Genesis Part II: How you created the world [Metaphysical Bible Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Live from the universe. Welcome to spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tear coffee because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. That was the one quote from the Bible. That made sense to me. I grew up as somebody who was pretty much anti-religion. And so my invitation for you today, if you're somebody who's been seeking spirituality that truly loves spirituality, maybe you've had enlightenment moments. You've been meditating for years. You've, you know, done a lot of different seminars and maybe even had coaches and things like that, but you're ready for something more you're ready for even more of a deep dive, or maybe you're somebody who is born into a religious upbringing. And you have only learned the Bible from a really traditional standpoint. (00:57): Then this podcast is for you as well. The intention of this podcast is to break on down from a metaphysical standpoint, the Bible Genesis and the creation. We're going to break this on down. I'm so incredibly honored to take this journey with you. I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity and metaphysical minister, uh, founder of new thought global and society with the intention truly, and truly to develop world renowned spiritual leaders. I truly believe that we must understand all the teachings to truly be able to not be ignorant in the world, that there are so many incredible truths in the Bible. The Bible is a profound story of you. It is the biography of you, how you created the universe. It is stories of great laws and how all the different, different scripts and scriptures of your life, all the different characters that you're going to play. (01:50): And so in this, in understanding Genesis, may we understand, may we understand how we create with the power of mind Genesis breaks on down through the six days of creation, how we created this thing called life. So let's do this thing. So I just wanna say that I'll never forget the day, the day that the Bible truly came into my life. I was really somebody who would almost laugh at people that were into the Bible and into the concept of Jesus saving them. And as I remember, kind of going down my track, remember there's an actual day that I decided that I was going to open my heart and my mind to the Bible. And in that moment, I remember I was sitting there and I just remember this one, quote, ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. And in that one, quote, I thought just because of that one, quote, it ma it's a, it's a seed that planted in my heart that knew that there was wisdom beyond wisdom in this one book. And I just know with my heart that day forever forward has opened me up to so much greater wisdom. It's like (02:58): Layers and layers of wisdom. And I'm so incredibly excited. So let's do this thing you guys. So the Bible is your biography. It's the greatest story ever told it's actually how you created the universe and the stories of the great universal laws. Okay. But before we get into the sixth day of creation, I want you to just ask yourself, kind of check yourself, right? Because you can interpret the Bible. The Bible is a prophetic teachings and writing, and the reason why it's prophetic and why it's divinely written is because it will be interpreted by your level of consciousness. Okay. So you get it. So if you're somebody who's closed minded, you basically will not receive the wisdom. If you're somebody who's open minded, you receive great wisdom. So the question for you is, are you reading it from a perspective of being the effect of life, or are you reading it from the perspective of actually being the creator? (03:51): Are you reading it from being, you know, separated and segregated in your race or sex or color or age or whatever, or are you reading it from oneness? Okay. So in this, I invite us all to take a deep breath in, through the nose and exon out. I just ask that we open our heart and mind to the Christ consciousness within that same consciousness, that is the Budda consciousness and all the consciousness, because there's only one consciousness, which is love, which is growth, which is God, which is good. And in this, I know that in these stories, in those profound stories of the Bible, may we know and be revealed to th self. Maybe we understand that the teachings have been here all long, because truth is truth. We don't find truth, truth. It is already here. It's in us, it's in every cell of who we are. (04:41): And in this, I just say, may we spiritually awaken to the truth of who we are? May we restore our divine powers? May we live with such passion and purpose that our cup run of over? May we be the change we wanna see in the world? And may we be the second coming of Christ, which is the second coming of you, revealing and awakening to your true self. And so I just say, thank you, thank you. Thank you. I receive all the greatness as together we say. And so it is okay, let's do this thing. So let's do this the six days of creation, right? This is really the evolution of consciousness, right? So each day you can say it represents a thousand years or a billion years or whatever. But the truth is, is that each day of creation