towards each other and you put a gap and on one side there is, you know, people, places and things of how you wish they were. (05:55): And on the other hand, you imagine life as it is. And when you truly close the gap and accept people, places and things, and no longer complain about life, there's freedom, there's choice. There's power. In that, the extent to which we complain is the extent to which we actually feel like we're the effect, or we wish things were different in the world. And if that's the case, anyone would feel disempowered in this world. So the question for you today is really that, where do you wish things were different? Where do you feel like you're the effect of life? And if you truly feel like that, then you know, you're gonna constantly, constantly never be a powerful person. You've got to accept and then come from a place of what you truly wanna create. And so there's always a payoff. There's a payoff when we complain about life and it's that we're right. (06:51): It justifies at some level, our disempowerment, it justifies why we are not in grace. It justifies, you know, our victimhood, it justifies this, this space within us. And so today the daily spiritual practice is really to be a hundred percent complaint free. What would it be like for you? I mean, imagine life, if you did not ever complain, it is a total practice. It's like a muscle you gotta build. That's never, ever been worked. It's like, if you went to the gym and you're like, I wanna work this thing called complaining. And they're like, what's that it's like some little tiny muscle in the wrist or something that you've never used before. And they don't even have machines at the gym for you to work that out, but you gotta work out your wrists. It's like this tiny little muscle that's never been used before and you, and you gotta build it up and build it up and build it up. (07:44): And I remember when I first decided to be complaint free, like no complaining, focusing only on what I do want to create instead of what I don't want in life. Right. It was so hard. I'm not gonna lie. And I realized that every single girlfriend I had around me, all they did was complain. We didn't think it was complaining. We thought we were just talking about life and evaluating life, you know, and, and talking about people and, and, and what was right and what was wrong and da, da, da, and all this stuff. And it was, it was complaining. And when I truly decided to stop complaining, it was super hard. I had to really inspire my friends around me and enroll them into the possibility of not complaining. It was challenging within myself. I would find myself, even in my mind, chatter, you know, talking and thinking about what I didn't like. (08:33): And it was it's, you know, I would say, I would say, no one has fully mastered it because we have this thing called a mind. And the, the mind, the brain basically wants to problem solve. Right? So it's constantly looking for the problem. And so to direct it and go beyond complaining, you've gotta create a much bigger game. You've gotta create something for the brain to solve that is out of creation, creating it's out of creating something instead of problem solving. Okay. And that it, the brain's able to do that. It's able to create because that's like a problem solving of creating that into existence. So today the daily spiritual practice is to be a hundred percent complaint free. The universal law of the day is a law of reciprocity. The law of reciprocity states that the universe is a quantum field where everything is connected. (09:24): There is a mutual dependence action and exchange between you and the universe. You get what you give and you reap what you sell, whatever you send to the cosmos, whether it is good or bad or a complaint, it must return. This is a law of mutual exchange. Therefore every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Life is like playing a game of ping pong. Whatever you give to life is return to you, multiplied abundantly. And so in that today's practice is to be a hundred percent complete free for 24 hours. I imagine just for, if you could just do it for 24 hours, so practice non complaining, be gentle on yourself and others through this process, keep the faith that over time, your entire life, as you know, it will alter into a world beyond your recognition. Imagine if you didn't complain, complaining contracts, the heart stresses, the mine creates acid and toxins in the veins. (10:23): When you're ready to have abundant energy and vibrant vitality, you will detox from complaining, live a complaint, free life, and avoid talking about people behind their back. Unless it's to say how wonderful they are. Stop you're complaining mentally and start solution mentality, or start creativity mentality. This can be one of the biggest game changers in transforming your life. Huge, huge, huge. Imagine, imagine if you never focused on the negativity, it doesn't mean that there's not crap going on in the world, but it means that you choose to create whatever you're creating. This exercise is simple. Play close attention to your thoughts and focus on them. The moment you hear yourself complaining or getting into a negative discussion with others, switch the focus towards what you're grateful for, and then literally switch it into what you're creating in your life. And I've had girlfriends ask, you know, okay, so I don't wanna complain. (11:22): What do I even talk about? You know, like we're so used to talking or, you know, we come together with girlfriends and we're talking about this guy or this thing or whatever, and we evaluate it and we complain about it. And I remember also thinking, what is it? And the difference is like being in the stands versus being on the court. There's a great distinction here. When you're in the stands of, of the game of life, you're evaluating it. You're looking at the, the players in life and you're, and you're evaluating them. Oh, that was a good shot. Oh, that was a bad shot. Oh, he, he should do this. Oh, oh, they did that. Oh gosh. That was terrible. That they did that. Right. If you're in the actual game of life, you are, you are only thinking about how you're gonna get better, how you're gonna make this move, what you're deciding to, to, you know, play out how you're playing offense, how you're