Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the doctor. Aaron show, may you live your truth. Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on S principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. We are committed to being the number one spiritual community. Uh, we focus on enlightenment, entrepreneurship, and empowerment. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people and how we are going to do that and how we are doing that is by developing world class spiritual leaders. And so today we are going to talk about what I feel is probably one of the most important things to me in my life, which is my daily spiritual practice. And I wanna help you create your daily spiritual practice. (00:53): It's fascinating because when people talk about their daily spiritual practice, they talk about what their morning routine is, what their evening routine is in a perspective, other daily spiritual practice, but we're gonna come from a perspective of what is your life. Your life is your daily spiritual practice. Who are you being every moment of the day in the four areas of your life, in your love and relationships in your career with your career and money with your health and vitality and with your creative expression. I know that every single breath you take is, has an intention behind it because where we're using our mind informs our subconscious mind and informs universal mind and reflects back all of life is the grand mirror of what we're practicing, what we are, who we're being, what our intentions are and our ways of life. So Emma Curtis Hopkins said, the world will persist in exhibiting before you, what you per persist in affirming the world is let me read that again. (01:48): The world will persist in exhibiting for you. What you persist in affirming the world is how, how you see life is how it has to refresh back what you're focusing on, energizes those thoughts, those beliefs. And it has to inform that and see through that filter and filter back more and more and more. So how are you affirming life? And that is really your ultimate daily spiritual practice. What do you believe about life? And that is what has to be reflected back. So I've had, you know, I've had many mentors in my life, everything from different authors, I've read to different people. I've studied under one of my greatest mentors is a gentleman that I met some years back. It was three years before he transitioned. And, um, it wa he's a magical, magical man. He, he, he wasn't a big name out there in the field, but he had such great wisdom and became such a big, um, mentor in my life. (02:46): He is in my heart every day. Um, John, I love you. And he was like a grandpa to me, probably the most loving man, um, the most loving human being man I'd ever experienced in my entire life. And I witnessed him in his transition for two weeks, as he had decided to go after having bone cancer. And it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. And making me realize how, um, how amazing this life is and how transi it really is. We are immortal spiritual beings, and we are very much human in this existence, in this persona. And so he taught me so many things and so he'd have these great, amazing stories that would have me laugh. But one of the stories that always reminded me of him is, um, a story he told me about relating to the values of practice of a daily spiritual practice. (03:38): And, um, I don't know if this story is true or not, but he said that he, he told this great story about a lady who was in New York. And, um, she was on her way to Carnegie hall for a concert and, and she was running late and she was, she didn't know where to go. And she kept going around these blocks cuz she was, she knew it was right within a block or two and she didn't have directions and she was running late and she was starting to get really frazzled. And she saw this gentleman getting into this taxi and she said, sir, sir, sir, do you know where Carnegie hall is? And she didn't realize that it was singer, um, Luciano PRA. And he kind of turned her with a real elegant stance and kind of calmed her down to see even with the way he's presence. (04:18): She said, excuse me, sir, do you know how to get to Carnegie hall? And you reply with a great peace and total, you know, a total error about him. He said, practice, practice, practice. And I giggled as he, my mentor told me this because he just had this way of telling stories that had everything we ever needed to know in it. The point is this is that if you wanna get to Carnegie hall, if you wanna get to a life that you love, if you wanna get to powerful, amazing relationships, if you wanna become the entrepreneur and have a multi six figure or seven figure plus business, if you wanna have incredible vibration and be one with divine, if you wanna be expressed and be the ultimate self, the ultimate mother, husband, friend, daughter, whatever that is, practice, practice, practice, because we're, we're dealing with something we're called. (05:13): We're dealing with our old habits. We're dealing with our old lineage. We're dealing with all these things. And the only way we move past it, of course, is dealing with trauma and doing our inner work and all the stuff with the truth triangle, we birth the true power and the, and your specific value, core values. And we birth your purpose and calling. But once you really know this truth, you gotta live the truth. And how do you do that? You gotta do it via your daily spiritual practice, practice, practice, practice. We know this, we know that we, we create new neurons and, and pathways and we become, we, we inform the universal law. We inform our subconscious mind and we, we develop these habits and rituals so that it becomes automated. Imagine if you were everything, your life was just automated. You were tapped into divine, you were extraordinary. (06:02): You were intentional, you were developed your skill set and your mindset and everything. And it became automated. Imagine that everything was really easy. Your relationships flow because you had developed these skills and this mindset around it that had everyone thrive. Imagine how amazing and what you could actually create in your life. Instead of dealing with drama and chaos and discord, you'd have be freed up to use so much more energy to create a life that you love. And that is what a daily spiritual practice is really for to create the habits and rituals and become automated and being in extraordinary human being. So I can't imagine how much Pavarotti had to practice to master his craft. He was one of the most famous Italian singers ever. And the story makes the case that even the greatest artist must practice. What are you practicing? What is your daily practice? (06:56): What is your daily spiritual practice? And of course, you know, we wanna do meditation and mindfulness and using your, you know, language with intention, visioning, having intuition further prayer and affirmations and having practices of that's really important. But the question for you that I have for you is what are you practicing every minute of every day? What are your practices in the four areas of life who are, what are your principles and who do you show up in your practices in the realm of your relationships, who are you in your practices, in the realm of money and creating financial freedom and passive income and creating a career that you love, it's alignment with your purpose and calling, who are you in the realm of health? What are your daily practices in the realm of your, of your meals? What do you put in your body and what are your practices in the realm of being expressed in all areas of your life and in your sexuality and your artist artistry in all the areas who are you, you may choose to create an extraordinary morning and evening ritual as well. (08:00): You know, for years I used to have this, um, walkin closet and I had a place that I'd go in for meditation in the morning evening. And sometimes I'd spend hours upon hours in a day in that room doing my meditation in my practice. And, and I'd cherish that time so much at this chapter of my life. I don't do as much, um, of that intensive work. It's more trickled into embodiment for me, for me, my practice is really in every breath that I take out there and I can meditate while I'm driving, because you get to a place where you can just go past the mind and go to divine straight away. So let's ask ourselves and I, and I ask that, you know, you write this down today, maybe take some time today. You know, who are you being in the realm of those four areas of your life? (08:42): So let's take a look at who do you wanna be in with your money and career? You know, are you, if the goal is to be powerful and productive and living in alignment with your purpose and calling in the area, you know, what do you, you know, what are are the practices? What are your action that you're taking around it? So allowing the abundance to always stay in abundance mentality instead of scarcity mentality, always bringing value, instead of asking what you can get out of people, you know, asking how you can serve and bring value, you know, what are these core principles? Are you investing in assets instead of liabilities? Are you embodying the minds that it takes to fulfill upon your dreams? Are you taking bold action? You know, do you live out of creativity instead of fear, things like that, what are your practices and what are you doing daily to allow that to happen? (09:28): Are you releasing the limiting beliefs around money and letting yourself just live in the possibility, right? Let's like, take a look at love and relationships. You know, what is your goal in love and relationships? Is it peace and deep intimacy and connection? Maybe it's creating a powerful family. I don't know what that is for you, but what is your intention? What is your intention around that? And what are you doing every day, every way in your daily spiritual practice all day long to align with that, are you practicing, not making people wrong, but focusing on their divinity and their beauty and their, the miracle that they are, are you, you know, focusing on, on developing and investing time in the people that really you really care about? You know, what are these practices? Who are you being in the realm of a relationship? And are you placing boundaries on relationships that are, that get you upset? (10:21): Are you having profound conversations and clear communication with people? That's a daily spiritual practice, you know, getting in touch with your emotions and sayin