E4 Trauma Method™ | Health & Vitality Breakthrough [Trauma Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Do you ever wonder why diets rarely work? Do you wonder why some people have more energy than others or why some people come into this lifetime with chronic disease? So if you're somebody who truly desires to break through and master your energy physically, spiritually, emotionally, you want to listen to this podcast. This is a series on trauma and how it affects your health and vitality. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's do this thing. We are developing master world renowned spiritual leaders. That's truly how I hold you guys. I know that if you've had a spiritual calling and if you're committed to monetizing, it's important because monetization equals impact in the world. (01:15): So in this series, we're breaking on down trauma because after working with thousands of clients around the world, I've come to really believe that the key, the missing key to manifestation, to truly having a life that you love and being able to have prosperity vitality, all the above is doing your inner trauma because in your subconscious mind, in your DNA, in all of it is limited beliefs. And those limited beliefs basically are tagged on your DNA from emotional traumas. So what happens in trauma again, is that you are such a powerful, spiritual being at the moment that you make a positive or negative meaning on anything. You instantaneously have a positive or negative feeling which equals emotion because belief equals thought, thought equals feelings, feelings, equal emotions, emotions equals the out picturing and circumstances of your life, your perspective. So when we're breaking down, if we wanna truly have a life that we love, if we wanna have relationships that are thriving, if we wanna truly have health and vitality, if we wanna have all these things, we want prosperity, abundance, all these things, we have to remember the truth of who we are, which is spiritual beings. (02:32): You are not your beliefs. You are not your body, and you're not the circumstances of your life. You are the creator of them. We truly believe in oneness and that collectively we are dev divine. We are God, we are all that, that we're here to create our consciousness and form in a 3d realm. We're here to experience the depths of our soul and form. And we're not just individuals. We are individuals. We are the collective and we are the cosmic. We are one with everything. And so if we wanna master our lives, if we wanna really transform our lives, we have to transform our trauma. So today in the series today, we're gonna talking about health and vitality. And first of all, we have to break on down the myth of what it means, health and vitality we have in our culture program ourselves to believe that if you have a DISE, something's wrong with you. (03:20): If you have, you know, anything going on, other than quote, what the magazines show us that something's wrong with you, or something needs to be fixed. We do not look at that from a new thought perspective. We know perfect, perfect health, because it's perfection of what's going on in consciousness. We do not look like even cancer as being something wrong. It is actually the culmination of what we've created from what we've chosen to create in our environment, what we've chosen to choose of what we've eaten, what we've chose to have emotionally, what we've chose to have our genetic imprinting turned on and turned off. Right? So today we wanna break on down. What does it mean? How do we transform our health and vitality through transforming our trauma? I'm gonna bring some case studies in and break it on down. Okay. So first of all, I just wanna say that personally, I had a, a rollover car accident when my son was a year old after I'd had my full term stillborn son and then getting pregnant a month later. (04:27): And my son who now is 25, was one years old. And we are on a trip, um, to Southern Utah. And we were driving home in a truck and trailer going 60 miles per hour. And we flipped the truck and trailer and the entire luckily no one got killed. And I was the only one got really hurt. I herniated a disc in my back and was laid up for two weeks at a time where I could barely move. And through doing the inner trauma work, I was able to completely heal my back and have zero pain whatsoever. And the point is, is that anything? And everything's possible. We wanna acknowledge that none of this is a cure. Legally. We cannot say that. And legally, we can also know that we create miracles for this work. Doctors of divinity are doctors because we heal through revealing the truth. (05:23): Spiritual practitioners are practitioners because we heal through knowing the truth. Okay? So the metaphysics of health, we have to really truly break this down before we understand what's happening in trauma. There is only perfect health, because remember you are not your body. You have a body from a spiritual perspective. The only true disease is amnesia. Okay? Meaning that if we truly believe and know who we are, we wouldn't even identify with the body, but you know, we also probably wanna experience some vitality in the body. So we wanna break it on down. So there is only perfect health because the mental equivalent and direct reflection of consciousness, individual consciousness, collective consciousness, and cosmic consciousness, right? So we have to understand no matter what's going on, whether you are, you know, dealing with diabetes, whether you're dealing with low energy, whether you are getting on the rollercoaster of diets up and down, right? (06:16): We have to know that everything begins in mind. Everything begins in mind. When