Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift to the trash, the movement. So do truth. (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to another truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. The number one, spiritual coaching community, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. Our mission is to awaken a billion people globally, and how we're doing that is by developing world class spiritual leaders and spiritual coaches. So on that note today, the topic is how to get your ideal clients. I would say that this is one of the primary questions that I'm asked, be above and beyond birthing people's purpose and calling once they know once they've done their inner work, they've healed their trauma and they really are getting to a place where they, where they, they know for sure they've had a, this calling to be a spiritual leader or a spiritual coach. (01:04): The next question, big question in their mind is how do I actually get clients? Like, how does that work? You know, lots of people don't have big social media followings. They haven't, they don't have the audience. And they're trying to figure out how in the world, where they do this, how do they hand their life over to their spiritual calling and become a certified spiritual coach? Or how do they embody the wisdom? Okay. So on that note, we're gonna talk about this. Let's take a deep breath into the nose beginning with prayer, beginning with affirmative prayer. I know right here, and right now in this moment that there is one source one, cause one factor of life and it is consciousness. It's spirit, it's divine. It's God, it's your true self that I am. And in this recognition, I recognize that I am that, that you are, that, that there's only one thing going on it's true identity and anything that is distorted, anything that is feeling like you're stopped any place that we're feeling angst or worry or feeling like I'll never get those clients I recognize right here. (02:06): And right now that that's not the truth. That that is your relative experience for you to be demanded for the breakdown for the breakthrough. And in this truth, I recognize right here and right now, and to declare for myself and for anyone and everyone that's listening, that you are born for greatness, that you are born to bring your gifts and message to the world. You are born to be the highest version of yourself. And I recognize that is the greatest and only product we're producing through our business. That business development is spiritual development. And so it is such an honor, I'm in total gratitude to be doing this work, helping light workers, spiritual coaches, um, you know, all the bosses out there, all the women and men that truly desire to make an impact and a change in the world knowing and recognizing that it all begins with themselves. (02:54): And in this, I asked to be my highest self to be used for the highest good and to really know the truth. And in that I have gratitude. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for this divine live. Thank you for this extraordinary community. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A release. It's heard, it's known in my mind in the subjective mind all together, as we say. And so it is okay. So back to how to get your ideal clients. So, you know, I'm sure there's a zillion different ways. I'm going to talk about at least like seven different kind of aspects of getting ideal clients. So I'd get a pen and paper out. I give a lot of, a lot of value in these podcasts. Lots of people binge my podcast and they go back. So if you're new to it, welcome, and I would get out a pen and paper and really get intentional. (03:37): We usually only do about 11 minutes to 22. And I'm also going to be incorporating interviews now with amazing badass spiritually based, um, girlfriends of mine, that and men as well. I'm sure that will be teaching you their mindset, their personal story, how they had success and the things that they do for success as well. Okay. So back to it, how to get your ideal clients. Okay. So as we always teach every single day, every single way, the number one thing of course is embodying it. You've got to live your teachings, you've got to breathe. It, you've got to be it. You've got to, to basically completely embody it. You know, last night I watched a documentary on Kobe Bryant and, um, it was super inspiring. I didn't really know his story. Of course, when he passed away, I knew that, and I knew he was a world renowned, uh, basketball player, but I didn't really know his story. (04:31): And it was really fascinating because really his true success came because he just fricking loved basketball. He loved the smell of the basketball. He loved how it sounded when it bounced. He loved every aspect of it. He loved everything that it took for him to embody being the greatest, you know, basketball player or one of the greatest basketball players. And, but there was a common denominator of a success. And it was that he decided, he decided truly and handed his life over to basketball. He chose to not go to college instead, go into the NBA. He, he lived it, he breathed it. It was his entire identity really, and truly, and all the work that we do in society is shifting and releasing all the limited beliefs. And then once we come back to the IM, once we truly know our divine identity, the IM identity, then we get to choose which identity we really wanna take on this life as a game, as a way of being as a stance. (05:27): And so the first thing for getting your ideal clients really is being the ideal. You totally, truly doing your inner work and embodying who you truly are and embodying the, the principles and teachings that you wanna teach as a coach. So if you wanna teach mindset, skillset, all these things, you've gotta embody every last drop of it. If you're preaching to your, your, your clients about, you know, how to keep your mind right. And how to not make people wrong. And then your gossiping, when you're not, you know, on a coaching call, it's, it's not, it doesn't work. Okay. Because subconsciously we know. So number one thing always is to embody the truth, to embody your truth, to embody the teachings that you're teaching at to get your ideal clients, you've gotta be the ideal self. Okay. So next is basically letting the world know, okay, if you wanna get an ideal client, how do they even know? (06:17): You're you're even out there, how do they know you even have a product? How do they know any, you've got to bring awareness. So step number two is really having awareness, letting the world know, you know, via social media, via, you know, getting magazines, blogs, telling just your friends and family, um, best way to tell the world that you are available as a coach is through showing them that you've gotten other people results. And so one of the ways that we help, um, the coaches in society get that done is we actually pair them up as ambassadors and they actually coach each other. They do subconscious work on each other and they get testimonials in exchange. And so then when they go out in the world and they're on social media, or they send out an email or they're, whatever, they can talk about the results they've had for their clients, they have testimonials. (07:07): Okay. So it's one thing to be like, I'm a coach here I am. Here's my pricing. It's like, cool. What, what does that mean? Who, who the hell are you? Right. But it's like, here's my client that got great results, you know, is no longer in a dysfunctional relationship. Here's my other result. My other client that, you know, did $20,000 the first month working with me. Oh, here's the next result? Da, da, da. Right? So on that note, bringing awareness. So how do you do that? The best way is to do it through showing your results also via media. Um, best way also is to get out into the field that you're in, go to, you know, let people know in the community, let the different foundations know, let all the get involved in those communities and let them know that you exist. Right. So it's not just via social media. (07:52): That's one avenue and it's, it's a complex avenue, right? There's many other ways of letting people know. Some people send out flyers, right? Some people go to other events and network with all kinds of people and let them know, okay, next is, you've got to bring people value. Okay. So if you're going to attract your ideal clients, you've got to bring value. You've got to bring values to other experts in your field. Um, you can join communities and, and get involved and help volunteer, help, bring value, help, write for them, help, um, in any way, shout them out on social media, bring value. If you want to attract your ideal clients, people have to see you engaged. They have to see you as value. And whether that be doing pro bono work or working with people, how do you bring value? The best and highest way is to bring other people value in your industry. (08:43): And in that they open doors for you. They introduce you to people. They may even refer a client to you, right? It's the best way to bring value. Okay. Next is, you've gotta actually have a product and price, you know, for your goods. Otherwise it's just called a hobby, right? So if you're gonna get your ideal clients, you need to have an actual product. So, um, your ideal client, you need to think about who your ideal client is, who is that person? And for me, my ideal client is somebody who is committed to doing their work so that they'll bring the work out to the world. Right? My ideal client wouldn't want a one off product, a one session because they're committed. They fully know that this is their life and they wanna hand their life over to this work. And they're ready to commit my girls sign up for a 300 hour program. (09:28): Some of them, some of them are 12 week programs. Some are whatever. Right? So who is your ideal client? And again, it's about you understanding who you are and who your ideal client is, and having a product and pricing accordingly to that client next is having a niche. We know that who's your ideal client. It's like going out in the dating world and being like, well, I'll just date whoever. And that's fine. Sometimes you do that in the beginning. Ri