Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society. The shift to the, your movement say you do so truth (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community, in society committed to being the number one spiritual coaching community. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world, we are all about empowerment, enlightenment, and entrepreneurship. So today I wanna talk about how to do path, life regressions. And I think that this is a very, very poignant conversation in the history of our awakening. In that we have known for eons in the spiritual realm, that we are not our bodies and that we of course have passed lives and, uh, whatever form you wanna say. But now scientifically, they are proving that the memory of all lifetimes comes down the DNA. We are proving this through epigenetics and that we have this thing called the subconscious mind. (01:05): And the subconscious mind has the memory of all the incredible things, beating our heart and doing mathematical equations of, uh, chemistry within our body, along with the, um, emotional trauma that comes down the DNA. So I believe it's super important. And I actually believe that we can't really truly be fully empowered if we don't understand or complete our DNA cycle. Okay. So whether you believe in path lives or not, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that the memory lives in your body. So if you wanna be fully empowered and step fully into full free will and, um, actively manifest a new thought and a new way and manifest your dreams, I truly believe that you've got to handle and deal with your trauma, your emotional trauma in this lifetime and past lifetimes. Okay. Again, it doesn't mean that you necessarily lived out that past life, right? (02:03): It's but it's in your DNA. So it's the memory. So you can call it your ancestors. You can call it past life. You can call it here right here and right now, right. Because whatever is going on, energetically in you is going on right now. So personal stories. So when I began to do my past life regressions, it was quite some years ago, probably about 15 years ago. And, um, I don't know, did I believe in past lives or not? I thought, you know, most likely it makes sense, you know, and I began to go into Greek Oracle processes around past life. And it was super fascinating because basically the process of going to past life regression is a lot of fantasy. It's all. I'm gonna walk you through the process of how to go into your past life progressions. But what would happen in session for me is I would go into almost like a worm hole of a fantasy backed by the emotional kind of tie to that fantasy and those mental pictures. (03:00): And I would go into an incident, uh, usually pretty traumatic everything from war to, uh, having my husband murder me, to having to say goodbye to my son, um, and family during the Holocaust to all kinds of things. And what was so profound about it was, I didn't like history. I never liked history. I don't know anything about history. Um, it was something in the school. I never understood why we had to learn it, but I would go into these incidents in past life regression and I would come out and I would know exactly what was going on, what the scene was, what people were wearing, what the date was, what the town was, everything like, all the details of it. And then I would go Google the stuff after, and I was blown away in accuracy of what you could either say, my subconscious mind was being able to tap into. (04:00): Um, maybe it was the aha records I was tapping into, or maybe it was truly a past life on my DNA track. But what I knew for sure is when I came out of those incidences, it was very clear that I was blown away by what is possible by what our memory can pull up. And so I began to dive deeper and deeper into past life regressions. I became quite obsessed with it. And so in society, as I train, uh, spiritual coaches in all kinds of modalities around repro, subconscious mind, trauma work is the primary core work that we do because until you've released your emotional ties that are binding you in your identity, it's hard to really be empowered in this life. And so we know that in cognitive therapy and psychology and a lot of things, a lot of people are dealing with doing trauma work. (04:54): And it clearly is, uh, an agreed upon thing that we need to deal with when basically restoring the psyche of someone. Okay. But the difference between a spiritual coach and say a psychologist, a traditional psychologist, or a cognitive therapy, is that we deal with past lives. Okay. We deal with, um, the emotional trauma that is on the DNA track. I truly believe as a, a doctor of divinity and as a science minister and as somebody who is obsessed with expanding consciousness, that we are here to basically express ourself in this form. And we have, we're here really to evolve the DNA. We're also here to move past our pattern. And that's why it's called new thought movement. That's why I'm a new thought minister is because it's like, how do we actually get to a new thought, right? Where are we just our programming out of our past? (05:53): Are we just our, you know, reaction of what's happened in our lineage? Um, are we just, as