Genesis Part V: Tower of Babel | The Power of Integrity [Metaphysical Bible Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Live from the universe. Welcome to a spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Do you ever wonder why you're not able to have success? Why you're not able to complete projects or why relationships and marriages fall apart and people go there separate ways or why things crumble and why things don't thrive? Well, if you're curious to know the secret of the secret, then you wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to spiritual awakening with Dr. Aaron today, we're going to break down the metaphysics of the Bible. This is a series and today is on the tower of Babel. This is the story of integrity, your integrity. The Bible is your biography, your manual for understanding how you create with the power of your mind, how you are creating through universal law, which is the Lord. (01:00): And I know right here right now that we recognize that God is within. That is the pure consciousness that is creating all of life right here right now. And so let's break this on down. So I have to say, this has been a really interesting journey for me, um, in doing this series and especially this one, uh, the tower of Babbel Babel, as they say, some people say Babs Babel. Um, and the thing is, it's very fascinating because as I've been trained in the metaphysics of mind, I am not a historical, a biblical teacher. I am trained and developed in the metaphysic mind and understanding how the creative process, how we are manifesting, how we are demonstrating in this universe. And the Bible is actually based in ancient text before the Bible. Um, it's the Bible is an a, you know, allegories of man's attempt to dominate, um, through this story. (01:52): And it's really a story of integrity. And so as we go into the story, I wanted to ask yourself, you know, your own integrity, what does it mean? What does it mean to have integrity? So as we go through this, taking a look at what's your integrity as an individual, what's your, I integrity with the collective and what's your integrity with the cosmic realm and truly who do you wanna be in, in building the tower, the tower between you and God, the true union, the true enlightenment, so that you can live and become somebody who is just from the dominion of source of God, of divine, and you're able to truly create anything. And the sky is the limit, right? Isn't that what we're trying to say here? Right? So let's break this on down from a, from a two, you know, second grade perspective, as I say. (02:45): So I've been going through the, uh, Genesis and, uh, biblical stories on, uh, metaphysics and breaking this all down. So here we have Genesis here. We have the six days of creation where God created the earth and the heavens, and, uh, goes through all of that. And on the seventh day, God rested, you rested right. Then we have the story of Adam and Eve and being cast out of the garden of Eden and Eden from the tree of knowledge and really understanding judgment and understanding how we create exponentially through that. Then we got into the stories of Kane and Abel and understanding Ables breath. And the part of us that really is able to create from source and Kane is an earthly man. That really truly was somebody who looked to the world and, uh, judged in comparison and things like that. And going through those stories of, um, how Kane killed, able, and how Eve bears another son, Seth, and how after many generations after Adam, you know, Noah and, and the entire world was challenged to, with the seas and the waters that really signified our subconscious and the cause and effect, and how, if we don't get to right mind and go to God first within, we don't preach God as some man in the sky, but God, within that, we will, um, really be taken over. (04:02): We will be taken over, we won't be able to survive. And that is really the truth. So as we go through this, we now come to the story of the tower of Babel. So again, this is an allegory of, um, man's attempt to dominate with really, basically not going to seeking the truth, the integrity within. So, as we know, this is really kind of like the first skyscraper, if you will. And this again, represents the story has been in many things, which is, you know, the ancient, um, all the, all the pyramids and all the great teachings of what we're able to do in the physical realm of building something, which is a significance of building a true temple within right, a building a tower to God, this is the allegory, this is a metaphor. This is the part of us that has, what are we really building here? (04:49): You guys, what are we doing in this 3g realm of being able to move, you know, physical construct matter together. This was really the first skyscraper of a metaphor of what we're able to build. And this tower was intended to reach the heavens so that one could ascend with the commune directly with God themselves. This is the construct, right? So in building of this, of this tower, it was a bridge to connect, you know, the human being with the creator. And isn't that what we're doing isn't that the point is to have heaven here on earth, right? But it was the exact thing that they were resisting that created, which was really the fear of being scattered. They feared. And so they were putting all this energy in there and it said