Genesis Part III: How You Created Your Hidden Secret Ark [Metaphysical Bible Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth today? I'd love to share some secret, hidden wisdom in the Bible from a metaphysical standpoint, welcome to spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. I'm super excited to take this journey of unlocking the secret and keys to your mind. If you're anything like me, I never understood the Bible. I was somebody who really did not understand what was really being said to these alleg GOs. What was really there. And if you're somebody who's coming from a traditional religious background, I'm so honored to have you here. As we open up our mind, no matter where we are to understand the hidden secret truths within the Bible. (00:58): So today we're gonna break on down Noah's arc. What is the arc? What is the water? How is this a biography and a manuscript for you to unlock the secret superpowers within you to withstand any flood? Anything in life that's overwhelming that makes everything go away. The Bible is your biography. The Bible is a manuscript for you to understand how to use the power of your mind to withstand anything, whether it be, you know, floods, whether it be pandemics, whether it be crucifixion, whether it be whatever it is in your life, the hardest things you've ever been through, maybe it was a heartbreak. Maybe it was losing a loved one, whatever that is today, we're gonna break on down. How Noah's arc is here to teach you how to use your mind, to unlock the temple of your mind, to become immortal invincible and prevail, no matter what happens in life. (02:04): So again, welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast, spiritual awakening. We come together to know the truth right here, right now. The reason why I chose to do this is because one I'm trained in metaphysics. So I wanna disclose here that I'm not a historical biblical person, that the Bible can be interpreted in many, many different fashions, everything from astrology to numerology, to a literal terms, to historical things, things like that. My genius, and what I'm trained in is to teach metaphysics, to teach how the creative process of how we're manifesting, how you are manifesting with the power of your mind and how these stories are here to teach you the truth of who you are. So let's just take a step back for a minute, really kind of recapping on some of the things we've gone over in this metaphysical Bible podcast series. So we went obviously through the, the days of creation and how in your own mind, you are able to, you know, how you create life into existence, how you divide yourself in mind, how you have an inner world and an outer world, and how there are different waters of the consciousness and subconscious and, and all the different dynamics. (03:13): We went through Adam and Eve and understanding how the, the garden of Eden is, is the garden within that place. That's the temple that is literally heaven, really in heaven. And how you cast yourself out from the garden of Eden, by, you know, choosing to have judgment, choosing to see things as good or bad, which means you divide yourself from yourself, that you are resisting the mind, the divine mind that you already are and how you cast yourself out in this. And then you have the, the story of cane and evil and really how you can live in scarcity or abundance and how you can make things wrong or right. And how it ends in such predictable ways. We look at good and evil and God and evil. And this is really terms that are come from good and evil. Understanding that Zion is the hemisphere of the brain, right? (04:02): That there's all these symbols and all comes down to teaching you about yourself. So today we're gonna break on down Noah's arc, what is the arc? What is the water? And it brings me to the San that goes like this nations are born of those who love the truth and are buried when they forget it. So today, as I look out to the world in this manuscript of life, we can see how we are crumbling and we can see how the only thing that's gonna make it work and heal is by knowing the truth by truly being on principle of truth. So we're gonna look at the symbology of flood and water and all this stuff that's taking place as you, Noah represents, you know, the part of us that Noah was what was considered the only person that put God first, Noah was that person. (05:00): That is a, that was really in principle of understanding that he had to only go within for his wisdom, for his intuition, for his knowingness, for his guidance, all that. And everybody here on earth was, was seeking things outside by self. And there was violence and there was cruelty and all this stuff. Noah represents that part of you, that if you were to imagine what your life would be like, imagine what your life would be like. If you went to the temple within, and you went, you, you went to God first for everything. You never seek answers outside of yourself. You never look to the world. You never put your power and status and ego and all that out there. That you're somebody that literally live from the truth. So we have to understand again, that the whole Bible is here. Teaching us how to use our mind. (05:47): The Bible is teaching us the evolution