How To Create Healthy Boundaries [Relationship Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:21): Welcome divine legends. Oh my gosh. If you are somebody who is dealing with needing to set boundaries, you definitely want to listen to this podcast and watch this video. I have so much experience on those. You guys, you have no idea coming from being someone who is completely co-dependent and dysfunctional years back and mastering how to create boundaries, how to hold boundaries and still being tested, being tested, being tested, and working with, you know, hundreds of women, uh, in our community and thousands of women's hundreds of thousands of women across the globe. I just wanna say that this is very normal and natural to be trying to figure out how to create boundaries. So I'm Dr. Aaron, I'm a doctor divinity, founder of new thought global and society and teaching universal law, metaphysics of mind, science of mind, and how our subconscious mind gets reprogrammed through E four trauma method and all of our different modalities that we teach and certify all of our spiritual coaches, practitioners, law of attraction ministers, and yes, doctors of divinity. (01:28): So let's break this on down. You guys boundaries how to create healthy boundaries, how to live your truth, how to truly, truly be able to not make people wrong, see them for the divinity and stay in your power. And let me tell you, I don't think that you ever stop this masterclass of life. So it's so funny because, um, you know, years back I was completely codependent and dis dysfunctional in my relationships. And I remember, you know, hearing this thing called boundaries and boundaries for me meant blocking people. That was the only sense I knew of like boundaries, cuz it was all or nothing when you're kind of an addict. And when you're, you know, in this realm. And so it is taken me many, many years to understand and be able to implement, being able to hold healthy boundaries for myself in the realm of relationship, but also in the realm of friendships, in the realm of, you know, social media in the realm of everything. (02:27): So I invite you to take your pin and paper out. If you do not already subscribe to the, um, podcast, if you do not subscribe to the YouTube, this goes on both platforms. And so please subscribe tele a friend tag, a friend, because this work is super important for us to be able to have our friends, our inner circle, our family be able to all rise together. Our mission in society is to waken a billion people. And how I know we will fulfill upon that mission is by developing the most doctors of divinity on this planet. That truly is my goal. So let's break this on down. It's all the buzz and all the rage to, to create boundaries right now. There's books coming out on it. Everyone's talking about it. It's nothing new. It's something that we've had to learn for for all of all of time, but today we're gonna break it on down. (03:15): So there's a great fairytale. It's called Goldie locks and the three bears. And it's a really funny little fairy tale because it's a story of Goldie locks, this little girl who kind of, I think she gets lost out in the woods and she stumbles upon this like little house, a little log cabin out in the woods. She says, well, maybe somebody can help me find my way back home. And so she knocks three times on the door and she goes inside and she realizes nobody's there. So she starts kind of looking around and she goes, well, I'm a little hungry. And I don't think anyone really mind that. And there's three bowls of porridge and she, you know, eats one and she's like, Ooh, this is too hot. She eats another. And she goes, Ooh, this is too cold. And she eats the third and she says, just right, right. (03:57): Then she goes onto the living room and she finds, I think three chairs sits in one and thinks it's too hard. One's too soft. And the other one's just right. And then she goes up in the bed and, and lays on the bed and tries all three beds. And again, one's too hard, one too soft. And one's just right. And she falls asleep and lo and behold three bears come home. A mom bear, a daddy bear and a baby bear. And they come in and they're like, who's eating our porch. Who's broken our chairs. And they go up and they find little girl and she runs out cuz of course she's afraid of the bears. She runs home and she decides she's never going back to the woods and the bears never see Goldilocks again. So what's the moral of the story. Little weird really right. (04:40): If you think about it. But the point is, as you know, a mentor of mine, a metaphysical mentor told me years ago, years ago that all relationships are the opportunity to discover what you like and what you don't like, what works and doesn't work. Right. And another concept is that all the relationships are the opportunity for us to develop our spiritual mastery, to accept people exactly as they are in their total divinity, but also being able to know and make the distinction between who they are and who we are and what works and doesn't work. So, you know, diving in