Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

DAILY INSPIRATION: Story of a little girl praying DAILY UNIVERSAL LAW: Universal law of Nature DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Spiritual Mind Treatment & Affirmative Prayer & Affirmations DAILY CHALLENGE:  Create an affirmation today   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift to the movement. So you did full truth. (00:09): Live from Los Angeles is Dr. Aaron founder of good morning LA land and soul society. We come together each day to know truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. We are committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally. And how we are doing that is we are developing spiritual leaders. So let's do this thing today. You guys, I wanna talk about affirmative prayer and affirmations, and this is not, we don't teach. There's a man in the sky. Okay. Affirmative prayer and affirmations. So Ernest Holmes said treatment is the art, the act and the science of consciously inducing thought within universal subjectivity for demonstrating that are basically for demonstrating that we are surrounded by a creative medium, which responds to us through a law in its simpler, meaning treatment is the time process and method necessary to changing our thought. (01:23): We call it treatment. And the reason why we call it treatment and why I'm called a doctor of divinity is because we actually believe that we can treat the mind by revealing truth. We heal by revealing the truth and in revealing the truth, we, we witness miracles, right? I personally have witnessed, uh, clients growing back their hair. I've witnessed clients having pains go away. Of course, I've witnessed, you know, the transformation of their life and, and their relationship with money or in love or in health and their creative expression. All the different areas of life. The point is it is treatment and, um, new thought, which I'm a minister of new thought and science of mind is basically the mental cure movement. Um, and this is where prayer is a big part of our practice. So as a little girl, I remember being really sad that my mom and father had gotten divorce. (02:22): And, um, they split, you know, they got divorced before. I can remember like two years old or something. One day, uh, I went to a movie and I saw a little girl praying. And that night when I came home, I decided, okay, I'm gonna pray. I'm gonna pray for, you know, my parents to get back together. So I went in my room and I kneeled down by the side of the bed, cuz that's what the little girl did in the movie. And I placed my hands together in prayer position. And I said, God, please make my mommy and daddy get back together. Well, it never happened. So the point is that I decided, I decided after that, that there, you know, either God didn't exist or that something was wrong with me, that would impede God from answering my prayer. Right? So most people believe they're asking for something, a new circumstance to arrive a new material object to show up, you know, something, to be different, a better body, a different relationship, um, a raise in pay, whatever that is prayer oftentimes is, is one of the most misunderstood things in the religious and spiritual realm, in my opinion. (03:36): So, you know, prayer is a, is portrayed to be something that you do when you're helpless, desperate, really right? And often it's perceived as something only done by religious people or you know, where people Revere our prophet or an entity or Jesus or all or whatever that is. And they think of it praying to somebody outside of themselves and asking for something right. A desire, um, suffering to go away, whatever that is. Right. So it wasn't until my mid twenties that I began to understand what prayer was from a metaphysical perspective. I never truly, you know, never, I never believed there's a God in the sky, you know, God is within and God does not have, it's not a man or a woman. It's the pure force that we are. Right. So it wasn't until I really actually further down the line came to understand the new thought affirmative prayer, that it set my prayer into an entirely different level quantum level, if you will. (04:36): So I'm gonna share what that is today, what affirmative prayer is. Um, and so you can use it in your life as a tool. I pray every day and I would say it should be at the top for me, it's the top of my to-do list. My, the top of my to-do list is to connect and empty my mind and source, and also direct mind. So, and even in meditation, you know, there is emptying the mind and there is directing the mind. And some people say that meditation is like listening to God. And prayer is like speaking to God and you could, you know, however you wanna put it, there is no name for it, right? So prayer is the movement of energy upon universal law for a specific demonstration. So prayer is really knowing that we're the backing of the energy and we are directing energy upon mind. (05:26): But really what we're doing is we are first tapping into the truth of who we are, which is remembering who we are, which is the pure source that, that has infinite innovation. And that actually has the ability to direct mind. In fact, that's all we do. And, um, so then tapping into that and then using it for specific demonstration, we're here to really direct our mind and be able to experience our mind in form, right? So prayer is expanding of consciousness, unleashing the innovation within and then setting the polarity into the universal law for motion. So we need to know that anything we pray to embody or to demonstrate out in the world to manifest, we need to know that it it's gonna have a cause and effect. And we have to also know that if we really wanna cause me out in the