Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): Welcome. If you're looking to break through your limited beliefs, birth your purpose and live a life beyond your wildest dreams. This podcast is for you. Hi, I'm Dr. Aaron. I'm a doctorate divinity new thought minister, founder of society, TV host, global transformational speaker, and the author of the international bestselling book. Awakening society is the number one spiritual community, committed to empowerment, enlightenment, and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when someone awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. The intention of this podcast is to assist you in awakening to your divinity, discovering your life, purpose, and manifest in your dreams. I hope you enjoy today's episode. May you live your truth? (00:44): Welcome to daily truth. You guys, today is all about the concept that woke people expect disasters woke. People, expect disasters, what the bleep do we know? So I dunno if any of you guys saw the actual documentary, what the bleep do we know, but, um, I had, um, William S who was, uh, the creator, the producer and director of it. He was on, uh, my show and I interviewed, it was a very big honor because that documentary was, um, what had a big influence on me. It was, uh, you know, been around for a long time. One of the first documentaries to really dive into what we now consider the law of attraction. What is the foundation for all new thought, which is really understanding the power of the mind. So the, so what the bleep do, we know it was about a gal. She, you know, they followed this woman who basically was divorced. (01:38): She was middle age. Uh, she was thrust back into the world as a photographer. She actually moved into an apartment with this like roommate who was all bubbly and all positive and stuff. And she was just like really annoyed with the entire thing. She had a little bit of a speech impediment and everywhere she went, she'd just be annoyed with life, but she began to embark on kind of awakening to the potential of our mind, through the things she was covering through her roommate through all kinds of different, um, things that was going on. So the documentary itself had Joe Dispenza, Alan Wolf. Roha huge names now, right back in the day, they weren't so big, but they're huge ginormous now because of a lot of these documentaries in the work they've done. So Amanda, she goes to the world and she starts, you know, discovering these different truths and things, right? (02:26): So she begins to unlock the secrets of life and throughout they have, uh, different, uh, interviews like they do in so many documentaries about science, about consciousness, about philosophy, about quantum physics, neuroscience of all the above. And basically the concept of this was that the power of your mind, that there is something beyond what we see in the form of material. And there's something in the empty space realizing that there's not an empty space, that this is where the miracles and the manifestation and, and consciousness can create into existence. All types of possibilities, multiple possibilities at all points in time that matter is not solid. And electrons are able to pop in and out of existence without being known, where they disappear to that. This is the mystery of life. And this is what we're here to know in this truth, that beliefs about who one, who we are that we literally direct in this moment and set into entire polarity into effect that we are the observer as Alan Wolf shows in this movie, that there is the concept of the observer effect, that what we observe actually can create things into existence. (03:32): And so we have to ask the question, you know, what the bleep do we know what the F do we know? Right? So the title of today's talk is will people expect disasters? And what the hell do I mean by that? Will people expect disasters? Well, if you understand universal law, you understand that we are in a relative universe and that the minute that, that we can create disasters or pandemics or coronavirus, that the instant there, it can be that bad or that much hell there has to be the relative truth. There has to be the relative truth of heaven on earth of miracles, of innovations, of inventions, beyond what we've ever known. And so in this, I re I, you know, we know that there is the power, the power of the mind, the power that we know that when we create through the law of cause and effect that whatever we create, there's an equal and opposite creation, whatever we create, there's an equal and opposite creation, right? (04:30): So we have to understand that we expect everything. Joel Olstein has a book it's called the favor. And, you know, he has a thing where he understands. He says, God, you know, he talked about he and Jesus, and we know that it's inside, right? That, that, that, that there's something working behind the scenes that you might be unex, something unexpected might happen, because we recognize that if you can begin to even see the awfulness in the world, you actually can have incredible experience of, of incredible miracles happen. And vice versa. You may be somebody that only sees the possibility and the potential