further into relationships that have no boundaries and that are what we call, you know, enmeshed and really don't work. They end up, you know, being, getting together, breaking up, going around the circles, all the dysfunction of a relationship. We recognize that it's important to, to be able to place boundaries, to have two healthy individuals that are complete themselves and that can come together in the parts of them that do work, the parts that they create together, whether it be, you know, that they just enjoy being friends, whether they enjoy, you know, creating a family together, whether they enjoy creating something for the world. (05:56): And we, we recognize all relationships and we celebrate all relationships, whether you're gay straight, no matter what, your definition of a relationship, we're just talking about the generality of all relationship, because guess what? All of life is a relationship. So we have to understand that all of life is going to be pushing us to see what our boundaries are. So another word for boundaries is living your truth, right? So I, I, I don't really care for the word boundaries so much because I don't feel like I need to place bounds on anything. And cuz I'm boundless. My love is boundless. My expression is boundless, but where it's received may, you know, be different for, you know, it may not be received and we call it boundaries, whatever it is. But it really is more about boundaries. It's not about the other person. Boundaries is about yourself. (06:47): And let me explain. So I remember, uh, years back being in a dysfunctional relationship and thinking if he just changed, then I wouldn't have to, you know, be a, a B, right? If he just didn't do this, then I wouldn't have to be controlling. If he just did this, then I wouldn't get upset, eh, wrong answer, right? From a metaphysical standpoint, everything is just a reflection and projection of our beliefs. And if we're having beliefs that love hurts or love is chaotic or relationships are hard, hence they will be hard. Hence you'll always be going in the ups and downs of the roller coasters out there. So placing the boundaries is more about getting clear about yourself, about what works for you. What doesn't work for you, where, you know, everyone has different cycles, how you sleep may be different than somebody else, what you like to do. (07:39): And when you like to do it, it might be different than somebody else. How, you know, you go about in work may be different than say your boss or your peers, right? Everything is about getting clarity of who you are so that you can show up fully as you are and people can accept you. And you can accept people, places and things as they are because the gap of suffering is wanting people, places and things to be different than they are. So our gap of boundaries is really getting clear of accepting others exactly are, but also, and more importantly, accepting ourselves for who we are so that we can fully state and be clear of who we are. So other people can accept us or not accept us and place their own boundaries of living their own truth for themselves. So how the hell do we do this? (08:24): Right? So for me, it took a lot of self work, a lot of, uh, transforming my trauma, a lot of 12 step programs, a lot of practice and failing and practicing and failing, right? And making amends and then making amends again and so on and so forth. So today I can honestly say that building your boundaries primarily has to do with understanding and the universal law in that we recognize that everything is frequency, right? All of life is frequency. And so we understand that if we inform our subconscious mind and universal law with upsets and sadness and frustrations and arguments, we're going to disrupt our soul and we're going to actually create this even more tribulation, that's gonna create more tribulation in the world. So as I say, there's only, the only thing to fear is fear itself because fear itself is what's informing your subconscious mind in the divine mind. (09:20): So it's not about another person that can upset you. It's not about because no one can upset you. You are responsible for your own emotion. So boundaries are not about somebody else. They're actually about taking responsibility around your own emotions and around your own vibration and your own energy. So we always say that, you know, when I'm working with somebody and they're trying to heal the bare minimum, I need someone to stay is at peace. Okay. If you're going, if the, the goal is to get into bliss and ecstasy and in that flow and in the manifestation, like creation factor of all of it, right? But if you go down and you're upset and you're, I turbulate, and you're reacting, then you're going to go into a spiral of downward spiral versus up here, you're gonna go into an upward spiral, right? So if you are not being able to set boundaries and you're getting into upsets, then that's dangerous because you're gonna start creating your whole life is gonna out picture from those upsets. (10:19): And it's gonna be a downward spiral. So plac