that they had really good intentions. Their intentions were to come together, to use the wisdom of the universe, to create what we don't even know. (05:42): Right. We don't even know how the pyramids were created. Right. We don't even know how the actual tower of Babel was created because the truth and the wisdom has been lost. And this is what we're looking at right now. This is a metaphor for what happening, when people do have wisdom in the universe and they use it to create chaos. So here they are. Imagine I would just imagining here that they're building this power of baby, right. And they've come together and they have maybe, maybe there's some, you know, men that are dominating, right. And what happens, right. We begin to cast out ourselves from ourselves. This happens in relationships, in marriage, in business, in friendships. We begin to say, we're right, and you're wrong. Right. We begin to not be able to communicate, which is communing, right? The true communication is to commune with source with God and, and build our integrity of our relationships based on these principles, asking for what is our next one thing to do in union versus what's in it for me, right? (06:43): So this is the exact thing. So Noah, that story going back to the very beginning, Noah, you know, was in the ancient area of, um, Babylon. And they came to settle the land called Shaar. And the Bible tells us that these men, um, were basically here. They, they spoke one language and they understood all together. They worked together and they built this incredible place, this incredible civilization, if you will, and they wanted to celebrate it, they wanted to show and have a center, something, a symbol in the center of, of their, of their home. Basically they wanna show that they were able to create this big symbol as a celebration of what they had created, which was oneness, which was coming together. But what happened as they were doing this, people began to get greedy. They began to say, no, I'm creating this. No I'm creating this. (07:32): No, I am better than you. No, I'm better than you. Right? It began to be in the, in the space of arrogance instead of having a symbol that they wanted to have for their creativity and their resourcefulness of coming together in their proudness as one family. But instead, the arrogance began to came in, come in, they began to, you know, say, well, I'm creating this. No I'm creating this right. They began to have that ego come in. They began to wander off from the truth. And what happens when we wander off from the truth, we begin to crumble. Our relationships always crumble. When one person has to be wrong versus the other person, right. Never works out. So in this, we recognize it. You can use your energy to create abundantly as oneness, or you can use it abundantly to cause chaos and discord and make other people wrong. (08:23): The choice is yours. So in this, you know, the God God's statement says in here in the Bible, that, that they basically were able to, you know, they had freedom. They had freedom to, that's why God didn't make it crumble, right? It, the tower was still there, but the people dispersed, and this is the law of cause and effect that if we use our power and our, our energy to divide and separate one or two things happen in the first annihilation in the first thousand years, there was an annihilation in the second. It says in the second thousands of years, they dispersed. So what happens when you make other people wrong is what both things happen. It will die off. A marriage will die off. A relationship will die off. Um, a company will die off. A community will die off. If everyone starts saying it's about me instead of about the community, instead of having it be about what's in the highest good and the harmony, the other thing will happen is people will disperse and you'll see it right now in the world. (09:29): You know, that people will disperse around when, when powers are not being used for the highest good or those tyranny, right. Then people begin to go to different places because it doesn't work anymore. So people have to go away. They have to find new energy. It's, it's, it's the survival. It's the, it's the law of supply and demand as well, universal law of supply that people will seek what is theirs to have done, right? But scattering has to happen. And this is the inverted, exponential, infinite expressions of God. And this is the way that we, we, it feels like we're in discord, but yet the truth is the truth prevails. So it's said that the Lord confused the language, and this is why Babel is now what we consider Bavel. When someone goes, oh, they're babbling, which means they're not speaking truth. You're babbling. If you're not speaking truth, right? (10:18): The opposite of righteousness is babbling, right? So why is this? Because when we're confused, it said that that there's 72 different sources of, of language, right? There's 72 different things. That's why we have 72, um, letters in the alphabet that there's so many, there's so many divisions of, of the one thing. And they, they make us all feel like we're separate. But the truth is that we're one, the truth is that we are building that tower and we're dispersing at the same time. We've read this through so many great things like the great pyramids in Trula and the great pyramids in Egypt, that this story is not just about the Bibl