How to Coach Narcissistic Abuse | Recovery Series

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hi Spiritual Superstar!  There I was, on stage in front of about 150 women, when I asked the question... How many of you have been in a toxic relationship? Almost every woman in the room raised their hands! I was blown away... Did you know that some researchers believe that as many as 9 out of 10 people have been in a codependent relationship?  Years ago, after healing from my codependency and narcissistic abuse, I realized how insidious toxic relationships were in our culture and globally.  So, as a coach (whether you are coaching your clients or yourself), you are going to need to understand the levels of dysfunction within a toxic relationship to be able to get radical results.  In this week’s podcast, I am sharing the How to Coach Toxic Relationships & Narcissistic Abuse In this episode, I'm talking about my personal story of healing and some important distinctions to help you become a powerful coach.  What You Will Learn:  The One Thing that finally healed my Narcissistic Abuse How to distinguish the level of the Toxic Relationship  How to coach any client, regardless of the label of their Dysfunctional Relationships or Narcissistic Abuse Trauma 💎 If you’re NOT already a member of Soulciété, join me for a LIVE Wednesday Breakthrough Call to discover how to make your dreams a reality and to find out more about our community. This is not a high-pressure sales pitch >>> Register Here: WEEKLY COMMUNITY UPDATE: This week in Soulciété, we are embodying the Universal Law of Harmony We are beginning to showcase our community trauma healing wins on the Dr. Erin Podcast & in the E4 Book and Documentary Project - I will be discussing how you can be a part of the E4 Project at the end of our call within the community this week.  We are getting ready for the fall Graduation Ceremony for levels 4 & 5: Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method® & Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioners! And, we are officially going to be holding LIVE Events! (TBA)   WEEKLY TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION UPDATE: Level 1 Spiritual Warriors: This week, we are doing E4 Trauma Method® 1:1 Coaching in our group call – transform your trauma transform your life ⚡ Level 2 Spiritual Entrepreneurs: This week, we are learning how to Launch Online – It’s time to take a quantum leap! 🚀  Level 3 Spiritual Psychology Coach & E4 Trauma Method®: This week, we are learning Trauma Informed Coaching. Level 4 Spiritual Psychology Master Practitioner: This week, we are diving deep into Practitioner Sessions and learning Spiritual Mind Treatment! 🤯 Level 5 NTG Teachers-Speakers-Ministers: This week, we are learning how to teach Metaphysical Mastery! ⚡ Level 6 Doctors of Divinity: Taking applications P.S. Binge my podcast series on Money Breakthrough P.S. If you're a member of Soulciete and you'd like to monetize referring people to our community >>> click HERE With Love, Dr. Erin Dr. Erin is a World-Renowned Doctor of Divinity, Founder of New Thought Global & Soulciété, Metaphysical Teacher, TV Host of Good Morning LaLa Land, Creator of E4 Trauma Method®, International Best-Selling Author, 2020 Walden Wisdom Award Next to Oprah, Self-Made Millionaire, Top-Rated Podcast, and Mother. Her mission is to awaken a billion people globally by developing, training, and certifying accredited Spiritual Entrepreneurs, E4 Trauma Method® Coaches, Spiritual Psychology Master Coaches, Spiritual Practitioners, New Thought Teachers, and Doctors of Divinity. Dr. Erin is committed to bridging spirituality, science, and psychology. She is forging ‘New Thought Wisdom’ in the study of Spiritual Psychology; the study of how everything is created from Source at a soul level. “11 Most Inspirational Female Entrepreneurs To Watch On Instagram” - Forbes Disclaimers: Earnings and income representations made by New Thought Global and Soulciete, Erin Fall Haskell, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. See our Terms  Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcriptions: (00:00): There I was on stage in front of about 150 women. When it asked the question, how many of you have been in a toxic relationship? Almost every woman in the room raised their hands. I was blown away. Did you know that some researchers suggest that as many as nine outta 10, people had been in a codependent relationship? Wow. Years ago, I was absolutely in a codependent relationship, an abusive narcissistic abusive relationship. And I'm here to say years and years later, that there are definitely things you need to know, whether you are dealing with a toxic relationship or whether your clients are in a toxic relationship, whether they're codependent or whether they're dealing with narcissistic abuse. You definitely wanna listen to this podcast. I'm gonna break on down everything from my own personal story and how it was a final one thing that healed my narcissistic abuse and how I distinguish the levels of toxic relationships.  (01:00): So I can understand whether I should be working with this client or referring them to intervention and how to coach any client, regardless of the label of their dysfunctional relationship or narcissistic abuse trauma. You definitely wanna listen to this. And I would suggest that you share this podcast with all of your friends that are dealing with toxic relationships. Let's do this thing. Welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world.  (01:57): Hi, my soul family and community. I am super excited to be with you today to break on down how to coach narcissistic abuse, but not only that, but really how to coach anyone that is dealing with a dysfunctional relationship or toxic relationship. As stated earlier, some science is suggesting that as many as nine outta 10, people are dealing or have dealt with codependency. And so it's really important as coaches, or if you are just trying to coach yourself and trying to break through some stuff that we break this on down. So today you're going to learn the one thing that finally healed my narcissistic abuse and how to distinguish the levels of toxic relationships so that you actually can figure out, should you be working with this client, or if you are your own client, right, should you be putting yourself into an intervention, right?  (02:48): And then lastly, how to coach any client, regardless of the label, whatever they've been labeled, because spiritually we don't believe in labels. We believe that everyone is whole and complete of themselves and that anything that's out picturing in their life, in their dysfunctional relationships or in any kind of a label is really just the cause and effect of what we've chosen to create and all the trauma and programming and everything. So let's break this on down. So first before we begin, I just wanna say that I love you guys so much. Our community is so extraordinary. And this week in our community, we are learning and embodying the law of harmony universal law of harmony. And every week in our community, we embody one universal law. And in fact, the universal law, Oracle cards are coming out. Um, I think in a few more weeks on Amazon, I'm super excited.  (03:39): You guys, and also we have an accompanying book with it as well for the 52 universal laws. But so this week with the law of harmony, we're gonna break that down at the end. And I also just wanna say that I'm super excited because we are excited to have our graduations this fall in our community. And we have, of course, all of our weekly live coaching calls with myself and all of our teachers in our community. So I just wanna acknowledge our community and how amazing, how extraordinary, how just profound life changing everything is. And my life would never be the same without you guys. So I wanna say thank you. And if you're new to our community or new to this podcast, I would recommend a couple things I would begin to binge this podcast. There's series on everything from money breakthrough, to relationship, breakthrough trauma series and metaphysical series and all kinds of things.  (04:28): And what we found is this is a lot of people that binge this podcast end up coming into our amazing community called society. And you can check out the links below here, but let's break this on down. So how to coach narcissistic abuse, that's the title of this podcast? And the reason why is because people need to go to extremes to get real and to get coached. Okay. And my personal story, as a lot of you guys know, and I'm not gonna get into too much because my goal on these podcasts actually is to have them stay under 30 minutes, more like 20 minutes so that you can binge them, go on a little walk to whatever, get your mind right. And then move on. Right? So my story, as you guys know, probably is I was extremely codependent. I was raised by a mother who was codependent and she would be in and out of relationships up and down in her relationships, an emotional mess when it came to relationships.  (05:22): So that was my patterning, all my trauma, of course. And we won't get into that, but I found myself years ago in a narcissistic abusive relationship with a Grammy winning rock star. And it was, uh, the hardest master class lesson I ever had to go through in my entire life. I actually think it was harder than having a stillborn son at the age of 22. I believe it was actually harder than being date raped in high school or stumbling and falling down into spiraling, down into bulimia from 17 to 20, the actual experience of, of narcissistic abuse, which really is codependency. It's just the out picturing of the perfect, you know, experience of my own belief that I'm not worthy of love. And so here I was, years ago, I was in a very narcissistic abuse relation, abusive relationship. And there was a moment I'll never forget it.  (06:20): He had been on and off the wagon. He was an alcoholic drug addict, always trying to get sober. And I was in the role of, let me try and fix you and heal you and, and save this love, making the love, my higher power. And I'll never forget. One night he called me asking for me to come help him. He had fallen off the wagon and he was in a bar over on kind of the east side of Los Angeles. And I drove across the city thinking, oh my gosh, I get to actually save him. He's actually not gonna fall off the wagon. It's not gonna be this terrible thing. And I went to go pick him up and he was totally drunk. And he was obviously yelling and abusing me along the way as we drove back. And when we got back, cuz he was staying over at his mother's house.  (07:10