of mind, right? The old Testament is the old Testa of mine, which is the old way of thinking. The old testaments we've got the laws and how, if you, you violate the laws, you'll suffer and those vicious cycles and human cycles and all the cycles of, of all the astrology, all is taught in them. If you follow other gods outside the cell, place your power in the outer world, you'll be enslaved and you will die as in human form, right? The new Testament is the new testimony. The new way of thinking the new Testament is beyond the laws. This is what Christ consciousness was teaching. And Jesus was not teaching for you to put Jesus on a pedestal and put something outside of yourself. Jesus was teaching the Christ consciousness, how you two will do things greater than I, as he said, right? (06:34): Teaching us how to resurrect the mind. That's what Jesus teaches us with. Teaching us what you already have in you, knowing that there's jewels these jewels of the seven chakras, the crown is your seven chakra, right? It's a chakra on the head, the eight chakras, the, this, the, that, all that, the Gentiles, all this is all a manuscript for you to understand the power of your own mind. The Bible is the evolution of how we use the mind and all the allegories to teach us how to be the ultimate creator. The Bible is the book about how you create. (07:08): And so in this, I know that you, you easily can be fooled and put yourself out there in the world and not put God first. And trust me, I know it so well, having suffering, having division, making people wrong, being in the human vicious cycle, it is hell on earth, right? So let's break this on down from Noah's Ark. We're gonna break it on down from like a second grade perspective, cuz that's pretty much the best way, right? So here you have Noah, right? You have, you know, Adam and Eve and they had Canan Abel and, and all the insanity that went ha happened, right? And then you have generations later and you have this, this, this consciousness called called Noah. And it said that in the 600 year of Noah's life on the 17th day of the second month, on that day, all the Springs of great deep burst forth and the floodgate of the heavens were opened and the rain fell on the earth 40 days and 40 nights. (08:12): So again, from a second grade perspective, God said, you're a good man. Noah you're righteous. The world has become evil. And all the people in the world deserve to die. And Noah said, but God, these are your people have mercy on them. And God said, no, Noah, the world has to be destroyed. I will send a flood that will destroy all of earth. It will rain without in for 40 days, all living beans will be destroyed. Noah said, so it be let my will be done. God said, fear, not Noah. I have come to warn you because you have been a good man. You and her family will survive. The flood. Noah said, you are a merciful. You're merciful. My God. And God said, you will have to build an arc for you and your family. And Noah said, what is an arc? My Lord. (08:59): And God said a big wooden boat. You will build this arc to protect your family in the flood. The arc should be big enough for your family and the animals and so on and so forth. And Noah said, but I have no knowledge of how to build an arc. And God said, don't worry. I will give you instructions. And Noah said, okay, I will follow your instructions and do, as you say. So I think there's so much symbology of how we create in this one. It's almost like a spiritual awakening, right? When we have a spiritual awakening, when there's floods, when life is so overwhelming, we go to a place within, we start to build, we start to go within, right? And things start to disappear, right? You'll notice that the people you hung out with, the construct that you lived in, the programming, how things are, all of it begins to disappear. (09:48): This is truly the, the dying, the self dying within myself, right? That there's a flood that happens that you're so overwhelming that you can't even survive anymore. Right? You can't survive. The only way you can survive is to go within and surrender to that part within yourself. Noah said, but I don't know how to build an a, he said, I don't have knowledge of how to build an arc. And this is what we teach. We can't know how that's called outlining. When we, when we just surrender to the one next inspired action that spirit, God tells us, it brings in next wisdom. It will bring you instructions. You don't have to figure out how you don't have to figure out how to save the world. You don't have to figure out how to save yourself. You don't have to figure out all of it. You just have to take the one next inspired action, which is going within and listening for the instructions from your higher self. (10:38): This is the way as it states. I am the way you need to go inside and know that I am identity your true self, that pure potential. And in that all wisdom is known, right? So the, the rain began began for 40 days. And then here's Noah. The 40 days have come gone and Noah's floating for 150 days straight after Noah releases a pigeon and a Crow out to see if there's any dry land, but they didn't find dry land. And then a few days later, whatever, it releases a dove and the dove goes out and it comes back wi