Emotional Mastery

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series:   12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series     Emotional Mastery:  🔑 EMOTIONS ARE THE EXPRESSIONS OF OUR VALUE SYSTEM BEING MET OR NOT. THEY ARE THE EFFECT OF US BELIEVING THAT SOMETHING WE VALUE IS ARRIVING, DEPARTING, OR PRESENT. 🔑 FEAR: THE EMOTION OF FEAR IS THE BELIEF THAT SOMETHING WE VALUE MIGHT GO AWAY. 🔑 GRIEF: THE EMOTION OF GRIEF IS THE BELIEF THAT SOMETHING WE VALUE IS GONE. 🔑 APATHY: THE EMOTION OF APATHY IS A BELIEF THAT NOTHING IS VALUABLE. 🔑 FRUSTRATION: THE EMOTION OF FRUSTRATION IS THE BELIEF THAT SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS GETTING IN THE WAY OF WHAT WE VALUE. 🔑 EMOTIONS ARE THE EFFECT OF THE MEANINGS WE PLACE ON PEOPLE, PLACES, AND THINGS. 🔑 YOU’RE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS, YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF THEM. 🔑 TRUTH: TO THE EXTENT WE ASSIGN SOMEONE ELSE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR EMOTIONS IS TO THE EXTENT WE EXPERIENCE FEELING DIS-EMPOWERED. 🔑 UNTIL WE ARE ABLE TO WITNESS ANOTHER HUMAN BEING WITHOUT JUDGMENT, WE WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE ANYONE. Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tear coffee because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? My mom said the very first day I came home from school. I walked in the front door because we came home on a school bus and I said, mom, how well do you have to be to quit school? She rolled her eyes and went, oh no. And the more of the story was this school never made sense to me learning geography when I hadn't quite understood my own mind. And what really mattered to me made no sense whatsoever. So today I wanna break down a very important thing to master in your life, which is emotion, emotional mastery. And one thing I truly believe is that our children and we deserve to have total freedom, freedom of mind, and we understand that freedom only begins within. (01:02): So today, if you're ready to master your emotions for emotional mastery, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. In fact, if I were you, I would definitely invite a few of your friends to listen to it with you so that you can master your emotions together. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law would truly believe and know that when somebody awakens, they always have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. I am an international bestselling author. I'm the 2020 Walden wisdom award next to Oprah Winfrey and creator of E four trauma method. But mostly I am somebody who's obsessed with consciousness. I'm obsessed with spirituality. I'm obsessed with how we create how we manifest. (01:52): And I love developing spiritual entrepreneurs and I love having just a straight spiritual community. So I want you to know that if you've been listening to this podcast, or if you've been thinking about referring it to anyone, we absolutely are going to be creating a community that is just spiritually based. That is not the business side of things as well. So we want you to know that we want you in our family. We want you in our tribe and we're committed to bringing truth to everyone's life, no matter where they're at. So let's break this on down. So today's podcast is emotional mastery. I think probably the most important thing to understand how we are creating our emotions. So let's do this thing. So in order to master your emotions and have emotional mastery, first, we have to understand how we are creating our emotions. (02:40): And I truly believe that our, our culture has really gone astray. If you will, meaning that we're trying to always only have certain types of emotions. And we have to understand that emotions are one of the most beautiful things, because they are the intelligence of spirit working through this conduit. This thing called a body, which is almost like a computer. So we're gonna break this on down in a very simple way and more complex way so that today you can really understand how you are creating your emotions, how you've always created your emotions and how you always will create your emotions and understanding the steps of what it really is going to take for you to master your emotions, what work you really need to do, what disciplines you really need to put into your life and how your emotions are working for you and not against you, and how to use your emotions to transmute and catapults yourself into a life beyond your wellness dreams. (03:38): So let's break this on down. So as somebody who's a doctor divinity teaching universal law, teaching metaphysics, teaching how you are the creator that is creating through this binary energetic field, because you are source that created this entire universe. I recognize right now, right here. Why, why do we care about mastering our emotions? Well, , I definitely have spent very many times in my life, um, at the effect of my emotions. And as many of you guys know I was a big codependent. I was in a terrible relationship with a pretty famous rockstar. And I remember not wanting to live. I remember laying my bed and I would never have committed suicide cuz I have a son and I just don't. I just don't