and positivity. And then all of a sudden you're like, whoa, how did this pandemic happen? How did this coronavirus happen? Right. It is all happening. Every last job of it, the moment you can perceive something, the opposite can be perceived, can be created, right? (05:21): So we UN have to understand that there's everything, everything you can ever imagine is possible. Every potential is possible. And that is what we know right here. If everything, this is William S who created, um, the documentary said, if everything I perceive, as based on what I already know, how will I ever perceive anything new? If everything I perceive is based on everything I've already known, how will I ever perceive anything new? Our job is to get into the unknown, to get into that inner space, that space of knowing nothingness and going into the potential and allowing for something to happen that we don't even expect. We expect disasters. We expect miracles and we beyond and expect something even beyond even that concept, the relative concept. And in this, I recognize right now that the entymology of, of surprise, cuz Deidra hate her husband. I'm sorry. (06:19): Her what his wife came on the show as well. Deidra hate she's amazing, incredible woman. And she said, the theme of spirituality for this next century is surprise, surprise. And guess what? We should be surprised. And we shouldn't be surprised. We should expect disasters and miracles. There's gonna be the next virus, the next, you know, um, thing going on with the environment, the next pandemic, the next there's always going to be the relative truth we have to expect. The unexpected. The etymology of surprise is basically is to be excited by something unexpected. We didn't expect coronavirus. We didn't expect this harsh, economical crisis. Guess what? We may not also expect the unexpected. If you're not expecting to, to meet the partner of your dreams, you're not expecting to have the next million dollars. You're not expecting whatever. Guess what? It just might happen. Right? We need to expect the unknown and in that, be okay with the good, the bad, the ugly, and all the above, knowing that we're not these buds, we're not this life. We're all of it. And expect to know that we is something working behind the scenes. I hire self. And this is what Joel Olsen talks about. The favor. He is an operating that you didn't see coming expect that you're getting accepted into the program or the school or into something that you didn't even have grades for. You didn't even have the credentials for a studio opens up that you randomly did not expect. (07:44): Anything you expect is gonna be tossed up and turned up or going to a quantum field. You guys, you didn't have the right title. Guess what expect that you get in anyway, expect that you get that, you know, VI viral video on social media expect that you don't know the right people, but guess what something is being endorsed right now for you. He talks about how Oprah, how you know, when somebody comes into her book club, their entire life gets endorsed in such a level. Louise Hayes had a book, had it for 20 years before Oprah had her honor show. And that book became a New York times bestseller. She, Louise hay was working it. She was hustling. She knows the truth. She knew the possible miracles. And it was going out to millions of people, probably even before, but when it hit Oprah's best selling, you know, book club, man, talk about expecting the unexpected. (08:37): Okay? I want you guys to get into that realm today that if this level of unexpectedness of the coronavirus and the economical crisis for this level of a crisis to happen, I want you to know the truth, that the opposite, the miracles, that something that's unexpected could also happen. That is so good beyond anything you could ever even imagine that that is what the potential is. And that's actually already happened. I promise you it's already happened. It is already. It just hasn't been exposed to you yet, maybe, but it's already happened behind the scenes. It is the truth. It is the truth. And I promise you, it is the truth. One touch of favor is better than one life of labor. Joel Olsen says, one touch of favor is better than one life of labor. Life is full of surprises. You know, it's so funny because Joel Olsen have to call him out. (09:25): I gotta call it truth. Right? He says, and the name of Jesus Christ. Well, there is no name of Jesus. It wasn't not the original name. The original name of Jesus was yes. Shah. It was yes, yes, yes. That is what saves you saying yes. Saying yes to the law, getting them flow with that, which is, that is what saves you. Your consciousness saves you. And I recognize right here right now that we are here as a community to come together in truth, know the truth every morning for 11 minutes. So we can get our mind, right. And know the power that we are, that we are the will of God is your will. And I recognize right here. And right now that we expect disasters because we also expect miracles beyond anything we've ever known as together we say. And so it is (10:10): Thank you for tuning in to society and Dr. Aaron podcast. 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