E4 Trauma Method™ | Relationships, Dysfunctional, Codependency [Trauma Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:23): Are you somebody that deals with ups and downs in your relationships? Maybe you're somebody that's in a little bit of a tug of war. Maybe you really want your partner or your non-partner to change. You wish somebody would be, or do a little bit more. Maybe you're actually co-dependent and you are in a vicious cycle of where it's actually really, truly impacting your health, your wealth and your entire life. What I know for sure is that nine outta 10 people in America are dealing with codependency at some level after training and developing all kinds of people around the globe. It was a surprise when I realized that nine outta 10 of people were dealing with some level of codependency. So welcome to the doctor Aaron podcast. Today, we're gonna break on down E for trauma method and how it relates to relationships. It's really fascinating because, and go on social media and you go on different, um, pages of quotes and things like that. (01:26): The pages that actually do the best are the ones that are dealing with relationship issues, because for a majority of human beings, we're driven by, you know, love and connection. Of course, we all want love and connection, and it's really challenging and difficult and heartbreaking when our relationships aren't working. So whether you're dealing with co-dependency with a partner or your, you know, husband or wife, or maybe it's co-dependency with a parent or a child, or maybe you're really struggling with your friendships and, um, and being able to have close relationships. The reality is that if you're a human being, you struggle at some level with relationships. And if you are the average person, you're struggling a lot with relationships. So it's really fascinating cuz our world out there and, um, and movies. I remember being in my twenties and oh man, I was so codependent. (02:21): I was so codependent. I remember I was in a relationship and, and it was such an up and that we'd break up, we'd get back together. We were up and down. And I remember there was this moment and I was like, I had been thinking if he just changed, then everything would be okay if, you know, if, if he would just do X, Y, and Z, then everything would be better. I was completely thinking that it was all him and it had nothing to do with me. I was perfect, nothing wrong with me. He was the problem. If he, you know, changed his behavior, um, then everything would work out. Right? And I have this moment, I was staring myself in the mirror and I was in this leadership program. Um, and that day at the program, the, the, the leader, the, the person that was giving the seminar was talking about how he had been married. (03:15): And he looked at himself in the mirror one morning and he thought, if I don't change something, I'm gonna end up getting divorced. He was in a marriage and his marriage was, was not, you know, at the place where I was gonna get a divorce, but it wasn't going well. They were having fights. They were having upsets. They were doing all kinds of stuff. And he realized that it was just a matter of time, whether it was a year from now, whether it was four years from now, whatever it was that he, if he didn't change himself, he was most likely going to get a divorce. And he had a conversation with himself in that moment. And he realized like, look, if I'm gonna get divorced, probably anyway, those are the odds I might as well give it my hundred percent. So he decided that day, when he looking in the mirror, that he would give it a hundred percent, that he would no longer look to change her or look to, you know, see where she was doing anything wrong, that he would show up a hundred percent cleaning the house, all entertainment, all financial, everything that they were having arguments around, he decided he would be, he would show up a hundred percent and at least he'd be able to live with himself. (04:19): If he got a divorce, he would know that he at least gave a hundred percent. So he began to show up a hundred percent and sure enough, his wife began to show up a hundred percent. Also. He no longer pointed the finger of making her wrong. He always just, you know, told her all the amazing things about her and sure enough, she began to show up fully being engaged and no longer making him wrong either. And that day, after that day in that leadership program, I went home that night and I was looking at myself in the mirror and I realized that my entire life, I had been the reflection of my relationships. If someone was a jerk, I'd be a jerk. If someone was loving and kind, I'd be loving and kind. But I was the reflection. I was the reaction. I was the effect. (05:07): And I realized in that moment that I no longer wanted to be mirroring my relationships. I wanted to be the cause I wanted to be what was reflecting out of the mirror. Instead in my relationships, I had been in dysfunctional relationships my entire life, because my mother was very codependent. She basically would be ups and it would be ups and downs. If she was in a relationship at first, it'd be like, she'd be all happy high