they quote, quote animals, as scientists would say, right, knowing that everything animals and everything is created from one source, one divine source, and that there's always innovation, there's always free. Will, there's always the factor of creating a new potential in this universe. And I believe that that is really our highest expression, which is you the highest expression of you moving past your lineage, moving past your patterning and creating what you truly desire for yourself. Okay. So I believe that the difference between a spiritual coach and a traditional psychologist or a cognitive therapist is that we deal with past life doesn't mean one's better than worse. It means that for me, this is my truth. And my truth is that we have to deal with everything on our DNA. (06:44): Okay. So when we're getting into trauma, you can go back into other podcasts and I dive deep into trauma work, but to recap on what the trauma work E four trauma method that I am trademarking is basically for processes. Okay. Number one is experience to reexperience the actual incident that happened. Okay. So we wanna go back into that incident fully experiencing it as if it's happening right now, not talking about it. Like it happened in the past, not looking at it like you're watching a movie, but actually re-experiencing it going back there? The second is to evaluate, not evaluate, meaning don't put stories around it. Don't tell back stories. Don't put anything around it. We wanna fully just be with it. Okay. And then we want to basically, um, fully experience the emotion emotions. Like we wanna actually fully feel the emotion as the Vata say, as it is. (07:52): And if you, part of the reasons why a trauma, emotional trauma stays on the track is cuz you're resisting it. You don't wanna fully feel it. You're pushing it back. You're suppressing it. You've got limitations around it. Limited beliefs, limited stories. And so re-experiencing, the emotions is really important to express the emotions, to feel the emotions, to really be with the whatever emotion is there. And lastly is enlightenment. Okay. So you've got experiencing, you've got evaluation. So reexperiencing it, non evaluation emotions is fully feeling the emotions. And then the last one is enlightenment. Meaning what did you decide out of this? What new perspective do you have on it? What decisions and limited beliefs commands did you decide in that? What do you see? What new potential do you have for yourself around? Okay. So this is the process of, of trauma of re-experiencing it and the E for trauma method so that you can fully as is, and basically pull off any reactivity, neutralizing the mental pictures, spotting the commands that you have and being able to just as is it okay, so say you were raped. (09:01): Okay. After doing the E four trauma method, you should basically be able to look at that rape and, and basically go, you know what it happened, you know, it wasn't great. Wasn't good, but I'm no longer the effect of it. I no longer am living out of that pain and that suffering. I'm no longer projecting that into my future and not trusting people or saying something's wrong with me or, you know, feeling like I am, uh, you know, divided from this world. Okay. So the next step in the E four trauma method is doing this exact same process, but in past life. Okay. So how do you go there? Okay. How do you really go there? How do you do past life regression? And it is all through the emotion. The emotion is actually the wormhole that we wanna go through. And so some may say earlier, similar. (09:56): Okay. Very common in psychology and cognitive therapy. Where did that happen? What was an earlier or similar incident that had you feel that same way? Okay. So we wanna go earlier similar, and oftentimes in past life regressions, it's a fantasy based, as Einstein said, fantasy is our greatest modality. Okay. It's actually anything that you truly can fantasize is actually a reality potential in this universe. Okay. So when we get into past life regressions, we wanna first just play around with it, no attachment to it. No, whatever we wanna actually take this lifetime. Imagine all the suffering that you've gone through in this lifetime. And imagine that you are like a producer or writing a movie script, and you're able to actually like flash back to your past life and come up with a script. That is a why you're suffering in this lifetime. What happened in your past lifetime that had you suffer and you're projecting it into this lifetime. (10:55): So what happens when I work with clients with this is at first, they, you know, first of all, I let their consciousness guided. I've had clients that first session, they're like, oh my gosh, I have this thing. I think it's past life. And they go there and we do a full trauma session on a past life thing, other clients, 12 sessions in, they, we don't do any trauma from past life. Okay. But at some point in time, I truly believe that if you want to fully be empowered, you've gotta deal with past life stuff. Okay. So when dealing with this again, it's kind of like a fantasy thing. So imagine that you've gone through a lot of the trauma of this lifetime, and now the person's still feeling a little sad. There's sti