Creating a New Chapter of Your Life

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Hi there today. I wanna get a little bit intimate with you. I wanna open up my heart and share a little bit of what's going on in my life. So the beginning of this podcast, I usually say live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to another truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. And today, maybe one of the last podcasts that I say, those exact words, because I'm moving. I am officially moving to west Palm beach in Florida, and I am in the middle of a move. So today I'm gonna break on down some of the parts of life where it's time to have a new chapter. It's time to let go of a new environment or something. It could be your career. It could be your relationship. It could be energetic ties to something there's always a rebirth. And today I wanna talk to you about the move, which really is a rebirth and putting yourself in an environment where you truly thrive. (01:16): So let's break this sun down, live from Los Angeles. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gifted message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So this is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity teaching metaphysic of mind and, uh, reprogram the subconscious mind E four trauma method and all the great things to develop world renowned spiritual leaders. So, yep. I am moving it's official. And I wanna share my journey with you because, um, it's so it's so clear that the decision of mind is what the universe really is just responding to. It just is saying yes, all the universe does is say yes. And I have to just share that the last year has been, it's been, you know, interesting. Let's just put it that way. (02:08): That's one way of the spiritual people saying that's FD up instead. We just say that's interesting. Right? So when the pandemic happened, began to get locked down and everything, whatever that was a year and a half, two years ago, I actually pivoted in within three rests because I had been through 2008 and 2008 was a really intense time for, for my generation. Anyway, I had a lot of friends that lost everything to their name. A lot of them came in, lived on my sofa in the interim of, uh, of trying to figure out their lives. And I remember waiting, I remember waiting, I remember watching TV in the news and getting a lot of fear based, um, parts of my body and, and mind and spirit and all the above. And so when the lockdown came about, the pandemic came about, I had learned that lesson and the greatest lesson I think I learned out of of 2008, was to not wait that to pivot and create and always know that in that there's all innovation. (03:06): And so when the lockdown began this time around, I innovated super quick, our, our community and our company and everything, we pivoted fast and we served and we served and we thrived like we did really well. Um, through the entire time we have been thriving, we have been growing, we have been scaling. We're doing really well as a company. And I really felt honored to be there as a pillar of strength for my community and for all the people out there during this, you know, during the lockdown. So the first year of the lockdown, you know, kind of, uh, went by in certain areas of the world were not locked down a lot. And others like Australia were really locked down in Los Angeles. We were pretty locked down. And what happens is just like, you know, there's that visual and that metaphor of the elephant that has a big chain on it when it's little and it can't get away. (03:57): So it learns to stay within a few feet of, of the steak, if you will. And then as there's this other picture of this elephant that now is this ginormous elephant. And it has like a teeny, teeny little chain on it to a little chair in the middle and it could actually just walk off. But the elephant doesn't know because we are habitual beans. We are energetic beans. We create and we create, and then we experience being the effect of what we create. It's not the truth we can always recreate and we can always create from nothing that's the truth, but we have to have a consciousness that's strong enough if you will, to remember that and to, to do something about it, if you will. So the second year of, of the lockdown, um, I started noticing myself that I began to isolate a little bit more and more still being, you know, we have an amazing community online and I have some really dear friends in Los Angeles that I would go and walks with and hang out with. (04:52): But I began to notice that my environment, uh, my, my body, my soul was speaking to me really saying, it's time to leave here. You know? And, and I was listening and I knew it was time. And spirit also was saying, get prepared. So I was focusing a lot on the mission and business and everything else. And, but I knew, I knew it was a matter of time. And so the last year I've been searching and searching and searching really inside and without to, you know, what is the next chapter? What does it look like? You know, does it look like me moving to diff different home in Los Angeles? Does it look like me moving to orange county? Does it look like me going up to Santa Barbara? Does it look like me leaving the country? Does it look like me going to Florida? (05:36): Does it look like me going to Texas? Does it look like Dallas? Does it look like everything? And I began to inquire and, and feel into it within my soul. And the reason why I'm telling you is because we all have to make decisions. Some decisions are easier than others, and some take a lot of strength and courage and, and have, you know, big cause and effect on 'em. So I would, would pray and meditate on it. And what would happen was I began to feel and know that maybe it wasn't one location, because I was, when I would go into prayer and meditation, I would have the feeling of tropics. I would also feel the love still for Beverly Hills in that lifestyle of a Beverly Hills of, you know, just beautiful things and material world and, and abundance of wealth, and then the material world. (06:23): And I would also feel like a Santa Barbara, a grounded in part of Santa Barbara, where I grew up very, um, you know, there's a, there's parts of Santa Barbara that are very yuppy. Of course, there's parts of Santa Barbara that are very grounded in with mother, um, the Oak trees and the, the, the ground there is very grounded in. So I kept searching. I kept searching. And one day I stumbled upon west Palm beach, Florida. I had known about Miami. I'd known about a couple things, but I had never, I never heard of it. Honestly, I had never knew about it. And the moment I saw online, I kind of gased like, whoa, like, wow, I kind of had a, I had a knowing straight away. I saw the pictures and that's how it works. You know, intuitively it's like, there's an alignment. Okay. (07:09): And it kind of sparks. And I began to research a little bit more and, and I started really having this love for west Palm beach, Florida. So what did I do? I booked a flight. It was only whatever, a couple year, couple years, a couple weeks ago or something. It feels like a couple years ago. Um, and I went out with the intention of one thing and one thing only, and I went out to, to no, cuz my soul speaks to me clearly it's either a hell yes or a hell. No. So I jumped on the plane and I, my flight arrived in, I think it was like seven 30 or something like that. And I got a good hotel and stuff, but I wanna kind of cruise around. I thought, well, I could at least cruise around for a little bit at night and just see the area first. (07:49): And then I'll explore more in the middle and in the morning. So I drove it. First thing, I just drove out to Palm beach and naturally it led me to this incredible vision of this big building out there, which is called the breakers hotel. And it's like a mini castle. It's like huge. And so I drove up and I thought, well, there's this gate here. And they probably only let people in that are staying there. And they said, no, come on in. You know, so I drove up, I walked in and immediately was like, wow, this is really beautiful. And I just wanted to see the ocean. So I walked through the halls down the hall and all of a sudden I walked through the door to go out to the ocean. And when I opened the door, it was like this warm tropical breeze hit me at a soul level. (08:33): And it was the day after the full moon. So it was essentially a full moon and it was one of the most beautiful, full moons I'd ever seen in my entire life. There was these clouds going by it and it was the most mystical looking thing I'd ever seen in my entire life. And I knew in that moment I was home. I'm gonna cry right now because I knew it was the next chapter for me to have. And no, I didn't know one person in, in west Palm beach, Florida and my son is, you know, in Scottsdale and my family's all over on the west coast and I have thousands and thousands of friends along the west coast, but I knew I, it, something like, oh, okay, here we go. You know, it's like a divine assignment. And, and so I'm telling you this for you because for me, the divine assignment is this, my number one priority in my life is my mission. (09:30): I, this is why I'm here. I'm here to bring truth and you know, really bring universal law and understanding the energetic ties that we create to our and ourselves here in this lifetime. And every time I pray, every time I ask for one thing and one thing only, and it is to be used for the highest good. And so I always ask, what is the, you know, the one thing for me to do for the mission and every time I've been going into prayer for the last year, my true self, my higher self says, you know, is rejuvenation. You need to get tapped into mother nature and you need to be really in that flow of that bliss of that high frequency, where your body feels good. Your mind feels good. You're warm with nature. You have a balance through this whole thing. And, and so for me, it was a divine calling. (10:24): It's a divine calling for me to go