Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Live from Los Angeles. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principles, align with the universal lot and break through all limited beliefs within our subconscious mind so that we can claim our birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So we are all about teaching new thought, ancient principles, metaphysics science of mind, unity, you name it. We are a spiritual community and we come together in society and new thought global. Our vision is to be the number one spiritual community, committed to enlightenment and empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. (00:58): So today's podcast is all about daily spiritual practice. I absolutely love this topic and in particular, because I think it's one of the most misunderstood concepts that we have in the Western world. Okay. So I will never forget a time. It was probably over 10 years ago, and I remember feeling really spiritually entitled if you would. Anytime I was in a class, anytime I was in a spiritual conversation, anything, it was like I was in this kind of place. Like almost, I think there's a phase in spirituality where you think you're kind of better than because you've done your spiritual work. And I remember thinking, well, I've been meditating for 15 years. I've been doing this work forever. I mean, I've gone, you know, and studied with X, Y, and Z. And I've gone to this course and that course, and you know, I've got my nine rights in shamanism. (02:03): I've done years of subconscious processing and I've studied and studied and said all this stuff. And I remember one day I was still in a dysfunctional relationship. And I was like, how could I be, how could I be dealing with this when I've done all the spiritual work? How could I still be dealing with all this? How could I be acting the way I'm acting or texting when I'm texting, when I've done all the spiritual work. And it hit me like a ton of bricks, because I could see it was so frustrating, cuz I could see, like I had done so much work that I could see the insanity of it. I could see the human vicious cycle. I could see how I was. It was everything going on within my own consciousness that was projecting out into every relationship. And it was like, oh my gosh. (02:57): It was like torturer. I was, was like, I can see how I'm creating all of this at a subconscious level. And yet I didn't know how to actually change it all the way I had done enough of my work and my subconscious trauma that I, it was like, I wasn't even, it was like a re was reacting, but I could even see how I was reacting. So I was like the observer of my own reaction and it hit me like a ton of bricks. And I realized, I remember one day going to the mirror and looking at myself in the mirror and thinking, okay, it's time to not just talk the talk. It's time to walk the walk. It's time to put our big girl pants on and do what we have been training to do for years and years and years. (03:49): And I'll never forget that. I recognize that my daily spiritual practice could no longer be the hour in the morning or the, you know, 20 minutes at night or the multiple hours, you know, meditating at times, whatever it had to be with every thought I was energizing, every word I was speaking and every aspect of my life, my life needed to be a prayer, a walking prayer, my life needed to be a daily spiritual practice, meaning all day spiritual practice. Okay. So this is the deal. As we know, life is the ultimate mirror. It's amazing. I know so many of you guys that are listening to this, uh, probably are experiencing this right now and have experienced it. And when you start doing your processes and you start seeing the commands and the limited beliefs and the identity, the false identities, you begin to see how everything is coming from this area in your life and other people's life. (04:58): And you can't, you can't, you can no longer walk into any situation or hear people talk about their problems in life and not see it from their own that they're projecting this into their life. And it becomes amazing because you can see the entire dynamic of life. You see it from all aspects, but at the same time, it becomes frustrating because you're like I'm seeing it, but I don't know exactly what to do about it. So the daily spiritual practice of your communication skills, um, using and aligning with universal law and aligning with your own truth is imperative. If you wanna actually begin to direct energy and be able to be the change that you wanna see in your own life and in the world. So today let's break on down, what is a daily spiritual practice and what is it that you particularly want to embody your life to be able to experience what you want to experience in life? (05:59): Okay. So oftentimes in our world, people think of a daily spiritual practice as you know, a 20 minute meditation in the morning, or they do their, you know, spiritual work and they, they like the S or they go to church or they do whatever. And then this is very common in the religious world. You know, people will go to church on Sunday and then come Monday, they're driving their car and flipping off the person next to them on, on the highway. And they think that they are better then because they go to church or there's the spiritual, you know, person who is, you know, has Sage and crystals in their homes. They're all spiritual. And then they point the finger at other people because they're not doing what they're doing, you know, and they're judging and they're judging and they're keeping themselves separate and divided. (07:02): So what is a daily spiritual practice? And I think that the point is, is that you get to design what your spiritual practice is. A spiritual practice is really what are the principles and values and ways of being that you want to be to experience what you want to experience in life. Okay. So I'm gonna tell you a little bit about mine and then you can decide for yourself and maybe take something from it. And so I'll never forget, again, it was years ago, I was in spiritual practitioner, uh, program, and it was a three year program. At that point in time, it was through centers, research to living and through global truth center. And as a spiritual practitioner, what you do is you understand, and you begin to understand the creative process and understanding universal law and doing things like, you know, focusing on what you do wanna create instead of what you don't wanna create and getting your mind right, and tapped into source and staying in source and, and doing a front of prayer when your mind starts to spiral or calling a prayer partner. (08:04): And, and it was really about embodying truth and living on your spiritual principle. And I remember one morning I woke up and I rolled over in bed. I threw in my robe. I, I immediately went out to my computer, kind of opened it. I had some emails or something. I just remember being kind of grumpy. And it was, if there was, you know, this, the voice, the voice spoke to me and it was like, what are you doing? And I was like, what? You know, it was kinda like my inner voice. It was like, what are you doing? And I went, yeah, what am I doing? Like, I know this stuff. I know if I wanna have a great day, I need to get into my invitation, get into gratitude, do my work, get in alignment, you know, get my vision straight for the day, get clear of what the clarity is that I'm going to, you know, master today and have efficiency. (08:54): And, and I, so I closed my laptop. I immediately went into my meditation space, got my mind. Right. And came back just completely in flow, completely in bliss and had a powerful day. And from that day on, I said, you know, I'm just not, I, I just, if I'm going, I'm in this course, I've signed up for it. I'm spending money on it. I've done this for, you know, uh, at that point in time, it had been, you know, whatever, 15 plus years of work. And I think even over that and what Aaron, what are you doing? Like, you're either gonna do this or not, as they say, and excuse my French, but you know, shit or get off the pot. You know what I mean? Like, like do this or don't, you're just like torturing yourself. If you're not gonna actually live the stuff, you know, you know, it all, it's, it's worse to know it and not actually do something with it. (09:43): So for me, from then on, I recognize that there's just certain principles that I live by, which are things like never making anyone wrong, never trying to control or fix anyone, not trying to coach somebody before they ask to be coached, right. Being my word, recognizing that every word that I speak has power to it. And that I am creating my world into existence 24 7. And in society as I train and certified spiritual coaches. And now as spiritual practitioners, we have, what's called the code of ethics. And I actually wanna get into this because this is part of my daily spiritual practice. So part of code of ethics is things like non-judgment and not making anyone wrong. It's also the commitment to doing your own subconscious work so that you can hold pure consciousness in, in a session. And I look at life like a session. (10:46): I look at life as my daily spiritual practice. Yeah. I'm in a classroom 24 7. So my daily spiritual practice is 24 7. So I recognize that the most important thing I do is to always deal with anything in my subconscious, if I'm feeling sad or outta sorts, my number one job is to get my mind right. Every single day, I don't have really trauma work to do anymore cause I've done all that. So, but if I did, then I would for sure know that that would be part of my spiritual practice that I would need to get into session as much as, as I could to release anything that's projecting out into the world. So another thing is connecting with source and part of my daily spiritual practice is to maintain connection with source. So if I'm feeling divided or something's wrong with me, or, um, a pity party or the effect of life, then I know instantaneously that I'm not really connected to source. (11:46): So that means instantaneously. I need to do affirmative prayer or get into meditation or get into something where get into mother nature or whatever it is that