world, we also have to deal with the effect, right? (06:15): So we better be prepared for that. So prayer is the recognition that there is one omnipotent energy that has, and is creating the entire universe. It's you FYI, as you unify and identify as that same life force, cuz you can have the experience of not being a, but the truth is you are it anyway, you've always been it. And you'll always be it. You experience your true spiritual powers, right? So you're always all powerful. It's only the extent to which you expand your consciousness to experience your divine spiritual powers. You're already all powerful. You're manifesting 24 7. You're creating the entire universe into existence right now. But prayer is really to re kind of get into that space and then begin to direct it, to decide what you wanna create in that moment. So in the revealing of this truth, you relief, limiting beliefs and direct energy upon universal mind for the definite results, a definite result. (07:16): You wanna get the more clear you can possibly get before you start, uh, a prayer, really getting clear, what is it that you want to know the truth on? And what is it that you really want to demonstrate? So energizing, the pictures within the mind is the most important thing, the feeling, the backing of it, right? So you can say no words. If you can get to an ecstatic feeling as if something has already occurred, then you have demonstrated you've you've, you've mastered your prayer, but basically energizing the picture in the mind with gratitude enhances your intentional manifestation. So furthermore, releasing the attachment and control of outcome allows the perfect informant. So we do not outline in our prayers. We, we know the truth, we hold it in mind. We energize it. We feel it as if it's already happened. And then we do not have attachment to it because our higher self, the universe has a way of delivering it. (08:07): That may be more genius, more different than we ever could imagine. Okay. So again, what is a feer prayer? A feer prayer is the one of the primary tools to directing thinking and energy upon the one mind universal law for a specific purpose, which in turn informs universal law instantaneously transform your world and your experience of it. It's the active creative process within the individual treatments are intended for specific outcomes, which all include in spanning your consciousness, releasing limiting beliefs, awakening the infinite innovator within and revealing the truth of who you are, all which shift your magnetic field and energetic frequency, changing the relationship, your relationship to life. Prayer. Doesn't change things out there. It changes you, your perception, your consciousness, your embodiment. That's the point of prayer. The rest is details because the external world is literally just the mentally equivalent of what's going on. (09:14): Your only job is to shift your consciousness. So how does it work? The vibration of feelings within your thoughts is what directs the universe. When you're going through the five steps, I'm gonna show the five steps and there's no perfect way of doing it, but I'm gonna show you kind of what I was trained in, which I don't necessarily agree with because I don't think there's any wrong way of praying. What matters is that you get the truth, but I'm, I'm gonna walk you through the five steps. Okay? So when you're going through the five steps, which I wanna show you, it's important to remember that feelings are what inform universal law, your intention, that backs your words, create the feelings and the vibrations that you send out to the universe. You can do a spiritual mind treatment and call affirmative prayer or spiritual mind treatment without saying anything. (10:04): If you direct your mind and feel the elation of the thoughts that you create. So in treatment, the perception of self shifts and therefore all of life shifts as Thomas tr stated, this is the triumph of principle of a precedence of the working out of an idea that is logical has conclusions to, despite the accumulated testimony of all past experience through contrary, do you get this? Like, if you can know it in mind, say you come from a lineage where everyone was sad all the time or everything ended in divorce or everything was something was off for you. Okay. If you can know it in mind, what's possible. That's a triumph. That is a huge, huge triumph. Do you understand that puts the potential into the field of the universe and I'm not saying divorce is bad by any means. Okay. I'm just saying the past experience. (11:04): And if you can even believe it in mind and hold that frequency in mind, then you literally have moved past your lineage. Like it's huge. Okay. And in that potential, something new is born. So spiritual mind treatment can be incorporated into your conscious work every day. I recommend doing it every single day. Okay. Anytime you're not feeling good. Instead of calling up your girlfriends and complaining, go pray instead of like blowing in your self pity, go pray. Instead of getting to the pity party, go pray. Okay. If you want to be a spiritual leader and master your life and be somebody that people look to as a leader, as an expert, as somebody that is a badass, you've got to get your mind right. Every day, all day long. And so you have to have tools to get your mind, right? And prayer is one of the greatest tools to get there. (12:01): So if you're feeling negative or you simply, you know, do whatever you've got to raise your vibration, you've got to improve your thoughts. And it can be used to reveal truth about illness. You know, one of the hardest things I ever had to overcome was the concept that there's only perfect health. And it was really hard for me to get that du