we get out of alignment with mother nature and universal laws, we experience ill health that's bottom line. And within you is born intelligence and innate healer capable of restoring harmony wellbeing and vibrant vitality. And from a spiritual perspective, DISE is spirit, your higher self, communicating that individually and collectively, we are out of harmony with life symptoms within the body, such as poor health and illness are the relative and inverted experience of our use of energy and the divine sign to wake up. We know that the body keeps score, right? You can't lie about what's going on from an energy perspective in the body. The body is going to give you feedback cuz the body is one with the soul. The body is that culmination of the most amazing computer program ever. (07:16): That's going to give you feedback, right? You are an immortal and eternal being free from all disease. This is the truth. And according to a properties, um, sorry, APO, I can't say his name. According to AOCC properties. Um, illness does not come up upon us, out of the blue. Okay. Our sins, which we call it right. Are, are, are not necessarily what the church has told us, right? It's not that you're a bad person. Sins are what we call missing the mark. Okay. Our illness, our signs, our DISE are, are developed out of daily, small sins against nature against our true harmony. If you will, when enough sins have been accumulated illness will suddenly appear all of a sudden, you know, we don't get illness overnight. We get, it's a, it's a very slow gradient. Usually we know the body gives us feedback. All of a sudden it's like, Hmm, I'm not feeling so good. (08:13): Cuz I keep eating like crap every day. And then, you know, it call, it starts to get a little bit worse. And it's like, oh I have low energy. My blood sugars are off. Oh my gosh. Now I'm having, you know, diabetic or low sugar episodes. Right. Or, and now, you know, it goes on and it's just a, it's a compounding factor, right? It doesn't happen overnight. Some people, well, yeah, you could be born with something and yes, but you are your ancestors. You are your lineage. So it didn't just happen in this lifetime. It's happened over a culmination of, of lineage, of doing sins against nature, doing sins against harmony and not aligning with our true divine divinity. The body has a built in system that sends off alarms when you're creating health or when you're creating illness. Right. You know, when you, you know, you're out there, you're moving your body, you're eating well, you feel good. (09:06): It's like, that's the divine side. And that's the biofeedback. That's the divine feedback of telling you when you are alignment. And when you are out of alignment, that's the divine sign to say, man, I feel like crap. I don't feel good. Right? I'm grumpy. I'm all these things. It's the divine feedback. Most illnesses caused, um, is it is really the created, it's the side effect of stressful lifestyles and toxic environments that we've created. So dis ease the effect of creating a life of unease. So the truth is that I believe something like 90% of all doctor visits are stress related. So we have to understand what's happening here. What's happening from a trauma related issues. Okay. So we have to know that trauma again, as you know, is it trauma happens? You know, not just like from a war zone or a car accident, emotional trauma happens. (09:57): The moment that that you're in something happens, something either happens or doesn't happen, right? You know, your boyfriend breaks up with you or you know, your parents get a divorce or you get that phone call that you didn't want or whatever it is, something happens or does not happen out in the world. You assign a negative meaning to it because remember if you sign a positive or negative, meaning to anything, you instantaneously have a positive or negative emotion that happens right. Feeling and emotion. So if something does not happen, a traumatic incident happens. Something terrible happens. Kids look at you and bully you on the jungle gym or whatever it may be. You have a negative meaning that you're attached to it with the high, high state of an emotional state that occurs outta that backed by a limited belief. Okay. So it happens as a command, which called an Ingram that impinges upon the neurological system and the command is like, I'm not enough. (10:52): I'll never trust again. I can't do this. I don't wanna live whatever it may be. Okay. Something's wrong with me? Whatever it is that command goes into the subconscious mind and begins to out picture. Okay. So how does this out picture into your health? Right. So case study, I had a client and just to, you know, keep my clients anonymous. Her name was Angie and she actually, she was in a relationship. She got engaged, um, with somebody who was emotionally unstable, if you will. So she began to realize that he was not emotionally stable. She realized that she probably didn't wanna marry this man. And she began to try and break up with him. And her fiance began to freak out and get really clingy, um, began to get really dysfunctional, very codependent and began to have anger episodes. And finally, one day a traumatic incident happened where he actually held her somewhat at hostage at knife point, uh, for part of a day. (11:56): And in this rage and in this, you know, episode, she, it was obviously a traumatic incident for her. And she in, in the high state of emotion decided men equal danger. She had a command that said, I will never get close to a man ever again. I will never get close to a man ever again. And so what happened in Angie's life is she began to gain a lot of weight in the self-fulfilling prophecy of, I will ne