Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society, the shift to the triage movement. So you did so truth (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron with society. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community and society. The number one spiritual coach community, because whether you are needing to get coaching and do your inner work and awaken, and do your trauma work and birth your purpose in calling, or whether you are somebody who is desiring to step into becoming a sole leader or coach, this is the platform. This is the community. This is the place. So it is such an honor to do today's podcast at because it is a new year, which means a new you, we get to recreate ourselves and recreate our lives at all points in time. So whether you're somebody who is ready to make the transition out of a tr a current job that you have, that you don't love, or whether you are ready to really step into your truth and leaving your legacy, or whether you are desiring to do your inner work this year, I know that goal setting is super important. (01:06): So I remember years back, it was in my twenties and I did the opposite of goal setting. I actually was one of those people. I would wake up every day and I'd write out the, you know, 50 things on my to-do list, which is the total opposite of being productive in your life. Because what happens is you end up doing all the little things that don't really mean anything. You never really get to the big items. So they use a great metaphor. And it's a metaphor of, of if you had this big container, like a big glass vase, and you need to get all your items inside. And there's all the items that need to go inside are big boulders and smaller little boulders and little pebbles, and then down to the sand. And when you work on a to-do list, what happens is you end up doing all the little things you end up putting all the sand into that glass container, and then you work on the pebbles and then you work on the little rocks and the boulders. (01:57): And what happens is you can't get the boulders in because the boulders, the only way the boulders can get in and fit, everything can fit in is if you start with the big boulders and you put the boulders into that big glass vase, and then you put in the smaller, you know, boulders the pebbles, and then finally the sand. And so we want to do a counterintuitive process. You know, I remember I would spend my days doing like, you know, doing the bills or cleaning the closet or the dishes and getting to everything and never really getting to what really, truly mattered for me. So today the goal here is to have you listen here and powerfully step into this year of setting your goals and not just setting the goals, but actually getting them onto your calendar so that you can actually have a strategic plan for this year. (02:45): So there's a great book and it's called the one thing. So when I was in ministerial school, it was one of the only books that we read that was not, you know, on universal law or on science of mine or philosophy, and is a great book. I highly recommend reading it. It's by Gary Keller, Gary Keller, uh, created the largest real estate company called Keller Williams. Um, and, um, it's just a brilliant story about how he realized that his coaching and how he took his company to where it is today was by really getting clear and getting focused and creating, focusing one thing at a time. So what I'm gonna invite you to do today is to get out a pen and paper and get out your calendar. You can pause this and come back. But what I'm really gonna invite you to do is actually take an entire day or even an entire weekend to work on your goals for 2020. (03:36): It personally takes me multiple days to really set my goals for 2020, because I strategically plan out everything. I plan out everything from every single social media topic of the entire year, every single day, I plan out, you know, what I'm going to do, um, for my one big thing in, in company. And I'm gonna, what I wanna focus on with my health and what I'm gonna focus on with my relationship. So we really focus on the different areas of our life and get clear of those one goals and, um, and get it down on our calendar. I never forget years back also, I worked with, um, a mentor and, and they said, go through your entire house. And I want you to look at everything you have. And I want you to recognize, is this an alignment with what you truly want in your life, those primary goals that you have, and if not, then you need to give it away. (04:23): So now, you know, the end of the year becomes this huge, um, simplifying and cleaning out and decluttering and setting goals. It takes me quite some time, but when I step into the new year, I am very, very clear and very focused things are extraordinarily, uh, organized. So that's what we're gonna do today. Okay. So I wanted to get in your mind. And if you don't know what your one thing that you wanna create this year, you know, maybe it's that you wanna become a New York times bestseller. Maybe that's your one thing. Maybe it's just that you want to do your inner work and do all your trauma work that's most important, right? Maybe it's that you wanna get in, in shape, maybe it's