Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, to live on spiritual principle and to align with universal law. We also come together in community in new thought global and society. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. So today I want to talk about how to handle negative people and how to choose your inner circle. And I might offend some people today and I'm gonna break on down how I choose my inner circle. And we are going to talk about the benefits and really the intense side effects of having negative people in your life. They say that we are the sum total of the primary five people that in our, in our lives, we have to recognize that we're one and who we hang out with, influences us at such a core level at an energetic level, at a cellular level, and for sure at a level of how we innovate and what our conversation is and so on and so forth. (01:31): So this is such an important conversation because I used to be one of those people that didn't have any guidance around this. I didn't have any guidance around this. I had a lot of miscellaneous people in my life. I had a lot of chaos in my life, a lot of drama in my life, a lot of alcoholics in my life. Uh, and I just never understood that you can actually pick your people, that you can actually have standards for who belongs in your life, and that you need to be able to spot who really is somebody that, you know, belongs in your inner circle. And this doesn't mean that I don't unconditionally love everybody on this planet, but it's about putting boundaries. So if they are dysfunctional or if they are negative, yes, I would still take 'em as in helping them, if they wanted help as a client or in getting them help or whatever that is. (02:28): But I'm very clear of who my inner circle is and who really belongs and, and who deserves my energy. Okay. Again, I might offend some people on this and I'm, and I'm okay with that because it's taken me a very, very long time to recognize that my time is so incredibly valuable. My life is so incredibly valuable, and it is my self love of giving myself the gift to never put myself around anything that doesn't serve the highest. Good. So let's break this on down. You might wanna get a pen and paper out, and if you do find value in this, please share this with somebody, because I know there's probably somebody in your life that is majorly. Maybe you are majorly dealing with this, but maybe, you know, somebody else that's even more dealing with insanity in their life, in the people that are in their life. (03:21): Okay. So let's break this one down. So there's probably a huge, long, long list of different things of way of spotting, negative people. And like first, you know, you have to think, how do you spot negative people? Sometimes it's like, you just feel so incredibly drained after a conversation. Maybe you go to lunch with a group of people and there's somebody that is, you know, taking up all the energy. In fact, I just went to an event for a little celebration and there was, I think there was probably about 12 people and there was one person there. Um, this woman that literally almost kind of, for me, almost ruined the entire event because she was so negative and she was so self-centered and she literally dominated all the conversations all day long. And actually by the end of the night, she got completely intoxicated and had to be sent home in a car. (04:11): And it was really fascinating because I, I was actually like a little bit of a flashback of an old life of, of all the stuff that would've gone on. And it was a big blessing for me because I had remembered what it's like to have negative people in your life. And I made me so clear, um, that that is something that I will not have in my life. And I'm all about getting that person help if they want help or whatever that is, but they don't belong in my inner circle. That's for sure. In fact, that event is actually what propelled me to do this podcast. So I'm sure there again is many, many distinctions of how to spot negative people, but I'm gonna tell you maybe about 10 that I, um, spot and I can spot negativity a mile away. Um, and so the first one is constantly complaining. (05:02): You know, having that limited story around how, you know, how life is hard, how their ex you know, is so awful, how the economy is a doms day, how the weather isn't right, how the service at the restaurant is terrible, how everything right. They constantly are complaining no matter what, they're only looking through that lens of something is wrong here. And let me tell you how it's wrong and how not instead of how it's right. Okay. They're constantly going from, if you were to take the opposite of what gratitude is, they're constantly focusing on complaining, constantly focusing on the negative. Okay. Number two is they're victims. They're victims of their acts. They're victims of their parents. They're victims of the society. They're victims of everything. They're victims of the day they're victims of everything. Everything they talk about is how somebody did something to them or how it's not just, or how it's, whatever. (06:10): And this is very different than taking, you know, action and, and, and, you know, bringing equality to the world. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about true victimhood where everything is. They don't see their role that they're playing in all of it in life. Okay. Number three, is that they're constantly gossiping about others. Oh my gosh. I can't believe she did that. Oh my God, you can't believe like what he did. And he said this, and she said that and blah, blah, blah. And any, cuz anytime they look at life, they're looking at really being the effect. So they gossip, they gossip about their girlfriend that they, you know, their friend that they had to break up with. They no longer talk to because it was so negative and da, da, da, it's like, um, have you opened your eyes and see what you are? (06:56): You know what I mean? So it's a constant, constant, um, gossiping. If they, if they do about talk about others, they have an opinion and it's usually negative. Okay. They're not. When you ask about somebody who is, you know, and we'll go through that, what to spot in a positive person, right? So number four is they have chaotic lives. They have very chaotic lives, right? They have no schedule. You know, they go to sleep at 11 o'clock, one night and four o'clock the next night. Um, and there's not that doesn't mean everybody is negative that doesn't have, you know, sleep schedules. But in general, if somebody doesn't have a particular kind of schedule in their life, they generally are very chaotic people. You can also tell by how they treat their belongings, you know, are there purses a disaster? Is there, are there, are there cars full of crap everywhere? (07:48): Are there closets, jammed full of whatever. You can begin to spot how they treat themselves. Right? Do they get crap all over their clothes when they're having food? And they're like, whatever, like, do they lose things all the time? Do they break their phones all the time? You can actually spot this. Okay. You can spot negative people. Okay. It's not that these are bad spiritual beings. We have to get to the truth. These are divines. Everyone's a divine, spiritual being at the core of all of us. We're good. But we have to recognize that where they're at is they are spiraling in a way that they need to do their inner work and heal. Right. So we wanna make sure we're not taking on this baggage of our own. Okay. So that was number four is they have chaotic lives. Number five is they focus on problems and not solutions. (08:40): Okay. That means that they're always focusing on limitations instead of possibility, you'll find this. Right. So there's a lot of people I know that are extraordinary people, but they don't, they, they never start that business that they wanna do because they're always looking at why, why they can't do it instead of why they can do it. They're always looking at naing life. Instead of focusing on, you know, the possibility they constantly are, are looking at the problems instead of not the solutions. Okay. So I can sit with somebody like, you know, if I'm at a dinner party with people, I listen, I listen to their conversations and I know right away who somebody is that would even that I would even want my life at all because I can hear what they're saying. Are they talking about possibility or are they talking about limitations? Okay. (09:30): Number six is they have relationship problems. Whether it be with their partner, whether it be with their friend, their boss, their family, their whatever, they have relationship problems. Okay. And somehow it'll start coming out. Right. And you can ask 'em about their lives, you know? So tell me about your life. Tell me about your family. Tell me about whatever. And generally, if they have not done their inner healing, then for me, they really don't belong in my life and you can hear it in people, you know, they'll start bad talking their mom or bad talking, whatever, instead of having resolved already, like, you know, wherever they're, you know what, my family's amazing. We've gone through a lot and we've all done our healing, whatever that is. Like they have relationship problems. They will constantly find what's wrong and um, and always have some kind of something going on. (10:22): That's a problem in their life. Okay. Number seven is they're generally emotional roller coasters, right? And this sometimes takes a while to spot this with people. So if you start having a friend in your life and you see that, like, you know, they're high on life, everything's good. Da, da, da, da, my gosh. I'm so happy. Da, da, da. And then the next time, you know, hang out with them. It's like just feeling like really down. And, and it's hard, you know, this full moon really gets to me and like, you know, they're just, they're not able to regula