energy. Everything's blissful as if she was like on some kind of a drug. And then as soon as it was going bad or the breakup she'd be down in the dumps and be in bed and couldn't get outta bed, it was a pity party. Then it was a massive party. It was ups and downs. It was literally like someone who was, you know, know a drug addict. (05:58): It was, it was a bipolar, it was ups and downs. And no, my mom's not bipolar. But the point is, is the behavior of codependency is a nightmare for my mom, for me, for every single person that I was witnessing in it. And so in that day I decided I was no longer going to be the mirror of life. Right. But a decision without the actual work , didn't get me anywhere. In fact, it made it worse because then what happened is I went back into life and I began to want to be somebody who wasn't wasn't reacting. I wanted to be somebody who was loving, no matter what somebody else was doing. I wanted to be the person that I wanted to be. I wanted to be that amazing empowered woman, but guess what I wasn't able to be. Instead. I remember, um, getting into the next relationship, right. (06:50): And I was a hot mess. Right. I would be upset when they didn't show up how I wanted them to show up. They would send a text that I didn't like, and I would wait for the text and I'd have anxiety that they weren't texting. Um, I would send mean texts. I would get upset. Then when it was great, I would put them my entire universe. I would lose track of all my friends and family. It was literally like being a heroin act. Right. I would just get completely into it and then slam down out of it. When my life wasn't working anymore, sometimes I was better. And sometimes I was really worse, but bottom line I realized, and I was like, wow, this is not gonna change until something changes. Right. I began to go to codependency like, um, 12 step programs. And that was cool. (07:37): I began to see the actual vicious cycle, but still I was not able to actually change the actual reactions, the actual, um, behavior. I knew how I wanted to act, but I didn't know how. And so that brings me to the E four trauma method. So E four trauma method, as you guys know in this series, and this is a series that the intention of the E four trauma method is to release the limited beliefs and commands within your subconscious mind and restore your true identity. You are an all powerful, all knowing eternal, spiritual, being with the ability to create your dreams into reality, you have the ability to create amazing relationships. The E four trauma method helps to no longer be reactive triggering, like getting triggered or feel like you're the effect of life. It helps restore your freedom of choice and to live your truth. (08:31): So here I was here, I was, as you know, someone who finally realized I was, I didn't even know that I was codependent. I just thought that I was, you know, the victim of every relationship, right? If they were different, if they changed, if they did this, then I wouldn't have to be, you know, a bitch then I wouldn't have to be, you know, whatever it is. So the point is, is that I had a gap. I had a gap between who I was being and who I wanted to be. And E four trauma method was the answer. So I began to go into the trauma trauma of the past upsets and incidences that had happened in my past relationships. The traumas that had happened, um, on my DNA, epigenics from past lifetimes. And I began to neutralize all of the things, releasing what I really had PTSD, cuz I was in a really dysfunctional relationship. (09:29): As you guys know, a lot of you guys know my story around being, um, engaged with a, a famous rock star. And, uh, he was a alcoholic and drug addict and would, you know, fall off the wagon and um, you know, cheat on me and, and then come back with tattoos all over his body saying that he loved me and wanted to marry me and, and start to get sober. And then as soon as I would, you know, we'd start to heal, then he'd fall off the wagon again. And so I always thought it was him and he was causing all of it and doing everything. But it wasn't until I realized that a healthy person wouldn't have even stayed in that, in that situation, a healthy person would've loved themselves enough to see the first red flag and know that it was, it was dysfunctional. (10:14): So the point is, is that working in society, new thought global and society, you know, training and developing coaches. What's fascinating is that actually the number one reason that that people aren't having success in their business is because of their codependency. I'll say it again. The number one reason why people aren't, um, having success in their business, of course it's trauma. Okay. That's the number reason, but out of the trauma, the number one biggest traumas that are holding people back is because their relationships are roller coasters. They're up, they're up and down. They're not able to show up consistently and in their personal and professional life and they're co-dependent so they're, they're emotionally, um, getting all their energies going towards their relationships, whether it be they're upset about, you know, a breakup or whether they're upset with their partner. T