How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Do you feel overwhelmed, confused, and stressed out? Most people try and solve confusion logically, analytically, and with justification.  There isn't a shortcut to solving confusion.       Overwhelm and confusion comes from not having a clear commitment to what you desire from life. You have not made bold choices about who you desire to be and what kind of life you desire to experience. It can be difficult to commit to what you desire from life when you still have limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are keep you in this state of confusion. The key to overcoming overwhelm - Master your mind, mastery your life! When you go on a journey of self-exploration and do the deep deep inner healing, releasing all of the suppressed emotional charge from unresolved trauma in your subconscious – you RISE as the leader and CEO of your life. You have absolute clarity. You make choices with conviction. You are awake to all possibilities in life. I'd like to invite you into a breakthrough call to discover how to begin the process of rising as the CEO of your life and seeing clarity in what you desire from life.  Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:20): Do you feel overwhelmed? Maybe you're just confused. Maybe you're just like fed up with everything today. I'm going to break on down how to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed. Let's break this on down. Welcome to the doctor. Aaron show. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. And let's just get this straight that when somebody truly awakens, they absolutely become a leader. It's impossible not to, whether you are having a love for spirituality and want to actually create it into a career, or whether you're doing your deep, deep work to become your own. Number one, you know, coach, to become the leader that you've always desired to be for your friends and family. (01:08): I am committed on this podcast to turn your love, help you turn your love for spirituality into a career, and also bring you all of the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and universal law lessons. We are all about transformation, breakthroughs and quantum leap. So let's break this on down. How to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed. This is one of the biggest things I know for me, years back when I was, uh, really beginning to do all my spiritual work. And before that I was always overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed with decisions. I was overwhelmed with my relationships. I was overwhelmed with too many, you know, bills to pay. I was overwhelmed with every day. What should I do? I was overwhelmed with everything I don't think I was ever not overwhelmed quite frankly. And so I wanted to break this down a little bit because whether I'm coming into a breakthrough call with people and, and taking a look at where they're at and where they wanna be, or whether I'm, you know, sitting down with a friend at lunch or whether I am, uh, dealing with people in the live coaching calls, being overwhelmed is one of the biggest things that people deal with. (02:19): So let's break this on down. So I, I wanted to say that there's no small solution for being overwhelmed. In the long term, we have a profound worksheet to break through being overwhelmed, and it clearly helps people get committed, but this is the deal I'm gonna get a little bit more real here with you. (02:43): How bad do you want it? How bad do you really actually want to not deal with being overwhelmed all the time on a rate. I want you to rate it from a one being, you know what, I'm not really that committed. I kind of like being overwhelmed and I'm kind of committed to the drama in my life to, to attend. Like I'm fed up. I I'm, I'm done being overwhelmed and having this be a vicious cycle in my life and the insanity of always being overwhelmed. So there's really only one way to not be overwhelmed. And it's our core teaching in our profound programs. And it is embodiment. Okay. We help people really end, uh, being overwhelmed because opposite of being overwhelmed is having clarity and clarity equals power and to become somebody who's truly powerful. You're already all powerful. You're just, you're just have inverted the use of power through all the limited beliefs in the soul level. (03:44): Okay. So it's not like you become powerful. You're always powerful. You're powerful now. And you will always be powerful. Okay. It's just that we have an inverted use of power and we have all the limited beliefs that basically distorts the power through the subconscious mind through soul and out pictures in our life as drama, as chaos as being overwhelmed. But the truth is so how do you become powerful? That same energy that's fragmenting out as being overwhelmed basically means it's energy particles going in all direction. And therefore your energy is dispersed all over the place, which ends in things like having anxiety, being overwhelmed, being confused, all those things that's out picturing of, of perfect out picturing to make that into alignment with universal law, right, is really coming into alignment with, with clarity, with all these things. And how do we do that? We do that of course, via E four trauma method. (04:41): And by really clearing out your soul, your subconscious mind, clearing out all the energetics on the epigenetics to have you come to your soul's calling, which is really you're here to complete the lineage energetics for you. So say for example, you came from slavery, say you came from a lot of addiction, say you came from being totally disempowered in