think there's anywhere to go. But I remember laying my bed and I remember literally staring up at the ceiling and my whole body was so upset because we had, you know, broken up again. (04:36): He had gone off and undone drugs ended up in a hotel with some other woman and things like that. Right. And I remember just being so uncomfortable in my body. It was like my entire body was a big emotional mess. I felt that at every cell, my body was literally felt like this ease was beginning in my body. And I remember in that exact moment thinking the O I've gotta change my life. And the only thing that it's gonna take is I've gotta figure out how to come to peace within no matter what happens out there. Right? So today it doesn't matter if you are, you know, really extreme in your emotions. Maybe you're dealing with sadness or loneliness, or, you know, if you're dealing with depression, please get help. Maybe you're dealing with an addiction or maybe just stuck patterns. Again, if you're dealing with addiction, please get some support. (05:30): Um, professional support maybe. And like all humans, you've dealt with traumas over the course of your life. And maybe you just can't figure out why you're not able to sustain in being happy in your life. No matter what's going on in your emotions. I want you to first understand that it's okay, that whatever you're going through right now, it's a blessing in disguise because this is your spirit, your higher self demanding you to wake up, right? So this is the breakdown for the breakthrough. So right here, right now, let's break on down. What, where, what are emotions? How do we create our emotions? Right? So we teach basically that you are a spiritual being and that you are the, I am, you are a pure potential. However, the moment that you consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am, you have an identity, an ego, if you will. (06:21): Thomas Troy was a master of teaching. This, the self contemplation of self actually sets the motion of the entire universe and, and emotion polarity. So it all comes from identity. Identity creates belief, belief creates, thought, thought, creates feeling and feeling creates, you know, your emotions and your emotions create the circumstances of your life. So we have to understand, first of all, that's how you are creating your emotions. So let's break it down even further. The moment that something occurs or doesn't occur, right? Something happens, something, you know, someone doesn't show up for an appointment, you get in an argument with your boyfriend. Um, you didn't, you know, make enough money this month. You're getting stressed out about paying your bills, whatever it is, you've put a meaning around it, right? You've placed a negative or positive meaning around something. And in the moment that you create and put a meaning, a positive or negative, meaning you instantly have a positive or negative experience and emotion, right. (07:25): And emotion obviously is an extreme, you know, expression of a feeling. So you could say you have a feeling, right. Or maybe you have an emotion. Emotion is outside of it's an expressive it's, it's the effect, right? The, the thought and the, and the feeling begin within. And then it, it translates into external. If it goes extreme into an emotion, right? So we wanna break down the creative process. So, you know, you might be like, well, I don't know why. I mean, I'm not choosing to be sad, but I'm just sad. Right? So we have to break on down the subconscious and the soul. So your creative being and your pure consciousness, right. You can consciously say, wow. I mean, I could choose to be sad or I could not choose to be sad, but then there's something in me that won't be allow, allow me to be happy. (08:11): What is that part of us that we feel like we don't have control over, right. Why do I feel like I don't have control over in my emotions? And even if I know I'm, you know, creating my emotions, it's gonna be awful because now I know I'm creating them, but I can't change 'em well, that's because in the creative process, what happens is your soul or your subconscious mind is the memory, right? Your soul and your subconscious mind is this automated system that plays out that we call the subconscious or subjective mind or the creative medium. It's why we don't have to beat the heart every time. It's why we just have reactions in life or triggers in relationship because it's this automated system. And it keeps track of everything that's been created in our lives. And so what happens in the soul, in the subconscious mind, there's a few metaphors we use, right? (09:00): One is that, imagine that there's a farmer, like you're the farmer and you're putting the seed. Like I I'm gonna put the seed if I wanna manifest, you know, um, love and relationship. I wanna manifest, you know, making money and having a beautiful career. I wanna manifest, you know, vitality and health and creative expression, but then something isn't working, it doesn't come out that way. You don't end up manifesting that thing. And it's because the soil has weeds in it, right? The soil kills off any seed that you put in it because there's a bunch of weeds there, right? Another metaphor, um, is a stain glas