is really an evolution of consciousness. (05:31): That's the entire purpose of the Bible is to show how we evolve. There is no difference between the, the being created and evolution. It's actually one of the same and we're gonna break it on down. Okay. So time is a measurement of consciousness in the cause and effect realm. So for instance, right now, if you take a cup of water and you take it from one side of, of say your desk and you place it over on the other side of the desk, that is actually showing you where you've created it, you've created it multiple infinite times in the space time realm, right? So it's really showing consciousness in 3d form. Okay? So let's begin on the first day of, of creation. The first day in the beginning, God created heaven and the earth and the earth was without form. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (06:17): And God said, let there be light. He separated the light from the darkness and God called the light day and the darkness night and the evening in the morning, we're the first day. So we need to break this on down the first day, the first day considers that we created light, right? Which is really the divided consciousness of the inner world and the outer world. And you can think of this as a bigger picture of creating the universe, but you can also see how you do this all the time. Right now, right here, there is the inner side of yourself and the outer side, you create the division in mind, right? Anytime we create ourselves, anything other than the, I am all one with everything. We have a divided consciousness and we create our own limitations, our own disempowerment, our own division in mind. Okay. (07:05): So God, what is God? First of all, God is spirit unity. God is the, I am okay. So the two types of consciousness in this first day are inner and outer. This is the first division in mind. This is the first being of humanness, right? The beginning we have to recognize that beginning is always first cause it's the first creation, which is spirit, which is that part of yourself. That's the backing, the consciousness of all it and heaven. Heaven is considered the inner world and earth is considered the outer world. The spirit of God is a creative energy. And the water is the essence, which we're gonna get into, okay. We need to get into what the man is and what the woman is. And the masculine feminine and the Dawn and all this stuff. Genesis starts at night and in the darkness, which represents the nothingness spirit creates from nothing. (07:54): Many of us will crepe from the circumstances of our life and reacting to life. But the truth is how you create right now and how we created the entire universe is from nothingness. You at any point in time, no matter what hand dealt, you know, deck of hands, you have deck of cars, you have, sorry, whatever you've been dealt in life, you always can create from nothingness. There's infinite, infinite potentials from that. Okay. So the Dawn of Genesis is the beginning of manifestation it's consciousness. Okay. And in this, just to break it on down that in the Genesis that water represents the soul essence, that part of us that actually just creates exponentially, man creates con represents the conscious mind and woman represents the subconscious mind. So you're saying like, why do I care about this? Right? Because this is how you manifest, okay. You, the, the masculine aspect of yourself is the conscious mind that part of you that decides it decides right now, right here. And it is the spirit that SPS into the subconscious and (08:55): Subjective mind, which is the, the mind of that delivers. That is a universal law. You are creating like a spear in spirit, in, into conscious you're consciously creating. And in that part of your yourself, that's feminine part is this subconscious, the soul, that's the mess, that's it? The feminine aspect of it. Okay. And then the man is considered the spirit side of it and the woman, and it's not like a man or a woman. It's the masculine aspect. And the feminine aspect, the masculine aspect is spirit. This feminine aspect is the soul. And together they birth the body, they birth the baby, they birth this thing called form out here. Okay. And this is how you are doing it all the time. The masculine side of yourself, that actually is, is, is, is planting the seed, right? The feminine side is the womb that just does nothing. (09:45): Just burs the baby. Okay. That's the part. We both have masculine, feminine, all points in time. So this is how it first begins. It first begins in mind. It first begins in the light. It first begins the inner and outer world. Okay. Day two day two is what's considered the atmosphere or firmament. Okay. This is where the divided consciousness is with the, with the, um, it's with the subconscious. Okay. So now we have two consciousness. We have the inner and outer right now we have the third and fourth, which is the consciousness and the subconscious. So this stays in the second day. And God said, let there be firmament in the midst of the waters. It may be separated water from water. God made the expanse and its separated water below from the water above God called this expanse sky. So what does this mean? (10:38): Right? Here's God, you, God, this thing that is creating