Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:20): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community in society and new thought global. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. We are all about enlightenment, entrepreneurship, and empowerment. So I think it's very appropriate to talk about the kind of sadness and I'm sure a lot of depression out there in the midst of everything going on in the world. So the title of today's talk is feeling down in a funk and hopeless, the ultimate surrender. So I was speaking with a dear girlfriend and, um, she was saying that she just was feeling down that, um, actually even in the midst of all this, she's doing well financially, her business is still doing well. (01:17): Her family's well and all the above, but she just feels down. And, um, I think that first of all, we have to recognize that we are connected to everyone and everything. So if you don't have moments where you're feeling down, you're probably kind of lying to yourself in that. How can you not feel the sadness of the collective right now? It's impossible. You are connected to everything everywhere. So I first just wanna recognize and, and have people realize that there's nothing wrong with feeling down. It's a natural state of being alive. That life has all dynamics to it. But in particular, right now, we need to take a look at what's going on for us collectively and what is really happening and why people can feel hopeless or feeling down or in a funk in the midst of this. And obviously for some people, they think that they're feeling down or in a funk or hopeless because maybe they lost their job, or maybe they've lost a lot of money to their name, or maybe they don't have, you know, money to pay their bills or, or money to buy food, or who knows whatever that is. (02:30): And so they're looking and thinking, well, this is why I'm in a funk, okay. But we have to recognize that actually what's really going on is something even much bigger than that from a spiritual perspective, the entire work that we do is shifting back to the I am identity. And it is some of the hardest work you'll ever do in your life. We call it spiritual warfare because it's actually, uh, the greatest threat to the ego, which is being stripped of the identity and what is identity, right? So we have, um, identity, uh, of who we are in our title. Uh, we have identity of our, the relationship, the status of our relationship, uh, identity as being a mom identity as being a sister identity, being a friend identity as being whatever that is, we have identity and we attached to our identity out in the world. (03:26): We find our identity in who we are a man, a woman, whatever it is, what we look like, the size of our clothing, you know, our, how much we weigh. We get identity from the car that we drive. We get identity from the job that we have. We get identity by the people that we hang out with. We get identity through all the advertising and what we identify with, we get identity, identity, identity, and what's really happening right now is our identity is getting stripped at a, at a, a profound level through this shift in, in the pandemic and the lockdown that economical crisis is and everything, it's a spiritual, this is a spiritual, uh, like dying and reborn being reborn. So we're stripped of everything we don't get to keep. Right. And so it's happening is we've been stripped of a lot of things. (04:17): And we're stripped of say, being able to just go out and eat in a restaurant or we're being stripped of, of being able to just travel whenever, wherever what we're stripped of all these things. And as people, so many people are saying like the world is not gonna go back to how it was. We're not gonna go back to our traditional jobs. We're gonna, you know, work outta the house or whatever that is that we're, it's a whole new world. You know, the potential is that we're not just gonna be able to travel internationally whenever, wherever we not, we may not be able to ever go back to the old ways of so many things of what we, what we did. And in that, from a subconscious perspective, we recognize that what we thought made us happy, what we thought was our identity, what we thought mattered. (05:06): It shifts, you know, what we care about changes in the perspective. Uh, we, we no longer our values shift our values shift in the midst of this. And so what happens for people is if you haven't done your deep, deep core work and release the identity of this world and release those, um, kind of false identity of what we thought life was, it can be a real, a real hard time for people because they're trying, it's like, it's like being in a ship and you go out to sea and all of a sudden you don't see land anymore. You're just out in the middle of the sea. And in fact, you don't have any anchor going down to ground and you're floating out there and it can be a real scary experience, right? It's like everything you've ever known in life gets ripped out beneath you, the, the rug, as you know, it, your construct of what, what life is gets pulled out below you, oftentimes this will, same thing will happen. (06:10): Say when somebody's in a relationship or married and say their spouse cheats or something, and their entire world crumbles around them, because what they based their foundation, what they, their stable datum of life changed. And it really made them, uh, makes them really question all of life and, and who am I and what really matters. And there's no, there's no stable thing to kind of clinging onto. Same thing happens. Say, if you were in a, a tornado, you know, a tornado might lift you off the ground, like, like, uh, um, Dorothy in the wizard of Oz and all of a sudden you're going around circles and there's, and there's things up in the clouds and all these particles going all directions. And you're really overwhelmed and really confused because there's no ground to take a look at to get you oriented. And this is what's happening for people right now. (07:01): There's nothing to ground you. There's nothing stable. Everything's unknown right now. Everything's unknown of where you're gonna work exactly where you're gonna live. Where are you gonna be able to get food in the future? Like if we got into a really bad economical crisis or depression where there's no St there's no stability, there's nothing to clinging onto in your identity. There's nothing to clinging onto in the known and human beings in the mind wants to figure things out. So if you don't know things, people have a really hard time living in uncertainty. They wanna clinging onto things. The mind wants to clinging on to things. And so this is really life doing for you, what you can't do for yourself, because it really is where you have to ultimately surrender. You have to surrender and have faith that there's something going on for your highest good. (07:51): If all of life is designed for our awakening, that right now is the ultimate surrender to faith to recognize and, and totally get that there's something working for you and not against you. Cause look, if, if your hobbies are taken away, like I have friends that are in the, in the salsa dancing world, you can't go out in salsa, dance and hold people's hands and in the middle of a pandemic, right? Some people love the church or, you know, church, you can't go to church right now. Some people love the gym. You can't do that. So who are you? If you've been stripped of everything, like literally everything, you know, at a, at a level of questioning, what's it gonna be like, imagine you couldn't go back and do those things. You know, sometimes we get down because we can't create what we wanna create. (08:41): You know, sometimes we can't, you know, do the things we wanna do. And if we can't do that for in locked in kind of a prison and the effect of something feels like we're the effect of something then, then who are you? You, you know, what really matters? What do you really care about? And this is where we do the ultimate surrender. You know, I think that we've all surrendered mentally at some place in our life. Whether it's like, you know, we have to surrender and realize that, you know, nothing will fulfill us out there. Sometimes people surrender and they say, I don't wanna live, but I'm not willing to take my life, but I am gonna surrender to, you know, serving life and doing something. If I'm gonna be on this planet anyway, and this is an ultimate surrender of, you know, what would it be like, I invite you right now. (09:37): You know, if you're feeling down, if you're feeling in a funk, if you're feeling hopeless, I invite you to take the ultimate surrender and surrender to something beyond what you've known. You know, the world, as we open back up, eventually through this lockdown and through the pandemic, you know, you get to say what you want, not keeping up with the Jones. What would it be like? And I invite you to actually kind of play in this mentally during this time, you know, what would it be like if you didn't give an F, right? What if you didn't, you know, need to live where you live? What if you actually didn't need to do the right thing anymore for, you know, obviously not nothing like illegally, but what if you didn't need to do what's right thing in the eyes of, of your friends or your family or your children? (10:28): Like, what would it be like? You know, what, if you didn't need to be there for your family, what if you didn't need to be presentable to the world? What would you do? Where would you go? What if you, you know, only had one year to live, you know, live like you're dying as a song, says, like, what if you actually surrendered? What if you surrendered to something beyond what you've known? What if you let go of everything you've ever known? What if you let go of all your material belongings, what if you let go and you, you know, just everything. What if you did the ultimate surrender? What if you