Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society. The shift to the tribe, your movement (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in soul society. The number one, spiritual coaching community, committed to enlightenment empowerment and entrepreneurship. So today we're gonna talk about how to become a spiritual coach of the law of attraction, how to become a teacher of the law of attraction. I dunno, but for me, years ago, I was, um, very obsessed. I was obsessed with everything to do with spirituality consciousness. I remember watching the documentary, what the bleep do we know, and the secret and reading all kinds of books under the sun, every, from everything from Deepak Chopra to Wayne Dyer, to you name it, every conference I can get my hands on. I began to meditate, um, at the age of 24 and have been doing it now for, um, well, how old am I? (01:02): Let's see. That's about 23 years now. I've been meditating and, um, just really love the concept of the law of attraction. However, I realize that the law of attraction is just one distinction within a thousand of what and how we manifest as spiritual coaches and spiritual leaders. And all of us were manifesting 24 7 without any effort whatsoever. But for years ago, I was, you know, I was obsessed with the work. And I remember there was a point in time where I realized that it was a possibility for me to actually become the teacher instead of being the student. And it was something that was not even in my consciousness. I never even knew it was possible. I didn't even ever see myself as that. And one day I realized in that moment, I was like, wow, this is, this is an actual option that people can choose to become. (01:57): Coaches, become leaders, become the authors of books in the realm of the law of attraction. So one, I wanna just break down what is the law of attraction and how do you become a teacher of the law of attraction? So within society, we train and develop spiritual leaders, people that just have spiritual businesses online and offline that want to bring their spiritual distinctions into their daily life in their business. We also cert certificate certificate certify spiritual coaches, basically that are in the realm of what people would consider law of attraction leaders. So what is a law of attraction? The law of attraction basically is a law, a universal law that states that what we embody we're going to attract, right? So it's, it's a little bit confusing because in the metaphysical realm or the new thought genre is really the genre that the law of attraction came down. (02:55): So the actual documentary, the law, the secret was based off of a book called the science of getting rich. And that book is in a genre that's considered new thought, and it is great minds that have come down the lineage, everything from Agapi Michael Beckwith in Los Angeles, all the way through many, many leaders, em, Emma Curtis Hopkins and Ernest Holmes, and so many amazing leaders all the way up to Emerson and pH Quimby who had the mental mu cure movement over in Europe. And so it's important to understand what are you talking about when you're talking about the law of attraction? What are you talking about? You're talking about metaphysics. Okay. You're talking about physical laws of spiritual laws that come through the law. We call the law and what is the law? The law is basically how you are manifesting, how you're demonstrating. It's like understanding again, a use analogy of if you had a car and you get into your car, but you never are taught how to use your car. (03:50): The laws are basically distinctions to have us understand how we are manifesting and how we are demonstrating 24 7 with the, even the consideration at the sole level, you are manifesting with the law of attraction without any effort whatsoever. And the confusing thing about the secret of the documentary was that we thought we can just put effort into manifesting, and it really should be effortless when you are embodying your truth. When you're embodying the truth of whatever you are, you should be manifesting with ease and grace and inspired action. So on that note, I recognize right here, right now that you have the ability to shift your embodiment, you have the ability to shift the law of attraction. You have the ability to shift your beliefs at a soul level. Okay. So how do you become a teacher of this? Well, in society, we certify spiritual coaches. (04:44): And what does that mean? So anytime somebody's coming and they wanna be a master spiritual life coach, right? What does it take to do that? Well, you gotta embody it. You know what I mean? That's the most important thing. So anybody coming into the program that just wants to get out there and teach the biggest obstacle I've found for coaches is that they're not ready. They've not embodied the wisdom. They've not done their own inner work. They've not shifted their trauma. They have not come back to the true identity of the I am. And the truth is that when you truly embody this work and you start becoming the best, highest version of yourself and the most embodied version of yourself, people literally it's like when Harry Metz McSally, they're like, I don't know what she has, but I want what she