E4 Trauma Method™ | Transform Your Life [Trauma Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, doctor of divinity and the creator of the E4 Trauma Method®, world-renowned spiritual leader, master spiritual psychology coach, international best-selling author, and the 2020 Walden Wisdom award winner next to Oprah.    Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level.   Forbes nominated her as “11 Of The Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram.”    Join Soulciété, and get certified as a Spiritual Warrior, Spiritual Entrepreneur, or get Accredited Certified as a Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®, Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner, Master Teacher, or Doctor of Divinity. Learn the universal law of attraction, metaphysics, manifestation, spiritual psychology, past-life regressions,  and spiritual awakening. This top podcast is created to provide support, education, self-development, healing, motivation, and inspiration. Spiritual trauma recovery is the key. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. www.soulciete.com Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:23): Years back, I had a huge turning point in my spiritual journey. I had been intending all kinds of leadership. Self-development self-improvement spiritual seeking different programs, but yet something that was missing, I realized that I knew kind of what I should do to have success in my personal professional life. I knew what it would take to, you know, get my mind right. And think right. And everything else. But the problem was I wasn't able to knowing the truth and living the truth are two very different things. And it sent me on this next chapter, in my spiritual journey of seeking what is that? And I stumbled into really diving deep into subconscious reprogramming seeking truth and, and reading about the different modalities and trying different processes out and really coming to realize that there was one huge key missing piece. For me in the entire spiritual realm, I would witness myself, I would witness other people. (01:34): I would see people that would be very spiritually advanced. They'd have out of body processes, but yet they couldn't be in the same room with their mother. They'd get triggered or they'd be in relationship. And they'd turn into, you know, crazy people with one text, but then they were all Zed out in the next minute in their spiritual work. And I thought there's something missing here. Right? I would look, take a look at the world. And I would ask myself what causes all this what's causing the anxiety what's causing people to feel hopeless or sad, or know what they should do in their personal professional life, but not be able to do it. What was holding people back for knowing the food that they, you know, probably should put into their body, but they were choosing to put different things or why they were choosing partners in their relationships that were turning into dysfunction or codependency and things like that. (02:26): I began to seek and seek and seek and become obsessed with what was causing addiction, what was causing all these things. And what I found blew my mind, that there was one key factor that was really unlocking what I'd learned in the secret, what I'd learned in all the self development, empowerment stuff. And it was trauma trauma. I thought, wow, isn't trauma. Like only for people that have gone through war isn't trauma, something that is only for extreme cases. And what I found was absolutely not, if you're a human being, you've had trauma because it's an emotional trauma. And I realized and came to conclusion that our subconscious mind is programmed through frequency and vibration. And how do we have frequency and vibration? We have it by the meaning that we put on what happens or does not happen. And that instantaneously obviously creates a thought and emotion of feeling and, and actually informs our subconscious mind. (03:38): Right? So today I am so incredibly honored to begin a series on the E four trauma method. I would say that out of all the work that we produce, that I produce and that we produce through new thought global and society, that E four trauma method has been the number one modality that is transformed and that the, our community raves about the most. And I always say that the universe is speaking and giving us feedback all the time. And I knew E four trauma method was a really big deal, but I had no idea until it was the feedback from, you know, all the people in society and the thousands of people I train around the globe in different, in different communities and things, and the hundreds of thousands of people that we touch, um, you know, through different processes and things that the E four trauma method is the number one modality and process that I've seen people go from knowing the truth to actually living the truth. (04:40): There's a moment that happens in the E four trauma method. That is true transformation, and we're gonna get into that. Okay. So if you're somebody that is dealing with feeling stuck, if you're somebody who is dealing with maybe feeling hopeless at times, or maybe has anxiety at times, maybe you're dealing with, you know, a health issue, or maybe you're dealing with just straight up loneliness, maybe you're going through a financial crisis, or you don't like your job anymore. You're ready to take that leap, but you just don't know how, and you're afraid maybe you're in a relationship that is having ups and downs, or maybe even dysfunctional or maybe true codependency, no matter what you're going through. What I want you to know is that this, I, I wanna deliver a conversation right here of something