that, you know, I don't know what that is for you. The one thing, but what's the most important thing. And sometimes people don't know. (05:06): So what I'd recommend doing is first just doing a brain dump and you basically just put out on paper, everything that you'd like to get done this year, everything from the to-do list to the bigger things, to the, the things that will make you have a quantum leap. I want you to set a goal. Your one thing really should probably be someone that excites you. You know, that if you accomplish this one thing that you would be like, holy cow, that was a kick ass here. Right? All the other stuff, all the linear goals, all that happens anyway. Okay. So I want you to get this all out on paper. And then what I want you to do is I want you to circle the things that are the most important to you, the big things, the one thing and that different areas of your life. (05:45): Okay? So I want you just circle those. And then the next thing I want you to do is I want you to cross off everything that you don't have to do, that doesn't really excite you and doesn't have to be done, done. Okay. It may be, um, I don't know something. I, I'm trying to think of something that I have. That's something, you know, there's different books I wanna write. And I have to really say no to, if I wrote every book I wanted to write, then I be writing books all the time or all the projects I wanna do. I can't do it all. I wanna do it all, but it just isn't realistic. And if I wanna get really productive in my year, I've gotta say, hell yes or hell no, pretty much okay. To live an extraordinary life. You've got to live at a level where you love your life. (06:29): And if you don't love what you're doing, then you need to either delegate it, take it off your schedule or whatever. Okay. So that's kind of the first step. So once you get down to your one thing, then what I want you to do is begin to get it onto your schedule. So let's just pretend that you do wanna write a New York times bestseller. Okay. That's a pretty big goal is just not everybody has that goal. Or let's say that it is that you wanna do your trauma work. Okay. So let's just say that you have this one goal and you've done enough research or you don't whatever to know what that one thing is. I want you to work it backwards. Okay. So what we do in society is we write out our 10 year goal, our five year goal, our one year goal, our quarterly goal, monthly goals, weekly goals, daily and hourly. (07:07): You wanna begin to chunk it like this and you can work it backwards. So let's just say, for example, that you did wanna write a New York times best seller. So obviously you'd have to know, um, you know, it would take you probably more than a year, but if let's just pretend that that was the case, you wanna write a book. Okay. You would need to know that you'd probably have to end up getting your first draft done by the first quarter or maybe six months in to do all the other things, which it takes, which is editing, marketing, you know, getting it all out there, right. So you'd have to work it backwards. So when you're setting your goals, you want to always, as you know, as people that are based in principle, based in spiritual principle, we know that our mind is powerful and as we focus it, and as we direct it, we become more effective. (07:51): Okay? Not everybody wants to be an expert. Not everybody wants to be a spiritual coach. Maybe you just wanna have a life where you, you know, you clear up your trauma, you aren't reacting to life. You don't have dysfunction anymore. And you just wanna have a life that is functioning. That's a big goal. For most people, they can't even do that. So they're one thing in the goal of the year might be to really do their inner work and they wanna plan it out. They wanna get it consistently in their schedule. And like for people that are in society, we come together, you know, multiple times a week, get our mind, right. Do our inner work, get, um, our skill set and our mindset. Right. But for you, whatever that one thing is, I want you to put it on your calendar, right. Or say for another area of your life, say that you want to spend more time developing your relationships. (08:36): And it's important for you to do that. Right. There's a lot of people I've have a lot of workaholic friends around me, a lot of entrepreneurs, right. We're hustle, we're influencers. It's really great. But what happens is people get a little out, uh, a little out balance sometimes including myself and what happens is so, you know, you might sit down with someone again, they go, yeah, I wanna really spend more time developing my relationship or even just finding a relationship or whatever that is. Well, how much time are you putting into it? Well, I just, don't like zero hours a week. Well, obviously that's not gonna work then. Right. So you've gotta even schedule it out, just putting energy and attention or research or whatever it is that you want in that one area of your life and get it down your calendar. So I remember years back before when I did all the to-do list and I'd have, you know, the 50 things on my to-do list and the next level was, then I began to kind of set some goals and put things on my calendar. (