has. I'll take one of what she's having. (05:28): Right? So the law of attraction and becoming the greatest teacher of the law attraction is really embodying the work. That's the number one thing that has to happen in society. We have a 300 hour program around getting certified, and I'm sure there's, there's lots of life coaching certifications out there. And the good thing, and the bad thing is that the coaching world is not, um, it's not governed and especially the spiritual life coaching world, because we, we get to do what we wanna do. We it's our spiritual, right, right. As long as we're not hurting anyone. And we recognize that if somebody has a mental illness or is suicidal, they need to seek help, professional help. Right. But beyond that, as spiritual leaders and teachers, we get the right, we have the right to do the work of past lives. We get the right of doing spiritual, emotional trauma. (06:19): And so if you wanna be a teacher of the law of traction, I truly recommend number one, you've gotta do your own inner work. I'm gonna say this again. And again, and again, you've got to have a connection with divine, your higher self through your daily spiritual practice, or whether that be through meditation, prayer, all the above. I recognize that you have to have that distinction. Secondly, there needs to be your own inner releasing of limiting beliefs. And how we do that in society is through the E four trauma method and releasing the commands and limited beliefs within the soul that are projecting out through reactivity because the mental pictures attached with the emotional trauma have not been neutralized. So what we saw in the secret of the law of attraction is people trying to manifest. And often what we found is one, they either were manifesting material things or something that just actually never got them the true fulfillment or number two, they tried to manifest and they just couldn't do it. (07:25): So what doing your inner trauma work and connecting with divine through the daily spiritual practices does, is it burs your truth so that you're manifesting authentically? What really matters to you versus keeping up with the Jones or doing whatever you thought you should do to be acknowledged through and validated through the culture. So it's imperative that you birth your truth as a spiritual leader, as a spiritual coach, someone who wants to be a teacher of love traction, you've got to really tap into your own truth, getting clear of what your core principles are, your core values, and basically birthing your purpose and calling. And I truly believe that if you wanna be a practitioner or a teacher or a spiritual coach in the realm of the law of traction, you've got to really fully align your subconscious mind with your conscious mind so that there is a oneness within you and you're living fully embodied as, you know, a fully empowered individual. (08:24): And then next it's really about learning your skill set, you know, be a teacher of the law of attraction. You've gotta understand business. You've gotta understand what it takes to, um, you know, put yourself out there, how to look professional, how to get your clients, how to have one on ones, how to build your framework so that you can have a powerful transformation for your clients and have them fully bird their truth. And how we do that in society is we teach the eight pillars of business. And this is done by understanding that you need to understand your mission. You need to understand who your client is, your avatar. You've gotta understand what your product is and how you're gonna price it and how you're gonna actually take that out through technology. We teach a gradient. So it's super important to start small and build upon that. (09:09): And that's the way the universe works. And then also understanding what is your message, what pain points, what are you, what problems are you solving for your clients? What issues are they dealing with in life that is attracting them to you? What have you had to overcome that goes into your branding and into your message and into your website and into your ads and into whatever it is that you're doing with it, be out networking or building and online platform. Then also in sales, you know, sales, you've gotta understand and be able to totally be, you know, relatable and be able to understand and create a gap for people, understanding that as you create that gap and get them committed your job as a spiritual coach, teaching law of attraction is to help somebody really get committed to their own dreams, to their own passions, to what really matters to them and have them understand why, why do they wanna manifest and demonstrate something? (10:02): Why do they wanna embody something? Why is it important to them? The number one job you're doing as a coach and as a leader is to get people committed because you can teach 'em everything under the sun, but you can't do it for them. You have to, they have to be motivated to actually do and implement the work. And then you wanna help people. And, uh, the eight pillars of business, be able to understand how to organize anything, because we understand that as universal law and the law of attraction, that really what we focus on expands. And the mo