that potentially could transform your life and give your life back truly, and truly from my heart to yours. (05:39): And it is the conversation of the E four trauma method. So this is gonna be a little series I'm doing, because I want to give this to you and to the world so that people can really understand what it is and what is possible for them through the process. Obviously we deliver E four trauma method through new thought global society. And we train, uh, facilitators and practitioners and coaches how to, you know, use the process on their clients. And we've had a lot of success. The people that I share about in this podcast I've changed their names because for confidentiality, but I do have a few stories of incredible transformation. And, you know, so for me, I remember the day that I, I actually came up with the E four trauma method. It was years and years in the making. And what happened is one day, I thought, you know what? (06:36): I want to sit down. Cause I'm a total visionary. Like my, my genius is taking all the spiritual work of all the masters and all of our lineage and putting it into processes. That's what I love to do. I think there's a huge difference about knowing the truth versus living the truth and getting to the core. And I got obsessed with, okay. I had been in self development and, uh, spiritual journey for, for, I don't know, it was probably like 15 years before. I really sat down with this process and I sat down and it's been 25 years in the making, right. So I've been, I sat down one day and I thought, okay, I wanna really think about what are we actually doing in spiritual development? What are we doing in spiritual awakening? What are we doing in leadership? What is, what are the core principles that we deal with? (07:23): What is the foundation and what are the real key factors in all of them? And I began to sit down. I remember I was at my desk, I'm positive. I had a cup of coffee, cuz I do like coffee. I actually turned on some mantras and I lit a candle and I actually went around and did some incense around my home. And I, I began to pray as I, you know, did spiritual mind treatment, not to a man in the sky, but just knowing truth in my own consciousness, embodying my highest self calling in my highest version of myself. And as I walked around my room, I just felt this, knowing that what was going to come outta me at that desk that night would for sure change my life. I don't know if I really thought about it changing other people's lives. Of course I had the intention of impacting people's lives, but I was really seeking to, to reveal myself like that was my intention and all that. (08:21): It wasn't to become a doctor at divinity or train, you know, thousands and touch hundreds of thousands of lives. That was like a side effect. My true obsession was knowing myself, revealing myself. And as I walked around my house that night, I just had this knowing. I was like, I'm ready, I'm ready. Hire yourself. I'm ready. True self to reveal the secret, like truly, like I had watched the secret, I had watched a documentary. I had manifested a bunch of stuff and was still not fulfilled or I wasn't able to manifest things. And I thought someone was wrong with me. And I asked and as they say, seek, and you shall find knock and the door shall open. Right? And so as that incent burned, I, I placed it on the side of the sink so that it wouldn't make a mess and let it burn out. (09:17): And I went and proceeded to sit down at my desk and kind of mind map out what was really going on in the spiritual journey. And I came to recognize, of course, that it's really just energy and frequency and the subconscious mind, a universal mind and everything. And the creative process of how we create of how our consciousness informs our subjective and subconscious mind and how that is one with universal law and how all of our limitations are at a soul level, in our DNA, in the epigenetics. And recognizing that every last drop of discord or dis-ease or disharmony came down to one thing and one thing only, and it was trauma. And so I thought, okay, so let's take a look at trauma and trauma processes and began to map out all the different processes. And there's some incredible processes out there for sure. (10:17): But there was a missing link in all of them, for me, trauma work in general, neutralizes, whatever is triggering somebody, whether it be PTSD, whether it be, you know, um, all the different aspects of trauma trauma can play out in, you know, anxiety and people PTSD, um, you know, getting triggered in relationships, all the stuff that we know, but there was a missing link because trauma minus emotion equals wisdom. And so I realized that what actually was the next step of trauma was to birth that wisdom out of the trauma, to be able to know the divine action inspired action to take in whatever area it is that someone is dealing with. So they get to the next level because the goal is not just about not to get triggered. You know, the goal is to be an enlightened, empowered, spiritual being, and use all of our, all of the suffering, all of that discord for the intelligence so that we can be the cause and be the leader and, and bring neutrality to the world around that issue. (11:36): So I sat down and I began to map out the four steps of E four trauma method. And the first I knew we needed to go into experiencing it, re-experiencing it in regression. And the first E is experience. You've gotta go back and actually be in that mental picture, be in that, that moment, that traumatic incident. And let me tell you that is not easy. When I first began to go into regression and go back into the rape I had at 15 go back into the stillbor