your lineage. All the women were very disempowered. Whatever that lineage is, you're here to complete that cycle. Whether you dealt with abuse or whether you just dealt with being in narcissistic relationships, codependent relationships, whether you, it doesn't matter, whether it be a different ailments or diseases you've dealt with through your lineage, you're here to complete those cycles. So clarity comes with that deep, deep, deep, profound work. And people want total clarity not to be overwhelmed in three sessions, right? These are lifetimes lifetimes of energetics. (05:35): We're dealing with that. We need to dive deep into this work. So what happens when I am sitting down with somebody, you know, in say a breakthrough call, typical in our, in one of our enrollment calls or something like, well, I'm trying to figure out, you know, what my purpose is, and I'm trying to figure out, should I be in this relationship or not? Or, you know what? I don't know. Like I, sometimes I feel good. Should I live in this one area? Should I not live in this one? They all of a sudden they bring in everything, all of their problems. I'm sure you've dealt with this with girlfriends. They go from one point to the next point, to the next point. And all of a sudden their head swirling your head swirling. You're like, oh my gosh, like, how do you even deal with this? (06:10): Because there's so many problems. Should I live in this one town? Should I move? Should I stay in this one relationship? Should I not? Is this my calling? Or should I do this? Well, I could do this instead. Should I stay in this work? Should I stay in this job? Should I stay in my corporate job? Should I leave? Should I get a different demographic? You know, now I'm coaching. Should I coach women? Should I coach men should, right. It begins to get all this confusion and it mounds up exponentially. And the truth is this. (06:39): Until you know how to master your mind, you will always be confused. I'm gonna say it again until you've learned how to master your mind. You will always be the effect of being overwhelmed. This is not a little feat. This is not a pill that you get to take. This is not a five week course. That's gonna change your entire life. And you're never gonna be overwhelmed again. Master your mind, master your life, transform your trauma, transform your life. This is no little thing I'm not ever going to be one of those coaches. That's gonna say in six weeks you can make seven figures and all your problems will be solved because you're just gonna make enough money and everything's gonna be great. Okay? I would be lying to you and you should run for the Hills. If you ever see an ad like that, this is what I know for sure there is no shortcut, but what I know for sure also, after developing and training so many people across the globe, right? (07:43): We have accredited coaching programs that are profound. We have spiritual practitioner programs that are profound. Okay? These are year long, two year long programs of intensive training for you to clear out your trauma, reprogram your subconscious mind, birth your purpose, and yes, master your mind. So this is what it is. This is what a true practitioner is. A practitioner is somebody who not only knows the truth. They live the truth. So, you know, you can sit across from a table from somebody, your girlfriend, or you can sit in a breakthrough call and you can take all this energetics and it's swirling around. We all know those times. You're like giving advice to your girlfriends and you're analyzing, wow, should I stand in this relationship, man, there's such a jerk. Oh my gosh, you can't believe what he did or he just doesn't wanna commit. Or all these victim mentality. (08:42): I'm telling you, we live in a culture of victims. And I'm gonna say that in the nicest way, we are in a culture of victims. They're a victim of this, a victim of the politics, a victim victim of the financial system, a victim of their acts, a victim of their parents, a victim of everything. When we fully step into our power and do our deep, deep, deep work, we realize that the universe is working for us. That every breakdown is the opportunity for a spiritual leader to rise spiritual leaders, focus on what they are committed to creating. They don't focus on all the problems. They focus on the solution. And it's the same thing. When we're sitting going around and around in our mind, should I do this? Should I do that? We don't spirit. Doesn't create from the facts of the world. Spirit, your true self creates from nothing. (09:36): It creates from a decision in mind. And if you're confused of what you should do, it means you're looking to the world. We call it this. The original sin is placing our power and looking to seek something out there in the world. You will never ever know your true power until you go so deep within, through all the processes E four trauma method and goes so deep in your spiritual practice goes so deep into your meditation practice that you know, nothing of this world that you realize you're not, you're not of this world, you're in this world, but you're not of this world. You are source. And when you master your mind, you will master your life. When you want to truly no longer be overwhelmed. There's only one way it's to go within and get so clear of what you're truly committed to. And that's one of the worksheets that we work through inside of the coaching program and the self coaching program as well, that you need to know how to switch the energetics when you're overwhelmed. (10:32): That is like, if you're in a vehicle, okay, say you're in a car. And all of a sudden the lights flash